Chapter Eight: Plum Cake

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"Eat, you'll feel better."
- Remus Lupin

Song: Dead and Gone by T.I., Justin Timberlake

"Oh, I've been travelin' on this road too long! Just tryin' to find my way back home! The old me's dead and gone! Dead and gone!"


The next day, Harlow had decided to make Bucky a cake to thank him for helping her and Jodie. Sure, it was just a simple skinned knee, but his help meant everything to Jodie. She felt special having someone help her, even though they didn't know her very well. Jodie had even went to school and told all the kids that she had a new friend, but she never actually told them Bucky's name.

"What cake are you makin'?" Jodie asked, as she watched her mother bake while she ate dinner.

"I'm making Bucky a plum cake for helping you yesterday. I remember you told me he had a bag of plums the other day, so I figured it's best to go with plum cake, since I know he likes plums." Harlow replied, and Jodie giggled.

"I wanna try plums," Jodie commented, causing Harlow to chuckle.

"You might not like them, and I'd rather you didn't vomit all over my clean floor," Harlow said, making Jodie shrug.

"That won't happen. I'll vomit in the toilet if they're poison," She replied, making Harlow roll her eyes, and just gave the little girl what she wanted.

Since Harlow was cutting up the plums into small slices, she simply gave the little girl a tiny slice of a plum. Jodie studied the fruit for a moment, her eyes staring at it as though she was going to see every different aspect of the fruit. After a moment of staring, Jodie placed the fruit in her mouth and slowly chewed on it.

"Not bad," She murmured, nodding slightly.

"You are too much," Harlow commented, laughing at Jodie's chill reaction.

Harlow followed the recipe in her Harry Potter cookbook, for Mrs. Wesley's spiced plum cake, since she had never made a plum cake before. Harlow loved using her Harry Potter cookbook though, so she used it any chance she was given. Anyhow, after the cake was finished, she put the cover over the cake to keep it fresh. She had used a disposable cake pan, since she didn't want Bucky to feel like he had to repay her for it, or feel rushed to eat it to return her cake pan.

Harlow grabbed a notecard and an envelope, before quickly writing Bucky a small note. 'Thank you for helping Jodie yesterday. She really feels special because of your care. Your act of kindness was really appreciated. To repay you for how nice you were to her, Jodie and I made you a spiced plum cake. I hope you like it. - Jodie and Harlow,' was what the note read. Once the note was written, she slid the notecard into the envelope, and quickly wrote Bucky's name on the front.

"Mummy! I made him a new drawing!" Jodie exclaimed, as she ran over with a small picture.

"He'll love it, darling," Harlow replied, sliding the drawing into the envelope.

Harlow and Jodie quickly carried the cake outside. Harlow placed the cake in front of his door, while Jodie knocked lightly. The two went back into their apartment before Bucky came out of his.

Bucky had been reading Gone With the Wind, when he heard the light knock on his door. He was alert in an instant, and he quickly set the book down. Standing up with a knife in his hand, he walked towards his front door and looked out. He didn't see anyone outside, and when he opened the door, he didn't see anyone hiding. Looking down, he seen the envelope and the cake by his door.

With narrowed eyes, he picked them up, and quickly shut the door once again. He locked the door again, before pulling out the drawing Jodie had made. In the drawing, it showed stick figures, and he could tell that the smallest one was Jodie. The drawing depicted the events of the day before when Jodie had fallen down and hurt her knee.

He felt a smile try to form on his face, but he barely let it stay long. After the drawing, he read the note Harlow had written for him. He then looked down at the cake in front of him and felt a small flutter in his stomach. Opening the cake, he bent down and smelt the scent. The cake smelt amazing, and it was still fairly warm. He was just worried that it may have been poisoned.

Bucky wanted to give Harlow and Jodie the benefit of the doubt though, since they had been so kind to him so far, so he cut a piece and took a small bite. The cake bursted with flavor, and he almost moaned at the taste when it hit his tongue. He waited a moment to see if he had, in fact, been poisoned, but when he felt fine, he continued to eat the piece of cake.

After eating the piece of cake, he contemplated having another. He decided against it though, since he didn't want to waste it by eating the entire cake in one sitting. He easily could though, if he wanted to, mostly because of his super soldier metabolism. His metabolism was high, and he could eat a lot without feeling sick or too full. Most people could easily be jealous of his metabolism.

Setting the cake in the refrigerator, he grabbed a scrap piece of paper and wrote a small note to the girls, 'thank you,' was all that was on the paper. He quickly went to their door and slid the paper under it, before disappearing back into his apartment. He wasn't use to their kindness, not at all, but he wasn't going to be rude. He had manners, and he was going to use them, even if it was something small. It was the thought that counted most...

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