Chapter Seventy Four: Thanos

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"If you die you're completely happy and your soul somewhere lives on. I'm not afraid of dying. Total peace after death, becoming someone else is the best hope I've got."
- Kurt Cobain

Song: Drop the World by Lil Wayne, Eminem

"So, I pick the world up, and ima drop it on your fucking head."


Harlow watched as Thanos's army killed themselves trying to get into the boarder. Everyone around stood and watched, and Harlow was surprised to see that even Okoye was as shocked as she was.

"I don't want you out in this fight," Bucky said, as he glanced over at his fiance.

"I trained for months, Buck, I'm not backing down now," Harlow replied, causing Bucky to sigh.

"Don't die on me," Bucky commented,"We've got lives to live after this," He added, and Harlow chuckled.

"We'll fight an army of aliens and survive, Bucky, don't worry," She murmured, causing him to chuckle as well.

As soon as the barrier was opened, that's when all hell broke loose. Harlow didn't know how hard she was going to have to fight, but she would fight until she had nothing left, just so her family could live. She knew everything was dangerous and uncertain, especially after what she had heard from Bruce, and what T'Challa had summed up from Steve earlier.

Harlow was pretty well trained with her weapons and fighting, but it wasn't perfect compared to the army of aliens. She was bloody, and there wasn't anything she could do about it. Harlow fought quite a few aliens, and she was surprised when she beat most of them.

"Harlow!" She heard, causing her to turn around.

Natasha was behind her, by about thirty or forty feet, and she was on the ground trying to fight off four chitauri. Harlow quickly took down the one she was fighting, before she ran to Natasha's aid. Using her weapon, she knocked two of the chitauri to the ground, before she grabbed Natasha's hand and yanked her to her feet.

"Thanks," Natasha murmured, before she and Harlow began to fight chitauri side by side.

The two girls didn't have super powers like so many others, or even super strength, but they could fight and use weapons as their lives depended on it. Harlow and Natasha were later saved by Wanda, which had been disgusting since they were covered in chitauri blood.

"Thor's here," Natasha murmured, as a bright light was seen from the sky.

Harlow watched as a rather tall man stood up and glanced around at everyone fighting. The man had short hair, and he was rather huge compared to other people out on the battle field. The ground shaking was similar to when Thanos came, but Thanos scared her way more than Thor ever would.

"Bring me Thanos!" Thor yelled, and Harlow shuddered a bit.

She could hear the words deep within her souls. He was upset, angry with the world, and Harlow was sure that someone Thor loved was taken from him-snatched from right through his fingers. She knew she'd feel the same way if someone she loved was taken from her because of Thanos.

Harlow followed after Thor, as did Natasha. Wanda had already run after Thanos to save Vision. When Harlow had seen Thanos trying to hurt Vision and Wanda-though she was sure Vision was gone-Harlow threw her weapon at Thanos as hard as she could. Her weapon lodged in Thanos's shoulder, causing him to groan. With one quick movement though, Thanos tossed Harlow into a tree, knocking the wind out of her.

As Harlow laid, gasping for air, she watched at Thor ran at Thanos. He successfully wounded Thanos, but not bad enough. He hadn't killed him, and that's what Thor had planned to do.

"You should've gone for the head," Thanos told him, before he snapped his fingers.

"No!" Thor yelled, but Thanos had disappeared.

Natasha had walked over to Harlow and helped her up off of the ground. Steve had come over soon after, looking around for Thanos.

"Where is he?" Steve asked, but Harlow didn't bother to answer.

As Harlow glanced around, her body began to feel a little different than normal. She felt a little tingly, and she really didn't feel like herself. She glanced up and watched as one of the Dora Milaje turned to dust in front of her.

"Harlow, Steve," She heard, causing her to look over.

She watched as Bucky crumbled to the ground and turned to dust.

"Bucky!" Harlow cried out, but her body began to feel more uneasy.

"Harlow," Steve began, walking over to her.

"Steve, something's wrong," Harlow said, as her hands began to lose feeling,"I need you to find Jodie. If she's not gone, I need you to take care of her. Please, both of you, promise me," She murmured, as her body began to slowly turn to dust.

"We promise, Harlow, we promise," Natasha answered, as a tear fell from her eye.

"I'm so sorry, Harlow," Steve said, before Harlow was completely gone like Bucky and so many others.

Steve and Natasha stared down at the area where their friend had disappeared right in front of their eyes.

"We have to find Jodie," Natasha said, and Steve nodded.

"You go find the jet, I'll regroup the ones that are left," Steve replied, causing Natasha to nod as well.

Natasha ran off to find the jet that was hidden in the woods. After thirty minutes, Natasha had found the jet. She went on board, but after looking around for a bit, she did not find Jodie.

"Where's Jodie?" Natasha asked, causing one of the children to look over.

"She's gone. She turned to dust," The child answered, making Natasha's heart shatter.

Jodie was gone, which made her feel like she had failed. She was supposed to protect her, but Jodie had turned to dust and Natasha could do nothing about it. Half of the world had disappeared, but it seemed the entire Barnes/Simpson family had disappeared...

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