Chapter Forty Four: HYDRA

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"Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you."
- Kurt Cobain

Song: Wanted Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi

"I'm wanted, dead or alive."


Bucky knew the day was going to come; the day where he had to run. He had been comfortable for far too long, and he knew that something was going to happen. A week after Harlow had pulled Jodie from school, Bucky felt an absolute unhinged amount of unease. He couldn't barely sleep or even sit without feeling like eyes were watching him at every moment.

He wasn't only worried about himself anymore, and he knew the worry he held for Jodie and Harlow almost made him sick with nerves. His heart was beating out of his chest when he opened the front door of the apartment and seen someone on ground level trying to "discreetly" stare at him. He watched them put their hand up to their ear and speak, and in that moment he knew they had to run.

"Harlow! We have to get out of here!" Bucky exclaimed, as he ran over to Harlow.

"Bucky, what are you talking about? What's going on?" She asked, causing the man to frown.

"We don't have time to sit and chat, Harlow. They've found us, and we only have a few minutes before they catch us. I seen one of the agents outside, let's go," He stated, and Harlow nodded quickly.

Harlow quickly ran to her room and grabbed a duffle bag, she threw a few outfits inside, as well as all her family photos and important stuff she couldn't leave behind, while Bucky packed Jodie's things. Harlow used her paper shredder to shred all of her and Jodie's documents that anyone could use to find them, before she quickly ran around the apartment to collect anything else she could possibly need.

Once she was packed, she slipped on a pair of running shoes, before going to Jodie's room. She found Bucky helping Jodie slip on new shoes to wear. Jodie quickly grabbed her favorite bear, "Bucky," and stood from her bed. Harlow quickly snatched up the bear Wade bought Jodie, before stuffing it in Jodie's bag.

"Let's go. We don't have much time," Bucky said, and Harlow nodded.

Bucky went to his and Harlow's room and grabbed his bag. He packed a few more outfits of his, as well as the bear he got from Jodie, before grabbing the hat he'd slip over his head. Glancing over at Harlow's dresser, he grabbed a couple more hats and sunglasses. As soon as he was out of the room, he placed the hats and sunglasses on his girls. He then slipped his own on, before letting out a shaky breath.

"Ready?" Harlow asked, and Bucky nodded.

Harlow and Jodie left out first, going down to the lobby of the apartment building to stop their mail.

"Stop all mail that comes here, I'm sending this mail out, and that's it," Harlow stated, and the front desk woman nodded.

The letter she sent out was to the post office, telling them that all her mail was to be redirected and sent to Steve Rogers, so no one could find her, Jodie, or Bucky. Once she took care of that, as well as grabbing what mail was already there, she quickly purchased three tickets to Bucharest to get out of the country. She made sure the names were not going to be traced back to her. Once she purchased the tickets, she and Jodie waited for Bucky.

Bucky soon came with a stolen car. He figured stealing a car would be the least of their worries. Once the girls were secured, Bucky took Harlow to the bank. She went inside and took two grand out of the bank, knowing there would be thousands left for later, but for now, two grand would have to do. She then had them shred her bank card, telling them she was getting a new one later, and they believed her so they shredded it.

On the ride to the airport, she called Ms. Stanfield and told her they were leaving. She said it was a family thing, and she wasn't sure if or when she'd ever be back, but Ms. Stanfield seemed to understand. The woman wished them well, before Harlow took her sims card and SD card from her phone. She slipped them in her pocket, before wiping all data from the phone. Once it was wiped, she threw it out the window and into the water they were driving past.

"Mummy, why are we leaving?" Jodie asked, causing Harlow to sigh.

"To protect ourselves, darling. Bad guys were trying to get Daddy, so you and I are going to protect him," Harlow replied, and Jodie simply nodded.

Harlow was glad she had downloaded an IP address scrambler on Jodie's tablet, so no one would be able to track it. For now, Jodie would be able to play on the tablet, at least for a while, until it became dangerous to have as well. As soon as they arrived at the airport, they grabbed their bags and ran inside. Harlow picked up her tickets, before they showed them to a different woman, and they were allowed on the plane. Bucky barely got through without them trying to check his arm with a metal detector.

Anyway, the three were sat together and farthest from other people so Bucky could keep watch. He may have been paranoid quite often, but he knew this time was different, they really were in danger. Harlow was glad she had brought a small bag full of food and drinks with them on the plane, and luckily her bag hadn't been checked, since the man who was supposed to check them was too lazy to do so. Harlow passed out food and drinks to Bucky and Jodie to try and calm their nerves. She knew nothing would be calm until they finally landed in Bucharest and had a place to hide. Bucky wasn't going to rest even a little until then...

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