Chapter Fifteen: Diner Food

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"That's why you see me walk around like nothing's botherin' me even though half of you people got a fuckin' problem with me."
- Eminem

Song: Moving On by Marshmello


Harlow couldn't stop thanking Bucky for helping her when she needed it most. Bucky had brushed it off, saying he was just helping someone in need, but Harlow felt like there was more to it than that. When Harlow was completely better, she decided that she wanted to do something nice for Bucky.

She didn't know too much about Bucky, but from what she did know, the man seemed to like to try new foods. So, once school had ended for Jodie for the day, Harlow decided to get the girl into the idea as well.

"We should bring Bucky out to dinner, don't you think, Jodie?" Harlow commented, and Jodie looked up at her.

"Will he come, Mummy?" Jodie asked, causing Harlow to shrug.

"I don't know, but we can ask. I mean, we have a couple of hours before we have to leave to head to dinner," Harlow replied, making Jodie smile.

"I will ask him, Mummy. He's my best friend," Jodie said, causing her mother to laugh lightly.

Harlow lead Jodie into the apartment, and had the girl take a nice bath. Harlow decided that after dinner, they would go for ice cream, so Jodie wouldn't have time for a bath later. After her bath, Harlow gave the girl a nice outfit to change into. She didn't want her daughter dressed in pajamas when they went out to eat, mostly because Jodie didn't have as many pairs of pajamas as she did regular clothes. Jodie had quite a bit of regular, everyday clothes, only because Harlow refused to have the girl going without clothes. Harlow didn't have a lot of clothes when she was little, so she wanted her daughter to have a lot more.

Anyhow, once Jodie was ready, Harlow had the girl sit down and watch an episode of Doc McStuffins, which Harlow was busy taking a quick shower. By the time the episode ended, Harlow was also clean and dressed in a new pair of pants and a shirt. Once they were both ready, Harlow sent Jodie to knock on Bucky's door, while Harlow got her keys and phone from the kitchen table.

Bucky had answered the door when Jodie had knocked. He had just gotten home an hour earlier from getting plums in town. He would soon need more than just plums, but he loved them, so he got plums more often than other food.

Anyhow, he hadn't eaten a plum yet, by the time he heard a knock on the door and seen Jodie. Moments later, Harlow came out of her apartment and locked the door. She turned to Bucky with a smile on her face, sticking her keys in her pocket to keep from losing them.

"Hey Bucky, Jodie and I are going to our favorite diner for dinner tonight, than going for ice cream afterward," Harlow commented, before turning to her daughter,"Don't you have something you want to ask Bucky, Jodie?" She asked, and Jodie nodded quickly.

"Bucky, do you want to go with us?" Jodie asked,"You're my best friend, and I want you to come," She said, smiling at Bucky.

Bucky sighed, not wanting to go back into public, especially so soon, but he was having a hard time saying 'no' to Jodie. So, with a simple nod of his head, he grabbed his hat and slid it back on top of his head.

"You don't have to wear that," Jodie commented, but Bucky shook his head.

"I don't like when people stare at me," He replied, though his answer had been a lie.

Bucky followed the girls down the stairs, and after around ten minutes, they were outside of the diner. The diner, Lucy's, was small, but the inside was very homey. Harlow lead them to a table they would be seated at, and she allowed Bucky to sit in the corner so he could see everything going on around them, and there was a wall behind his back, so no one could sneak up on him. Harlow sat in front of him, and Jodie had asked to sit beside him.

Bucky had waited for the girls to order first, so he had an idea of what to choose, before he decided to go with what Harlow had ordered. The three sat and chatted, though it was more Harlow and Jodie talking than Bucky, but Bucky didn't mind. He liked listening to what Harlow and Jodie had to say. It kept his mind from wandering to all of the dark thoughts that always seemed to loom.

After eating, Harlow lead Bucky and Jodie to the ice cream parlor that she wanted them to eat at. Bucky wasn't a fan of how bright and colorful the parlor was, but he didn't say anything negative about it outloud. The girls ordered their ice cream first, before Bucky ordered his own.

"I figured the dinner and ice cream would be a nice way to give back a bit after you helped so much when I was sick," Harlow commented, and Bucky nodded slightly.

Bucky felt eyes on him, but when he looked around, he couldn't see anyone or sense anyone around. Frowning, he put his back against a wall to feel a little more safe. When they finished their ice cream, Harlow grasped Jodie's hand in hers.

"Hold my hand, Bucky. We can't cross the street if we don't hold hands," Jodie said, sticking her hand out to Bucky.

On the way, Jodie hadn't asked to hold his hand, but she did this time. Since Jodie was on the side with his flesh hand, he carefully held her hand. If she had been on his other side, he wouldn't have held her hand. He would be afraid to hurt her. Well, he was afraid, but he was even more afraid to hurt her with his other hand.

When they arrived back at the apartment building, Bucky thanked Harlow for the nice night, before waving to the two girls. As soon as he was inside of his apartment with the door closed, he began to wonder why he had the feeling of eyes on him. He didn't know who was watching him, but he was sure someone did...

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