Chapter Thirty Two: First Time

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"What do I care how he looks? I am good looking enough for the both of us, I think all these scars show is that my husband is brave."
- Fleur Delacour

Song: Mine by Bazzi

"I just had to let you know you're mine. Hands on your body, I don't wanna waste no time. Feels like forever, even if forever's tonight. Just lay with me, waste this night away with me, you're mine."


(NSFW 18+)(I will leave ××× when the smut begins)

Harlow and Bucky had been on their third date, which just so happened to be two days before Harlow's birthday. Bucky had decided to take Harlow out on a special date for her birthday, and Ms. Stanfield had agreed to taking Jodie back to her place for the night. Harlow didn't know that it was a for Jodie to make big plans for Harlow's birthday, but nonetheless, she was glad her daughter was being taken care of by someone she could trust.

"This date was perfect, Bucky," Harlow commented, as the two walked back towards the apartment hand in hand.

"I figured you deserved a nice date before your birthday," He replied, and she smiled.

"You really are something special, Bucky Barnes," She murmured, as she pulled his lips down to meet hers.

The two stayed kissing for a moment, allowing themselves to savor each other's lips, before the two pulled apart.

"Maybe we should wait until we get to your place," Bucky said, and Harlow nodded quickly.

As soon as they arrived, Harlow unlocked her front door and kicked off her shoes. She carried them into her room and set them in her closet, before she walked into the kitchen to grab herself a glass of juice. After she drank what little juice she put in the cup, she turned around and began to wash the cup. While washing the cup, Bucky walked up behind her and began to press kisses along her neck. She moved her head to the side to give him better access, but as soon as she was finished and her hands were dry, she turned around to Bucky and placed her lips upon his.


The two didn't waste time, before Bucky had her sitting up on the counter top. Her legs were wrapped around his waist, as she moaned when his lips slowly went down her neck. His hands traveled up her thighs, and she was almost glad she wore a dress for the date. His fingers traced the top of her panties, causing her breath to hitch for a moment.

"Can I?" He asked, his voice low.

"Yes," She barely murmured, feeling herself grow more wet by his voice alone.

In one quick movement, Bucky ripped the sides of her panties and pulled them from her body. She would've complained if she wasn't so aroused, but she did manage a giggle when he simply tossed the panties on the counter top next to her. His lips found hers once more, as his one hand slid her dress slowly up her body, and the other hand teased it's way up to her heat.

Her jaw dropped open with a silent gasp, as two cold fingers teased her folds. She knew he was terrified of hurting her with that arm, but she also knew he could work magic with it if he wanted to. When his two cold fingers slid into her core, she practically went breathless. He knew what he was doing with his fingers, that was for sure, but once her dress was off, he slowly started kissing down her body. When his lips came close to her heat, she knew she was in for a ride.

Instead of getting down on his knees, he simply pulled his fingers out of her, and hoisted her up on to his shoulders. He slid his tongue up and down her for a moment, before she felt his tongue slide into her core.

"Fuck," She murmured, gripping tightly to his hair.

Bucky carried her to her room, before carefully placing her on the bed, not once moving from his position. Once he knew she was close, he pulled away from her, causing her to let out a whine.

"Why?" She cried, making him chuckle.

"Don't worry, doll, we're just getting started," He replied, as he started to take off his own clothes.

Once Bucky was naked, he climbed on to the bed and hovered over her. Harlow pointed to the drawer of her bedside table, and Bucky found condoms in the drawer. He quickly slid one on, before looking down at her once more.

"Are you sure?" He asked, and she nodded.

"Please," She rasped, causing him to smirk.

Carefully, he pushed himself into her, and she winced at the pressure and stretching. He was way bigger than anyone she had ever been with in her life. She figured that was because of the super soldier serum, it definitely made everything bigger.

She brought her legs up a bit further on his hips, allowing him to slid all the way into her. She could practically feel him in her lower belly, and he hadn't even started moving yet. As soon as he began to move, she could feel him in every inch of her. She slowly began to move with him, and once she did, it was like magic. He hit every spot that he needed to, and she wasn't lasting very long.

By the time she hit her orgasm, she could feel that he was close. When her walls clenched around him, she could feel him throbbing, and soon he came with her. Because of the serum, he had quite the stamina, so he didn't stop at one orgasm, which Harlow was happy about. Instead, he let her catch her breath, before he began to move once again. In the end, she fell asleep after three hard orgasms, and he fell asleep with the biggest, boyish grin on his face, knowing he had gotten the job done right. He was sure she wouldn't be able to walk in the morning...

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