Chapter Forty: Dad

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"When you open your eyes the past is gone, the world is a good place, and it's all going to be ok."
- Michael Oher (the Blind Side)

Song: Sweet Child O Mine by Guns n Roses

"Oh, sweet child of mine."


Jodie had gotten a different idea from Bucky's words, since she never asked him the real question she had wanted to ask. Technically, she had believed she asked the right question, but she had asked it in a way that didn't sound like her real question.

"You two set the table, while I finish making dinner," Harlow said, as she pulled the spiced plum cake from the oven.

"What's for dinner, Mummy?" Jodie asked, as she grabbed forks and napkins.

"I decided to make something simple, so we're having chicken sandwiches with french fries and macaroni and cheese," Harlow replied, pulling cheese from the fridge to put on the chicken patties.

Harlow had decided to make the chicken patties in her air fryer, since the oven was baking the plum cake at the same time. She also wanted to give the oven time to air out before she put any food in it, since spiced plum cake made the oven smell strongly of plums for about an hour after the cake was out. She had learned that the hard way the first time she made the cake. Jodie practically spit out her chicken nuggets the moment they went in her mouth, because she swore they tasted like fruit. When Harlow tried them, she couldn't hold back the gag, and so Harlow learned to never put food in the oven directly after the cake was finished.

"Are you eating plum cake with us tonight, Jodie?" Bucky asked, knowing Harlow had made a small vanilla cake for Jodie just in case.

"I guess, but I can't promise I won't die from eating it," Jodie replied, causing both adults to laugh.

"You are so full of yourself, Jodie. I swear, maybe you shouldn't watch Ninja Turtles anymore," Harlow joked, causing the girl to gasp.

"No! You can't take away Raph! He's my favorite!" She exclaimed, and Bucky raised an eyebrow.

"Most kids like Mikey," Bucky commented, but Jodie shook her head.

"No, my favorite is Raph. He reminds me of Mummy," Jodie replied, causing Bucky to burst out laughing, and Harlow to scoff.

"For that, you're trying the plum cake," Harlow retorted, causing Jodie to giggle.

"See?" She whispered to Bucky, and he just laughed a little bit harder.

Harlow rolled her eyes playfully, as she plated each of their food. She gave Jodie a sectioned plate, since Jodie hated her food touching. She would refuse to eat her food if it even slightly touched another one. Jodie recieved half a chicken sandwich, a bit of macaroni and cheese, and a handful of fries. Harlow also put barbecue sauce on the girl's plate, since Jodie loved barbecue sauce with her fries.

Bucky recieved two chicken sandwiches, some macaroni and cheese, and a plate of fries, and Harlow got one chicken sandwich, and Jodie's other half, as well as a bit of macaroni and cheese. Harlow wasn't a big fan of fries, so she only ate them sometimes. She liked them more when she got them at a restuarant and not at home, which sounded dumb, but it was just the way she was.

After they ate dinner, which included Harlow telling a funny story from work, Harlow cut up slices of cake. Harlow wasn't a big fan of cake, unless it was carrot, pineapple, or coconut, but she ate some nonetheless. Bucky and Harlow watched with anticipation, as Jodie slowly got herself a bite of cake and stuck it in her mouth. The next moment was the funniest. Jodie's jaw dropped and her eyes widened, before she quickly put another bite in her mouth.

"Mummy, why didn't you tell me this cake was so good?!" She exclaimed, causing Harlow to laugh.

"I told you!" Bucky retorted, and Jodie giggled.

"I want more," She said, barely giving herself time to chew as she finished her small slice.

Harlow quickly went and grabbed Jodie another piece of cake, before sitting it down in front of the little girl.

"Well, now it seems I have two plum eaters in this apartment," Harlow commented, causing the two eating cake to smile at her.

After dessert, Jodie and Bucky went to watch tv, as Harlow cleaned up the kitchen. Bucky had offered, but Harlow still needed time to clear her head after the conversation she had earlier with Jodie.

Harlow loved the idea of Jodie being happy, and how much Jodie loved Bucky, but it seemed no matter how long ago it was, her brother's death was always going to haunt her. Jodie wasn't really old enough to miss him too much, but Harlow made sure the girl knew of her father, and knew some of the best stories that Harlow could remember. Some of her best memories were Jodie's favorite bedtime stories.

About an hour later, Jodie had to get up and get her shower before bed. Once she had a shower, she laid on the couch with Bucky for a bit. Harlow had started washing clothes, which included Bucky's, since Bucky pretty much lived with them. He kept his apartment though, just in case he ever had to get away, or at least to stall HYDRA a little to give him and his girls time to run.

"Daddy, I'm tired," Bucky heard, causing his eyes to widen.

Bucky looked down at Jodie, and she sleepily smiled at him.

"Jodie, I--" He began, but she cut him off.

"Mummy said I can be happy with you, and you said you wanted a kid, so you're my new Daddy. I promise my other Daddy won't be mad," She said, making Bucky's heart skip a beat.

"Well, c'mon, let's get you to bed," Bucky replied, unsure of what to actually say.

Bucky brought her to the bathroom to brush her teeth, before he carried her to her room. He tucked her in, turned out her light, and set up her nightlight and radio.

"Goodnight, Jodie," Bucky said, as he kissed the top of her head.

"Goodnight, Daddy, I love you," She replied, and he smiled.

"I love you, too," He murmured, before he left the room.

Jodie had surprised him, honestly she did, but if she had talked to Harlow, and Harlow was fine with her calling him her Dad, then he was going to happily accept it. He just hoped that Jodie didn't upset Harlow when she asked. He knew how much the girl missed her brother, and sometimes discussing him hurt her more than words could ever describe...

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