Chapter Twenty Six: Pre-School Graduation

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"I can't explain why I shine and no one else shines. I think everybody shines in different things."
- Tupac Shakur

Song: Little Me by Little Mix

"You gotta speak up. You gotta shout out, and know that right here, right now, you can you can be beautiful, wonderful, anything you wanna be."


Today was the graduation. Harlow had dressed Jodie in a cute pink dress with a black belt around the waist. She paired the dress with black sandals, and had her hair in a ponytail that was full of curls. It took Harlow an hour to do Jodie's hair, since Jodie wouldn't sit still with her nerves and excitement.

Once Jodie was ready, Harlow went and got ready for the graduation as well. Harlow had her hair in a clip, and curls hung out of the clip, but not in a messy or childish way. She wore a dress as well, which was two colors, the top was a light pink and the bottom was grey. She wore white flats, which weren't shiny like most of the flats she had seen at the store when she was searching for them.

"Is Bucky coming to my graduation, Mummy?" Jodie asked, causing Harlow to shrug.

"I don't know. How about you go finish your smoothie, while I go see if Bucky is coming to the graduation?" Harlow suggested, and Jodie nodded.

Jodie went to the table to finish her smoothie, as Harlow left the apartment quickly. Harlow knocked lightly on Bucky's door, and waited patiently for Bucky to answer. After a moment or two, she heard the door being unlocked and Bucky came out.

"I thought today was Jodie's graduation, shouldn't you be getting ready?" Bucky asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"It is, and I did get ready. I'm waiting on Jodie to finish her breakfast smoothie. While I'm waiting though, I figured I should ask if you're coming to the graduation. Jodie asked, and I wasn't sure, so I had to come ask you," Harlow rambled, and Bucky frowned.

"I don't know if that's a good idea. I'm not the friendliest face, and not everyone really likes me. I don't want to make you guys stand out. You said Jodie already gets bullied, and I don't want you guys to hear more whispers," Bucky ranted, causing Harlow to shake her head.

"I'm not worried about what those people think of me, Bucky. Besides, Jodie was the one asking. She wants you there, I want you there. I know you don't neccesarily like crowded settings, but I promise everything will be fine," Harlow said, and Bucky sighed.

"Are you sure Jodie wants me there?" He asked, his voice low.

"Yes," Harlow answered,"So, put on your best outfit and get to our apartment. We're leaving in thirty minutes," She added, and he nodded.

Harlow went back to her apartment and finished her own smoothie, before she washed her and Jodie's cups. After about ten minutes, Bucky was walking into Harlow and Jodie's apartment. Harlow handed Bucky a smoothie.

"I figured you didn't have breakfast. It's strawberry, banana, and oatmeal. It's really good, Jodie likes it," Harlow commented, and Bucky smiled.

"Thank you," He answered, taking a sip and nodding in agreement that the smoothie was in fact good.

Once Bucky was finished, the three headed out and went to Jodie's school. Jodie signed herself in, before she was placed in the spot she was supposed to sit for the graduation. Once all of the kids and their families had arrived, their names began to be read off.

"She looks nervous," Bucky murmured, and Harlow nodded.

"Yes, but I know she's excited. She keeps looking over here to make sure you and I are still here," Harlow replied, causing Bucky to chuckle.

Harlow could hear people whispering about her and Bucky. She didn't care though, she ignored every word they said about her and him. If they had time to talk bad about her and Bucky, then they didn't have their own lives to live. After each child was called, the crowd of families would clap, and their own family would cheer.

"Jodie Simpson," The teacher called, and Jodie carefully stood up to take care of her dress.

"That's my baby!" Harlow exclaimed, as Bucky whistled.

Everyone clapped, before Jodie had to go sit back down. Harlow made sure to take plenty of pictures. Once all of the students got their papers, they were brought to tables to celebrate. The children were given cookies, cupcakes, sodas, chips, candy, and other treats.

Each student's things were in a special box with their name written on it. Inside Jodie's box also included a purple butterfly plush. The plush was placed in a special spot, so none of the snacks would touch the plush. The box was pretty nice, and Harlow knew Jodie would have the snacks for days. Apparently the teachers had gotten each kid's favorite candies, chips, etc. for their boxes.

Once Jodie had gotten her box, Harlow let her say goodbye to her friends, before they left the pre-school. Bucky agreed to carrying Jodie's box for her, as Harlow held her hand and lead her back to the apartment.

"We'll go to the diner for lunch, once you're ready," Harlow said, as she watched Jodie eat her cupcake.

"Should we get her to the diner before she decides to eat all of her snacks?" Bucky asked, causing the woman to laugh.

"Probably," Harlow murmured,"C'mon Jodie, let's get moving," She commented, and Jodie pouted, but listened nonetheless.

Harlow had asked Bucky to come with her and Jodie, since he had come to the graduation. The woman was so proud of her daughter. Jodie was very smart, and Harlow knew she tried her hardest everyday to be perfect. In any other world, Jodie would be praised by everyone she was around for being so smart, but in this world she was judged, and it wasn't something Harlow was happy about. The girl was perfect, and Harlow and Bucky were sure of it...

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