Chapter Thirty Four: Jodie's Sixth Birthday

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"Stay here. Stay as long as you can. For the love of God! Cherish it!"
- Billy Madison (Billy Madison)

Song: Golden by Harry Styles

"You're so golden."


Six years; Jodie had officially been alive for six years. Harlow had spent all week preparing for Jodie's birthday. The little girl wasn't having a big, spectacular birthday party like most six year olds. Instead, she was having a small party that included her, her mother, Bucky, and Mrs. Stanfield. Jodie only wanted the people she loved most to come to the party, everyone else in the world was irrelevant to her.

Jodie was a huge fan of quite a few things, but recently, Jodie had started loving Monster High. So, Harlow spent the entire week running around the town finding everything to do with that show. She collected everything she could, and made sure it wouldn't be used until the party. She even made sure to get a doll of her favorite character; Draculaura. Apparently, the doll was a girl who was the daughter of Dracula.

Bucky had also gotten Jodie a doll, which was of Claudine, a girl who was the daughter of the Wolf Man, or something along those lines. He couldn't quite remember who she was, but he remembered watching one of the movies with Jodie over the summer. Jodie had spent the entire time explaining everything to him, so he really didn't watch much of the movie, and because she was so excited, he really couldn't understand half the things she said.

Ever since the "I love you"s were expressed, Bucky had pretty much stayed at Harlow and Jodie's. Both girls were happy about the arrangement though, so he really didn't have a reason to complain. During the week, when Harlow went to work, or when she went to search for party stuff, Bucky would watch over Jodie. He practically became her second parent while Harlow worked during the summer.

The moment seven o'clock hit on Jodie's birthday, Harlow was up and out of bed. She had ordered a special cookie cutters that was in the shape of Monster High symbols, and since the cookie cutters were metal, Harlow was able to use them to make pancakes without them melting into the batter. She had even gotten fruits and whipped cream to go on the pancakes, which definitely wasn't normal breakfast for Jodie.

Bucky joined her thirty minutes later, once he had taken a shower and was dressed. He helped set up all of the decorations that Harlow wanted displayed. By eight thirty, the couple heard Jodie getting up from her bed. They quickly finished with whatever they were working on, before they turned towards the doorway where Jodie would be coming from.

"Happy birthday!" Harlow and Bucky exclaimed, as Jodie walked into the room.

The little girl jumped a bit from their voices, before she looked around the room and gasped. She explored for a moment, a look of excitement and wonder evident in her eyes as she seen each decoration that was displayed in the main areas of the apartment.

"What do you think?" Harlow asked, as Jodie sat down and gasped at her pancakes.

"This is awesome! Thank you, Mummy! Thank you, Bucky!" Jodie squealed, as she happily ate her breakfast.

A few hours later, Mrs. Stanfield showed up with presents for Jodie, as well as a big Monster High birthday cake. The cake had the school symbol on it, and the symbol held lip gloss inside when it was popped open. There was also rings that outlined the cake, and each ring had a character on it. Harlow only recognized a few, but she knew they were from the show; Draculaura, Claudine, Frankie, Cleo De Nile, Lagoona, and a couple others she didn't recognize.

Once the four ate pizza for a late lunch, Jodie was sat down at the table, and the three adults sang to her. She then blew out the candles, before the cake was cut, and she was given a slice. Harlow then grabbed small cups of ice cream out of the freezer.

"I couldn't find monster ice cream, but I got the next best thing-superman!" Harlow cheered, as she set ice cream down in front of everyone.

After eating cake and ice cream, Jodie almost demanded that she got her gifts. She said it was her birthday and she didn't want to wait any longer. So, after laughing a bit at the little girl, the adults agreed it was time for Jodie to open her gifts.

Mrs. Stanfield had to go first, since she had to leave right after. The woman had gotten Jodie a Frankie doll, as well as a few Littlest Pet Shop pets, and a couple sets of Polly Pockets. Mrs. Stanfield had talked to Harlow about the gifts before buying them, and she and Harlow agreed that soon Jodie would love Littlest Pet Shop and Polly Pocket, so getting them early would be a good idea. Once she had opened the gifts from Mrs. Stanfield, the woman had to leave for an appointment.

Bucky then handed Jodie the gifts he had gotten her. Other than Claudine, he had also gotten her a baby doll of Strawberry Shortcake that smelt like real strawberries, and he got her a few Hot Wheels, since he knew Jodie liked toy cars.

After Bucky's gifts, Harlow grabbed the gifts she had gotten for Jodie. Other than the Draculaura, Harlow bought her a couple Monster High books, Harry Potter's wand, and mermaid necklace. Jodie really liked mermaids, and she could spot one anywhere if she really wanted to.

"So, what did you think of your party?" Harlow asked, as she snuggled with Jodie and Bucky on the couch.

"It was amazing. Thank you," Jodie replied, as her eyes started to droop.

Harlow watched as Jodie laid against Bucky's side and slowly fell asleep. Jodie's hand stayed tightly gripping Bucky's shirt as she slept. Honestly, it was the cutest damn scene Harlow could ever witness. She quickly pulled out her phone and snapped a picture, before she snuggled back into her spot. She couldn't keep herself from wishing this could last forever...

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