Chapter Thirty Eight: First Day of School

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"Don't ever let anybody tell you they're better than you."
- Mrs. Gump (Forrest Gump)

Song: Just Like You by Falling in Reverse

"I am aware, that I am an asshole. I really don't care, about all of that though. I've got nothing to prove, but honestly I'm just like you."


"Jodie! It's time to get up! It's the first day of school!" Harlow exclaimed, as she lightly shook her daughter awake.

The moment Jodie heard the word school, she jumped out of bed and ran out to the table to get breakfast. Bucky laughed when he seen her come to the table. Her hair was a mess, but she had the biggest grin on her face.

Walking towards her from the bar, Bucky placed a plate of bacon and eggs in front of her. He then added two small pancakes on to the plate. As Harlow picked out Jodie's clothes, Bucky put fruit and whipped cream on the table, before fixing Jodie a cup of orange juice.

Once Harlow had found clothes for Jodie, she joined Bucky and Jodie at the table for breakfast. As soon as Jodie was done eating, Harlow brought her to the bathroom to brush her teeth and to take a shower. Normally Jodie would have a shower at night before bed, but picture day was the first day of school, so Jodie needed to be fresh and clean.

After her shower, Harlow handed her the clothes she had picked. Jodie slipped on a pair of black jean shorts, a red Hogwarts shirt, and a pair of red vans. Once Jodie was dressed, Harlow dried the girl's hair, before putting it into a high ponytail. She then curled the little girl's hair, and put a little hairspray in it to keep the curls from falling out.

As soon as she was dressed and her hair was fixed, Jodie ran out to see Bucky again. Bucky had been cleaning up the breakfast dishes, which was something he would do almost every morning, since he felt like he needed to do something because he felt like Harlow did almost everything herself.

"Look at you! So pretty!" He exclaimed, as he picked her up and placed a kiss on her cheek.

Jodie giggled and hugged Bucky tightly, blushing slightly from his compliment. Harlow and Bucky always told her how pretty she was, since kids at school always seemed to try to tear her self-esteem down as much as they could. Harlow hoped this school year would be different, but she had a feeling it wasn't going to be.

"Are you taking me to school with Mummy?" Jodie asked, giving Bucky puppy eyes.

"Yes, I planned to take you with your mom," He replied, and she cheered.

"Jodie, can we have a serious talk before school, darling?" Harlow asked, and Jodie nodded.

Bucky set the little girl down on the bar in front of him and Harlow.

"I know the kids at pre-school were mean to you, and I want you to know that you don't need to take any of their crap. If those kids bother you, you can tell Mommy or Bucky, and we'll make sure something happens, okay?" Harlow said, and Jodie nodded.

"What if the teachers tell me to be quiet and not tell you?" Jodie asked, causing Harlow to frown.

"Then you still tell us, and we'll handle the teachers. If the teachers are bullies or they don't get on to the bad kids and only you, you tell us as soon as we get you from school," Bucky replied, making Harlow nod in agreement.

"I will not let that school treat you like the other one. You're smart, you're beautiful, and you're worth more than any of those other kids at school," Harlow said, and Jodie smiled shyly.

"And don't let us forget just how smart you are. I know for a fact that you're way smarter than I ever was at your age. You're almost smarter than me now, and I'm a grown up," Bucky complimented, causing Jodie to really blush this time.

"You ready to go?" Harlow asked, and Jodie nodded.

"Go get your school bag," Bucky said, as he placed Jodie on the floor.

Jodie quickly grabbed her school bag, as well as her lunchbox that Harlow had packed. Harlow didn't know that Bucky had gone through later on and added a mini chocolate bar into the lunchbox, but that would be a little secret between Bucky and Jodie. Once Jodie had her things, the three left the apartment and began their walk to school.

Jodie held on to their hands, as she skipped happily between them. She was so excited to go to the new school, and Harlow hoped like hell it would be different. If it wasn't, than Harlow was going to have to figure out a way to homeschool Jodie. She wouldn't be sending her to a school full of assholes.

Once they were outside of the school, Harlow lead Jodie and Bucky to Jodie's new teacher. The woman had short blonde hair, and wore a puke green dress. Bucky thought the woman looked terrible, but he kept his opinion to himself.

"Oh, you must be Jodie Simpson," The woman commented,"I'm Miss Day, it's nice to meet you," She said, and Jodie smiled.

"Hi," Jodie replied, waving slightly.

"You'll sit here, next to Taylor. Your bag goes over on the hook, and you can put your lunchbox in the cubby above your bag. Your cubby and hook have your name on it," Miss Day instructed, causing Jodie to nod.

"Can I say bye to Mummy?" Jodie asked, and Miss Day nodded.

"Yes, you can say bye to your parents," She replied, causing Jodie to quickly run over.

"Have a good day, Jodie," Bucky murmured, as he kissed her head.

"We'll see you at two," Harlow added, before Jodie ran to her desk.

Harlow and Bucky left soon after, but Harlow couldn't help but have the gut feeling that this school wasn't fit for Jodie...

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