Chapter 29

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💗💗Chapter 29💗💗

It's around 7 in evening and it's not that cold outside . Magnus was sleeping on the bed like a dead man on his stomach .. After a healthy conversation with Mike in the morning everything felt comfortable for him whether it's working or sleeping… His peaceful sleep is interrupted by the annoying doorbell… he raised his head without opening his eyes and heard a shower sound from the bathroom.. He frowned again when he heard that door bell again… 

Alec heard it from the bathroom.. He opened the bathroom door which belongs to Magnus's room… "can't you hear that…??" he asked, peeking his head through the door gap... "stop invading my privacy" he threw that pillow straight to Alec's face without opening his eyes… but Alec closed it before the pillow could reach him ...."stupid " Alec mumbled… Magnus walked lazily towards the door…. 

"lazy ass..!!!! Sleeping like a dead body" he cursed Magnus under breath while continuing his shower … 

Magnus opened the door and saw the person standing behind the door with a confused smile. It's Jason … Magnus  is still half sleepy.. All yawning…. He stood there without a word while scratching his neck, probably waiting for the other person to talk ….. 

Jason was searching for Alec in the living room… still faking him  smile at Magnus but he is checking magnus … 

"Are you gonna say something or smile like this by standing there all day?" Magnus asked annoyingly… 

Jason :I am sorry…. I am Jason.. Is Alec Lightwood here?? (he asked hesitantly and peeped his head inside which made magnus get back to reality from his sleepland…)

Magnus nodded, and made way to Jason…he walked back to his room ignoring Jason , he was thinking like who is this creature.. He has a memory like he saw him before somewhere… he was about to open his room door.. But stopped when he heard Jason voice 

Jason :Where is alec?? (he asked and he have a bouquet in his hand, yellow flowers not alec's fav, if magnus remembered correctly) 

Magnus :shower!!! (he said and proceed on his way) 

Before he could get in, he saw Jason smiles with his eyes widened and mouth parted, on seeing Alec who is coming to the living room  from his room.. Magnus took a second to see Alec's attire… why this Jason was seeing him like he was seeing some kind of meat… 

Alec came out with a black  pj's and  black sleeveless low neck vest …while rubbing  his wet hair and his mouth partly opened on seeing Jason… his eyes were the most hilarious thing Magnus could notice right now… it's widened and rolling like he saw some ghost.. Magnus was about to laugh but he gobbled it.. When new Jason hugged Alec tight… it's a casual hug but it felt different to magnus…. .and now he remembered Jason  is the one  he saw the other Day in Alec's fire station.. Same hug.. Same person… He didn't say a word, he left and locked his door behind.. 

He tried to continue his sleep but…. 

Alec relieved himself from Jason's hug… he smiled nervously on looking at Jason.. Jason :Is that???? (he was about to ask while pointing Magnus's room) 

Alec :yeah!! (he said and looked away by wiggling his eyebrows just once) 

Jason took the hint that it's out of topic to him… so he tried to stay on his limits… he gave that bouquet to alec.. Alec took it without ignoring but he looked at him questioningly… 

Jason:HUHHHH.. It's just I came around this way.. So I thought that I could see you.. Because you are working on day shifts.. And Henry scheduled me for the night shifts.. Did you know anything about the shift schedule thing ?? (he asked and Alec shrugged like he didn't know about it) okay!!! So… I just want to see you.. It's been long… is there any problem??? (he said looking at alec's lips and eyes back and forth) 

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