Chapter Eleven: The Dinner Part Two

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"Who cares where happiness comes from? Look, we're all a little weird, we're all a little wacky-some more than others-but...if it works, it works."
- Dean Winchester

Song: Where Did You Sleep Last Night by Nirvana

"I'm going where the cold wind blows. In the pines, in the pines, where the sun don't ever shine. I would shiver the whole night through."


Bucky enjoyed Big Daddy, he had two parts that he thought was absolutely hilarious. He didn't laugh real loud-the way he would've years ago-but he did chuckle, which was better than being completely emotionless. The two parts he loved were somewhat close to each other. One was when the kid in the movie started crying in McDonald's, so Adam Sandler's character yelled for someone to "get the kid a happy meal." The second part Bucky really enjoyed was after the kid had passed out from eating a lot of junk food, and woke up yelling that he wanted the "Kangaroo Song," until Adam's character yelled, "Alright! God, you were normal yesterday."

After Big Daddy had ended, Harlow brought a tray full of different desserts. She also made sure she had plastic silverware for the three of them to eat some of the desserts with. Harlow offered Bucky the chance to try everything, and almost like a child, Bucky decided he wanted to try all of the desserts. Obviously, before eating or drinking anything, he had watched Harlow and Jodie try them first to make sure nothing was poisoned. Sure, it seemed a little paranoid, but he didn't know what to expect when it came to HYDRA trying to find him, and he knew he should expect anything.

What he didn't know was that Harlow could see him watch her try all of the foods first before he would eat them, and she was almost sure that he had some form of PTSD from possibly being a soldier. She couldn't be sure, and obviously Bucky wasn't going to open up to her, so she never asked about it. Bucky didn't know any of this though, so he believed she was completely oblivious to his actions. He didn't want to freak them out at all with the way he was acting, but he couldn't help himself.

The next movie they watched was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Bucky learned that Johnny Depp played the character of Willy Wonka, and he also learned that Harlow could practically recite everything Willy Wonka's character said in the movie. She absolutely loved Willy Wonka, and after watching the movie, he could see why. He had a feeling that after he finally seen the movie, Harlow was more than likely going to greet him like Willy Wonka from then on with, "goodmorning starshine, the earth says hello."

"When Jodie goes to bed, you can stay and watch another movie with me, if you want. I have some movies that aren't little kid movies, and I have a feeling you'll like them," Harlow commented, and Bucky agreed.

He was reluctant at first, but after remembering how well the night had been going, he decided that one more movie wasn't going to hurt anything. Honestly, he was quite entertained by the movies, and they helped him not feel so stressed, so he wanted to stay and watch one more. He had a small voice in his head telling him that he would feel less stressed and anxious with the movies, and he wanted to believe it.

"Goodnight, Mr. Bucky," Jodie murmured, as she walked over and hugged him.

"Just Bucky, not Mr. Bucky," He commented, and she nodded.

"Yeah, 'cause we're best friends," Jodie replied, before she ran off to her room for the night.

Once Harlow had tucked Jodie into bed and turned on the little girl's nightlight, she turned on the small radio Jodie always slept with, and made sure a peaceful station was playing. As soon as she was finished, Harlow walked back into the living room to Bucky. Bucky could see the routine from his spot on the couch, but he didn't question anything. He actually wondered if having a radio on would help him with his nightmares.

Anyhow, Harlow grabbed a large disposable tray, and packed most of the desserts into the tray. She then sat the tray on top of Bucky's pizza box, which she also put the leftover cheese sticks in.

"You can take all of this home with you. I normally bring home treats from the bakery often for Jodie, so I don't really have a reason to have so many laying around. Oh, and you can take home the soda. Jodie only drinks soda when we have pizza nights, or I take her to a restaurant," Harlow commented, smiling politely at Bucky.

Bucky thanked her quietly, before the two turned to the tv to watch the movie Harlow had put in the DVD player. She had chosen Fast and Furious, which she said Jodie would eventually be able to watch, once she was a little bit older. Bucky really enjoyed the movie, and Harlow promised he could come over to watch the others in the series real soon. She also commented that she had another few movie series she wanted to show him. He never outwardly agreed to coming over, since he wasn't sure if he'd even be around for the next movie, but he had a small sliver of hope that he was.

He wasn't sure if HYDRA would've caught up to him by then or not, but he could never be sure. He grabbed all of the things Harlow had given him, before walking over to his apartment. He put everything away somewhat fast, before deciding to go and try to fall asleep. He figured all of the movies would help keep his mind at ease for a little bit, as long as he didn't try to overthink anything. He did wonder how much it would cost him to get a small radio or tv set, since he wanted a small distraction from the complete silence of his apartment. He would just have to figure it out as he went though, since he knew he wouldn't be able to bring the items with him if he had to disappear...

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