Chapter 37

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💞Chapter 37 💞

Next day morning:

Magnus saw Alec walking into the kitchen while rubbing his forehead with a groaning sound… he dared to look into Magnus's face but Magnus could notice that Alec was watching him through the side vision… his eyeball rolling and rotating right and left .. Magnus is not much into cooking.. He made something simple and a cup of his flavoured coffee… which alec liked the most… alec took some water and drank it continuously like 2 or 3 glasses but it's not helping ... The pain, It's not settling down.. He rubbed his forehead again by closing his eyes really tight ..

"it's better you did with your fingers on both of your templates.." Magnus  said, sipping his cup of coffee and plating his breakfast.. 

"Is he really talking to me??" Alec thought for a second… and then saw magnus suspiciously.. Magnus approached him, Alec breath hit his lung back..he took Alec's hand and placed his index and middle finger on either side  of  his template… Alec looked at him with his eyes widened.. Magnus rotated Alec's fingers  in round  motion like he is giving some tutorial but the other person is lost in that sensation because the limited pressure Magnus gives on that particular point makes him close his eyes and get lost in another world… Magnus smirked on seeing Alec closing his eyes and throwing his head back gently… he is using alec's fingers and moving it smoothly.. 

After a minute, Alec snapped his eyes open when he didn't feel magnus fingers over his own.. Only his finger is on his template right now.. Magnus moved away by gesturing to him to continue… Alec nodded but that hurt a little for alec.. "Did i say something wrong? " he thought and He tried to remember what happened last night but as much as he thought.. He got a headache again… so he stopped pressuring himself… 

Magnus left the kitchen with a plate of breakfast… Alec pouted on seeing that empty kitchen counter… he saw Magnus arranging cutlery on the other plates too…Alec ran to the dinning table really quick and pulled the chair opposite to magnus … he saw Magnus dividing the food in his plate into two halves… he took a apple for namesake… 

On seeing that plate alec started to drool.. It's a simple cheesy mashed potatoes and baked bean with some spice in it… he swallowed his saliva before Magnus could notice…. Magnus  transferred a part of his half-divided food on Alec's plate and offered some coffee from his kettle… this really hot and mouth watering food made Alec forget about  his headache… he took a spoon and started to eat a bean  with some sprinkled spice on it and mashed potato., he couldn't believe his tongue… There is a war between his mouth and hand… 

Magnus watched it with a hidden smile on his face… he shook his head and ate his breakfast watching alec then and now but that bitch is fully focused on the plate more Than on magnus… "being sober all night and eating like a kid in morning.. Funniest creature ''Magnus thought and left with his belongings… 

Alec saw some more potatoes left on magnus plates… he wiped it with his finger and licked by giving a clicking sound using his tongue at the end… "ymmmmyyyy…did he really cooked this?? Because the last thing I remember that Magnus could cook was hot water !!! " he mumbled to himself… 


"wearing it for ages still cannot tug your knot  inside" Anna said pulling the rope hanging down from Magnus's pants… 

"jezzz!! (he jumped) what will I do without you?" Magnus said dramatically and hit the back of  her head playfully…. 

"bitch!!!" she said, adjusting her pony… 

"language lady childrens ward" magnus said laughing at her.. And they both entered into the ward.. 

Magnus :Hey pietro!!! (he said pulling up his backrest straight ) 

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