Chapter Fifty Two: Calm Before the Storm

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"Things will never be the same, that's just the way it is."
- Tupac Shakur

Song: Gangsta by Kehlani

"To always forgive me. Ride or die with me. That's just what gangsters do."


Harlow had been more careful around Bucky after their first real argument. Sure, they had other disagreements, but they never really got past the slight eyeroll or scoff from the other person. Harlow had been worried she'd set Bucky off, and make him ignore her again, or worse make him ignore Jodie. The problem was, she started to believe that their argument had started because they had been stuck in the apartment for months without any real time to go out and do anything.

Yes, the routine they had was working, but it didn't do much for their mental health at times. Harlow felt like she was becoming an introvert. She didn't want to make Bucky feel responsible for that though, so she kept it to herself. Bucky had seemed to be an introvert for a while though, so she doubted the indoors really bothered him too much. From what she had heard from Bucky about his past though, he was more of an extrovert, and he had gotten Steve to get out of his shell more than once.

Harlow had felt glad that Steve hadn't tried to write to them after she asked him not to. She was worried he'd go against her wishes, even after she heard multiple times from Bucky that Steve was a gentleman and always tried to follow a person's wishes. The only time he didn't, was when their wishes weren't good for them. This time though, she knew it was best, and she was starting to believe Steve knew it, too.

Crawling into her bed to relax for a bit, Harlow pulled out a book and began to read for a bit. Bucky had gone out to get food, and Jodie was in her room playing with dolls. Against their best judgement, Bucky and Harlow had both bought Jodie a doll, so the little girl would have toys to play with. Harlow made sure that all of Jodie's things would fit into her bag when the time came though, which she had a feeling would be soon.

For some reason, Harlow had a gut feeling that something was going to happen. She wasn't sure what or when, but she knew it wasn't going to be good. So, the woman planned to pack Jodie's bag once she finished reading a bit of her book. She wanted to try and relax to see if the feeling would go away, but after reading two chapters, she knew the feeling wasn't going away, it was actually getting stronger.

So, Harlow closed her book and walked into Jodie's room. She smiled to herself when she seen Jodie had fallen asleep curled up with her "Bucky Bear." Staying quiet, Harlow grabbed the big school bag she had bought for Jodie, and began to pack clothes and such into the bag. She packed almost all of Jodie's clothes, toys, her radio, and nightlight, by the time Bucky had gotten back.

"We need to pack up," Harlow said, causing Bucky's eyebrows to furrow.

"Why? Did something happen?" Bucky asked, but Harlow shook her head.

"No, not yet, but I have a bad feeling. I already have almost all of Jodie's things packed, other than her bear and her blanket," Harlow replied, and Bucky nodded.

Bucky quickly grabbed his own bag and threw his clothes in the bag. He didn't have much, but neither did Harlow. To be honest, they were only worried about Jodie having what she needed. They weren't worried about themselves, especially anytime soon, not until they could finally find a place that they could call home forever. Anyhow, Bucky packed Jodie's movies into his bag, not wanting her to lose them, before he quickly zipped it up.

Harlow had gotten herself a smaller bag, deciding a duffle bag was too big and bulky to run with. So, she got herself a bag the size of Jodie's new bag. She packed her clothes, whatever important things she had in her duffle bag, and the blanket she and Bucky had been sharing.

"Let me grab a small bag for food and water, then we can set it all together in Jodie's room," Harlow said, and Bucky nodded.

Harlow grabbed a drawstring bag and placed three waters, the bag of fruit Bucky bought, a box of crackers, some cookies, and a jar of peanut butter with plastic spoons. She also snatched up a box of flavors for their waters, just in case Jodie wasn't happy with just water. Everything was safe though, so Harlow didn't have to worry about the food going bad in the bag too soon.

Looking over at the tv, Harlow's eyes widened. She quickly grabbed the remote and turned up the volume. She listened intently, as the tv spoke of an attack at the Vienna International Centre, and her heart skipped a beat when she seen that they were blaming Bucky. They were saying The Winter Soldier had been the one to attack, but he couldn't have, since he had been at the apartment with Harlow and Jodie when everything happened.

"We have to get ready to get the hell out of dodge," Harlow murmured, as she quickly closed her bag and the food bag.

Bucky went to Jodie's room and lightly shook her awake.

"Put your shoes on, doll, we have to leave," Bucky said, and Jodie looked at him with sleepy, confused eyes.

Bucky grabbed her shoes and helped her slip them on, before he grabbed her favorite bear and put it in her bag. He zipped the bag up, and helped her slip the bag kn her shoulders. The bag was half her size, but with him and her mother at her side, the bag's size would never be a problem. Harlow threw on her own bags, before the world around them seemed to collapse in on itself...

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