Ch 14

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"IT'S OVER…… "he heard Magnus shouting out loud …, he woke up all of sudden from his deep Sleep," fuck!! These memories. "he cursed himself, he was breathing hard and  was sweating  badly under the temperature of 16 degree air conditioning… that was really really bad. He took a water bottle from the night stand and drank it in a single gulp.. It's still dark outside, He pulled his pendant to the front which is hanging on his nape by now, it has become a habit, more like mannerism .. He saw the clock it's 3 am, he can't sleep anymore, he was really good for all these 10 years but now it's really getting hard to sleep with those fucking memories, with that same person who gifted those painful memories next to him, especially not when  they are living under the same roof … 

Alec :shhhhhhh… I should get out from this place right now (he shook his head and got up from the bed) 

He took his gray hoodie from the couch and zipped it till his neck.. He  pulled the head cover over his  head and got out of the house . This fresh night breeze outside helps him to breathe normally… he starts to jog on the walking side of the road in the main street of Newyork… over the years  Newyork night will always look colorful with those little lights on the streets, jingle bells outside the fancy shops and bakeries ,rustling sound of dishes in the restaurants, everything looks beautiful looks beautiful in this party town especially in early morning… 

He remembers everything, it still feels Like yesterday.. The day he saw Magnus with cami.. He was broken the moment he saw that, he experienced that pain of betrayal,he thought he got fools around for those days, more than that The word asmodeus said " his son deserves better…" that's where he got hurt… no Matter how much you love  and care for someone, in the end money speaks more  than the person….

On one side seeing Magnus with cami  hurts him  and on the other side,magnus  prefers to hide it from him hurts like hell   … that night became horrible  , he was in pain, he cried a lot .. His pain became rage.. He kept on cursing himself and hitting his hand on the wall, he crawled on the bed and cried his eyes out.. Even the bed reminds him of magnus . They didn't have an intimate relationship but everything is pure between them..Maybe it's only him who wants Magnus forever. The mind which faces betrayal is not ready to listen, what the heart wants… his heart knows he should listen to magnus but his mind is not ready to  take it.. 

At some point His rage changed into self harming.. He hit the mirror, floor and wall until he got his anger out.. His knuckles went white and hand were bleeding, he showed it under the running water which gave him a pricking pain but not as painful as his heart right now.. .everywords, every text and every moment he spent with Magnus started to appear as a fake thing…his heart knows nothing is fake but his mind refuse to accept the truth… he felt that love everytime when he is next to him.. But why did he do this to him???? That's the Pain driving him crazy…

He sat on the bed and heard someone trying to open his door Knob.. He is not in the mood for any talks… so he ignored it but he opened once he heard his dad's voice… he opened the door without looking into his face 

Robert :Can I come in…(he asked and Alec nodded in return) 

Robert took Alec's hand and wiped the dry blood on his finger joints, 

Robert :I don't know what happened to you.. But I know you are in pain.. (he chuckled) alec!! Pain can do two things.. Either it makes you strong or weak.. Don't let your weakness take You over.. For now your pain is dragging you into the darkness, fight it… you know I am still not okay with your sexuality but I love your dignity.. Don't lose it for anyone , make yourself strong.. You know why we left our village.. It's your responsibility to make me proud and make yourself proud..finish your studies and go to work. Shine… I am not asking you to share my burden but it's your life. Your tears are more valuable, don't waste it for worthless people… rich people always go for next.. Make your life study and one day true love comes to you… what you have with magnus is just a fling.. the night might be dark as your heart now.. But it won't last.. When the sun rises I want you to rise and shine.. We love you… and I need you… (he said and left, he is not ready to see this side of his son) 

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