Chapter 103

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💟💟Chapter 103 💟💟

Robert : Alec!!!!!!. Give him back to me!! Give my son back to me.. (he shouted out and even asmodeus looked at him in disbelief)

Magnus :what?? (he took a step back) 

Robert :no no. No no Don't take a step back now.. Your dad is still with me . You think I took this old man only to have these properties …no.. Your dad  is like the golden duck who lays golden eggs at this moment… so sign this too (he said and took another sheet from the file and threw it on the table… which looks like a court notice.. Magnus read it out and his eyes widened, his heart started to beat really faster ..) 

Magnus : A…. A (he stuttered) …. A divorce notice?? (he asked shaking his head in disbelief) 

Robert : yes a divorce notice… in exchange for your father's life (he said with a cheesy smile tugged on his face and on hearing that asmodeus whined from the other side by shaking his head as no , on seeing him Robert ask the guard to remove the tape from his mouth…) 

Asmodeus :magnus please don't do that. I signed those properties papers because anyway it's going to  Alec's hand, but divorce notice ??… Don't sign for it… (he cried while coughing his blood out) I lived enough magnus.. I lived enough.. You both just started your life. I saw you living happily with alec. Don't sign those papers for me.. It will haunt me for the rest of my life, even after my death.. Please magnus, please don't do this to alec.. He loves you so much, he won't forgive us for this.. There is no point in living the life after watching you two got separated because of me (he cried out his tears… on hearing him Robert rolled his eyes) 

Robert : Such a dramatic family!!! I thought you were gonna give some valuable advice to your son.. Put back the tape on his mouth,  now..(he yelled at the guards) That old dog should die like that… (he said looking at asmodeus and shifted his gaze to magnus)

Magnus grabbed his neck again in anger "don't you dare to call him a dog.. You piece of shit" he roared and the next minute he took his hand away when Robert's gaze shifted to Asmodeus slowly… 

Robert :Hoo. come on magnus bane.. You forget your place then and now…. I have been torturing your dad for the past 3 days and I am bored.. If you delay it I am not gonna continue torturing him.. I will go straight to  the option which is I am gonna finish him… it's up to you (he said lethargically and sat on the table again) 

Magnus doesn't know what to do.. Why is it happening to him.. And he doesn't know how he's gonna save his dad without losing his alec.. He thought to himself why he can't have both. He held his head and closed his eyes while supporting his head with that elbow on the table.. A drop of Tears already fell on the papers… Robert left a pitiful funny noise on seeing magnus tears.. 

Robert : need time?? (he asked in a  teasing  way  with a chuckle) 

Magnus : I don't get it… I stayed away from Alec for the past 10 years because you asked me to stay away from him.. You said he didn't want me forever…..10 years back the same night When Alec was leaving for Canada I came to your home… I came to  talk to my alec.. You said Alec doesn't want to see me.. I begged you to let me see him for a minute but you didn't.. You asked me to leave and you said I don't deserve alec.. You asked me to get out of his life.. I fought back but I failed… and then 10 years later you came by yourself  saying that you want me to marry alec.. You agree for this wedding.. Why was that?? (he asked all broken because he doesn't have any strength to cry out anymore…. ) 

Robert : ahh that's a good question… let me enlighten you… 10 years back nothing was accidentally.. You kissing Camille and Cody and Camille's video tapes leak . Your breakup with alec everything was fucking planned by me… and you really think I let you patch up with my son again??? And you were right.. Why do I say yes for your wedding..?(he took a cigarette and lightened it) It's not me who said yes .. It's your father who threatens me with my job.. He said he's gonna fire me if I don't let you marry Alec, we argued but being an employee who is getting salary from your father, I can't fight it .. I don't want to lose my job and my earnings at this age.. Because I was the one taking care of my family, I didn't want to Lose it and start  everything from the beginning…and guess what your father did, he gave half of the properties  to my family … So I agreed because by this way  I can have the whole bane's property in my name… since that day this was my plan and I Was so confident that Alec wouldn't fall into your love trap again…. I know how much he hated you so I forced him to marry you for one year and I promised Alec to set him free after 1 year by getting from you.. In that way I could execute my plan… But Alec!!!! that asshole did that again.that faggot kept on going back to you ….. He was weak around you… He broke my trust… I doubt that when I talked to Alec on his birthday, remember the day you celebrated it on a ship…?? (magnus swallowed hard On hearing that) and when I came back from the trip, I made myself clear when I saw you both together the very next morning in my home… I was burning in anger.. that's when I realized you both are together again …. Even Maryse hid it from me.. She knows me well.. That stupid knows how to keep things from me … so I thought it's time to execute my plans and I did … (he explained to magnus) 

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