Chapter Twenty Nine: Dogtags

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"But no more worries, rest your head and go to sleep. Maybe one day we'll wake up and this will all just be a dream."
- Eminem

Song: Memories by Maroon 5

"Everybody hurts sometimes. Everybody hurts someday."


They had officially been together for an entire month. The month had been rather nice, even if it was a little hectic. Harlow would soon have to sign Jodie up for kindergarten, which Harlow wasn't too excited about. She did plan on searching for a school that would cater to gifted children, so Jodie would feel more challenged.

Jodie already knew pretty much everything she needed for Kindergarten. Harlow wouldn't be surprised if she skipped a couple of grades, but she wouldn't know until she had to sign her up.

"I got to go grab the mail, are you good with her for a minute?" Harlow asked Bucky, as she slipped on her sandals.

"You know I am," He replied, causing her to laugh.

"I know, but I have to ask to be polite," She said, opening the front door.

"You're never not polite. You should really learn how to be rude," He joked, and she simply rolled her eyes.

Harlow stepped out of the apartment, and went downstairs to the main office where the mailboxes were kept. She used her key and opened her box, grabbing all the mail, she was confused when she found an small package. On the package it read, 'Miss Harlow Simpson.' The letters were messy, but she could easily tell it was a man's handwriting.

Instead of waiting, she slipped the mail under her arm, before carefully cutting open the package with her key. Inside was a letter, but when she shook the box, she could tell there was something under the letter. Her eyebrows furrowed when she picked up the letter and seen dogtags underneath. She quickly opened the letter, and seen there wasn't much written, but it would explain the dogtags.

'Miss Simpson,

My name is Steve Rogers, but most people know me as Captain America. I don't expect you to know who I am, but I hope you know who I'm talking about. I have recieved a couple pictures to verify that you're with him, and for that, I am grateful. Please take care of him. He won't talk to me, I know, but at least I know he has you. If something ever happens, or if you need me, call me. I left proof in the box for you to know I am who I say I am, and I would appreciate if you gave them to him.

Steve Rogers'

At the bottom of the paper, there was a number scribbled down, so she knew it was his phone number. She then picked up the dogtags and seen the name, James Buchanan Barnes. Her eyebrows furrowed, considering she never knew anyone by that name, until she realized who it was. Bucky was the person Steve was referring to. Bucky Barnes was his name, but his full name was actually James Buchanan Barnes.

Quickly, the girl folded the letter back up and shoved it in the box, before she made her way up to her apartment. She needed to speak to Bucky immediately. If she didn't, her brain would ask too many questions, and she would start to let herself spiral with doubts. She hated when her brain was full of doubt.

Anyhow, the moment she entered the apartment, she placed her mail down, before opening the box once again. Slowly, she walked over to Bucky and handed him the dogtags. She slid the letter into her pocket, since the letter had been addressed to her and not Bucky. For all she knew, Steve didn't want Bucky to know he had written to her.

"Where'd you get these?" Bucky asked, standing up to face Harlow immediately after glancing at the dogtags.

"I got them from someone named Steve Rogers," She replied, acting as though she didn't know who Steve was.

She remembered hearing about Steve Rogers when she was a kid, but she only knew him as Captain America. The Captain was Wade's favorite person, and he knew everything there was to know about him, but the only thing he never really told Harlow about was Bucky Barnes. He said the name James Barnes plenty of times, but he never said Bucky, so she never put the pieces together.

"Steve was here?" He asked, his eyes wide and panicked.

"No, he sent a package with them in it," She replied, causing him to somewhat sigh in relief.

Bucky looked at the box, examining the name scrawled out on it, and once he seen Brooklyn, New York written on there, he knew it really was Steve who sent the box.

"How did he know?" Bucky asked, his voice low.

"I don't know, maybe he had a hunch. For all we know, he could've been here for a mission, and spotted us, but didn't approach. Maybe he was accepting the fact that you wanted privacy," She said, causing Bucky to sigh.

Yes, Bucky did miss his friend, but he couldn't see him, not yet. There was too much going on for him to see Steve. It wasn't like it had been in the forties, things had changed, even if it hadn't changed much for Steve.

"Who is Steve to you?" Harlow asked,"Because if I remember right, Wade told me you were his best friend, meaning back in the forties, so how are you even here? How do you not look old?" She asked, making the man sigh.

"Look, I'll explain everything to you, I just-I need time, is that ok?" He asked, causing her to nod.

She felt reluctant about giving him time, but she knew something was bothering him. She could tell from his eyes that he was upset and conflicted. She didn't know what to say to make him feel better, but there really wasn't much she could think of to do, since she was also a bit conflicted. She just had to trust that he was as good of a man now, like he was only hours ago before she had this thrown on to her...

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