Chapter Sixty Nine: White Wolf

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"The sea may be rough, but I am the Captain! No matter how difficult, I will prevail."
- Jack Sparrow

Song: My Life Would Suck Without You by Kelly Clarkson

"Cause we belong together now. Forever united here somehow. You got a piece of me, and honestly, my life would suck without you."


Harlow had heard the name before. She had heard it in passing, but she wasn't sure who the people were talking about. She hadn't known who it was until she heard the name come out of a child's mouth, as he talked to his friends, and pointed to Bucky. The child had a smile on his face, and from what Harlow could hear, the child liked Bucky. He seemed to enjoy the goats, and he liked how nice Bucky was to him and all of his friends.

Hearing a child speak about how much they liked Bucky, and how nice Bucky was to them made Harlow's heart swell. She almost wondered if she would want to have a child with Bucky. They already had Jodie, so she wasn't sure she'd ever want another child, but if she ever had one-or another one if she wasn't speaking biologically-she would want to have a child with Bucky.

Bucky was the only man she could ever imagine having a child with. He was her favorite man, and she would never change him for anything. Honestly, he was so sweet to children, and he made Harlow want to think about having children with him. The idea of Bucky holding a baby -their baby- made her heart skip a beat, and her ovaries ache with the need to have a child, or rather another child with Bucky Barnes.

Harlow was a little unsure about the whole pregnancy thing though. She was nervous about having a baby grow in her body, as well as having to push the baby out of such a small hole. She knew it would stretch, but the idea of the pain and such was a major factor in the idea of NOT having a baby. If she was given a chance, even a surprise chance, she would happily accept. She may even agree to a baby if Bucky was the one that wanted one the most.

"Hello, White Wolf," Harlow cooed, as she walked over to Bucky.

"White Wolf?" He wondered, smiling at her,"So, you've finally heard my name?" He asked, and she nodded.

"Yes, I actually heard it when I heard some kids talking about how much they like you," Harlow replied, causing Bucky to chuckle.

"I'm trying here, y'know?" He commented, and she nodded,"Having so many things to do and people who don't judge me helps my head. Honestly, all of these kids help keep me occupied, even if it's only for a few minutes. It's also nice to see Jodie have fun with so many children her age, ones that aren't judging her because she's a genius," He said, causing her to smile sweetly.

"So she gets along with the children?" Harlow asked, looking up at Bucky with hopeful eyes.

Harlow wasn't always able to be around when Jodie was out with other kids, but Bucky was able to be around a lotz so he watched over their little girl. When Harlow was given the chance though, she watched Jodie, so Bucky could exercise, train, or whatever else he wanted to do.

"Yes, she really does. She likes to play with them when she doesn't have homework. She was the one to introduce all of the children to me," He replied, causing the woman to chuckle.

"She just wants you to meet all of her new friends," Harlow joked, and Bucky laughed.

"I should go around and see if you or Jodie have a name like mine," Bucky commented, causing his girlfriend to shrug.

"I doubt it, but who knows, we might be surprised," She replied, making him smirk slightly.

Harlow and Bucky went inside for a bit, and they seen Jodie sitting at the table doing work that Shuri had given her. Harlow and Bucky weren't as smart as Shuri and Jodie, so they wouldn't know everything Jodie was trying to learn from Shuri. If Jodie had any questions, she would have to ask Shuri later or the next day when she went back to learn more.

Shuri was an amazing teacher though, and Jodie seemed to be really happy and learning a lot each day. Jodie would tell Harlow and Bucky about some of the things she learned each day, and even though they might not have understood some of it, they pretended to understand just to put a smile on their daughter's face.

"I like the name White Wolf, it really does suit you," Harlow commented, as she started on dinner.

"Well, thank you," Bucky replied,"and now I really do hope you and Jodie have new names, too. I want to see how well they would suit you," He added, making the girl smile at him.

"You can go around asking if you want, or we can just wait until Shuri tells us. She's always kept up with the names, as has T'Challa," Harlow said, and Bucky chuckled.

T'Challa had actually mentioned the name "White Wolf" before, but at the time she didn't know it was Bucky. Shuri hadn't yet mentioned the name, but Harlow knew soon she would hear the name from the younger girl as well.

Harlow began to think about an idea she could do with Bucky's new name. She could always make him special with it, or she could use it in a special way when she says it next. He always liked being called "Sergeant,""James," or "Sir" when they were being intimate. She often still called him Bucky, but when she was really excited, she'd change what she called him. She wondered just how flustered he'd become if she called him White Wolf. Maybe he would be even more excited in the bedroom whenever they had the chance to do anything...

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