Chapter Sixty One: Civil War

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"Stop the violence! Can't we all just get along?"
- Caretaker (The Longest Yard)

Song: Get Back by Ludacris

"I'm gonna tell you one time don't fuck with me. Get down! 'Cause I ain't got nothing to lose, and I'm having a bad day, don't make me take it out on you."


Harlow and Clint ran forward together. Natasha had run at them, tackling Harlow to the ground. Harlow had somewhat expected it though, so she was able to keep herself from hitting her head and getting a concussion. Clint went to help, but he was attacked by Rhodey.

"I really don't think you should be here. I think you should be back with Laura and the kids," Natasha commented, as she held her forearm over Harlow's throat.

"I have to try, even if it ends up to be a losing battle," Harlow replied, and Natasha smiled.

"I can respect that," Natasha replied,"and seeing as you have a little girl, I'll go easy on you," She added, causing Harlow to smirk.

"Don't bother, I've been a fighter for years," Harlow retorted, before she knocked Natasha off of her.

Natasha and Harlow fought for a bit, and Harlow had successfully hit Natasha quite a few times. Natasha's ribs were sore, and Harlow knew she'd be limping for a week at least from the kick she recieved from Natasha. Harlow had hit Natasha with her elbow in the ribs twice, before she felt a web go around her ankles.

"The hell?" She questioned, as she looked down.

Natasha was able to get away from Harlow, mostly because the boy had her occupied. Also, Natasha didn't want the girl to feel overwhelmed, since she wasn't even supposed to be a part of the battle in the first place. Harlow cut the webs off of her ankles with a knife she had attached to her side.

"Look, kid, you really shouldn't be in the middle of this," Harlow commented, causing the spider boy to frown.

"Mr. Stark recruited me. I-I'm Spider Man, and he thought I would be a good asset to his team," The boy replied, making Harlow sigh.

"I don't want to hit you, darling, you're just a child," Harlow replied, causing the boy to scoff.

"I'm fourteen," He retorted, before he got ready to fight her,"and I'm not afraid to fight you. Yes, you think I'm a kid, but I'm strong," He said, and she shrugged.

"Fine, your funeral," She replied, as she slid her knife back into its holder.

She let him throw the first punch, but the moment he threw a punch, she caught his wrist. His eyes widened, not expecting her to catch his wrist before he hit her.

"You'd be surprised just how many years of training I've had," Harlow commented, before she threw a punch and hit him in the ribs.

The two faught for a bit, before they were thrown apart by a small explosion caused by Vision and Wanda. Harlow hit the ground with a thud and a groan, the same as Spider-Man did. Clint quickly ran over and stuck his hand out to help her up. Once she was standing, she dusted herself off, and the two ran off to join the fight again.

"You good?" Clint asked, as he looked over at the girl.

"It's been a while since I've been in hand to hand combat, but I've got this," She answered, looking over at him,"And you?"

"It's not a normal fight, but I never stopped training, so that's a plus," He replied, and she chuckled.

Harlow and Clint were soon with Wanda when things seemed to get even more rough. Luckily there wasn't any blood, but there was definitely plenty of bruises, and maybe some broken or fractured bones.

"I'm going to find Bucky and Sam," Harlow commented, when she looked over and seen Steve.

"We're supposed to stay together," Clint said, making the girl sigh.

"I know, but we're also supposed to fight, and to fight, means not to leave a man behind," She replied, causing him to frown.

"Find them," Clint said,"but come back," He added, pointing his finger directly at Harlow.

Harlow quickly ran off to find Bucky and Sam. When she did find them, they were fighting off Spider-Man. Before she could really do anything, she watched the boy be tossed away by Redwing, causing her to smirk.

"You couldn't do that earlier?" Bucky commented, causing Sam to scoff.

"Shut up, man," Sam retorted, making Harlow laugh.

"You two are a mess," She said, as she walked over towards them.

Grabbing her knife, Harlow cut the webbing off of the boys. She helped them both to their feet, before they went running back towards the battle. Harlow went straight to Clint, knowing if she didn't, he'd probably kick her ass.

"If we get arrested, you and Jodie should probably stay with Laura and I. It'd definitely be best for you two, and definitely safer," Clint commented, as he and Harlow took a minute to breath.

"Well, guess I'll never find an easy job being a criminal that was arrested by Feds," She joked, causing the man to chuckle.

Harlow and Clint stayed together during the battle, even when they were attacked. It seemed everyone knew now to attack the pair with two people, or one really strong person. Vision was able to take them both down at once, since he was really strong. The two didn't stay down long though, since they were determined to win.

"This fight isn't going to end," Harlow said, as she breathed harshly from the soreness in her ribs.

"It'll end, it just won't be as easy as taking down a regular person and keeping them down," Clint replied, and Harlow nodded.

Harlow knew it was going to just get worse, and she wasn't sure how far she was going to have to go to finally get Bucky out of here, and for her to get back to her daughter...

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