Chapter 55

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💜💜Chapter 55💜💜

BP :140/90 mmhg 

Pulse :72/min 

PO2 : 90 

"Drunken drive!!!! Hit on the wall…. Left leg broken with mild to moderate head injury… no external bleeding.. "Gracie said, while pushing the stretcher inside… 

Magnus :We got this!! Thanks… (he said and pushed the stretcher further inside the emergency ward… not before checking on alec who was walking inside the hospital casually…) 

Sam checked on the patient and connected him to the cardiac monitor…. 

Magnus :Good he is stable… (he said and started their treatment…) 

Sam :if you want to check on Alec..then go.. I will take care of this patient.. 

Magnus :no… I am fine!! (he said proceeding his work) 

Sam :no you are not.. You guys took the next step. I am happy about that… if you want to talk to him.. Just go… (he said) 

Magnus looked at Sam with his eyes widened… "how do you know??" he asked… 

Sam : Just by the way you walk (he snorted, Magnus hit his arms in return ) and you check your mobile almost 100 times since morning.. So it's clear  you missed him… so if you want to go… go and meet him… (he said pulling his gloves) 

Magnus smiled at sam…"no.. It's okay" he said and continued with the treatment… 

After 15 minutes Magnus came out and saw Alec standing in the reception and  reading the papers….

"We are not gonna cheat on this… sign it quickly" magnus spanked alec's ass and stood next to him… 

Alec :hmmmmmm…. (alec hummed with a smile before signing the papers, he pulled magnus closer by wrapping his arm around magnus shoulder, and crushing him hard ) well I trust you but I am not ready to spare my team's carrier because of my carelessness… (he said looking at the fighters chatting happily outside the hospital,magnus smiled on looking at them… alec signed  and handed it to Anna) 

Magnus :hmmm.. How responsible (he said by wiggling his brows with a. Smile …) lucky me (he said pinching Alec's arms and he heard a little hissing and whining in return…) 

Magnus frowned on seeing that bitterness in Alec's face… "what was that??" he asked by pulling his jerking off… "It's nothing," Alec protested and pulled it back … 

"When we tried to rescue that victim, that giant wall in front of us fell on the car accidentally, and the front glass of the car got scattered …… '' Leo said, waving  from a distance,Magnus noticed that Leo's  forearm was covered with dressing…

Magnus looked at Alec who was rolling his eyes…" it's a little scratch nothing more" alec said to magnus who was throwing death glare on him.. 

Magnus :I will check on it.. Wait in that room (he said pointing at the op room) 

Alec :magnus!!!! (he was about to say something) 

Magnus :Okay I agree, you are strong.. Do it for my satisfaction.... Go (he said without looking at alec) 

Alec smiled on seeing Magnus' bit of an angry face… he cleared his throat and crossed Magnus by rubbing his hands on the other person's ass with a smile tugged face … for which Magnus closed his eyes in return.. He knows he can't resist that feeling anymore.. 

Anna :relax buddy.. He is fine!!! (she said because she knows something bothering magnus from the day 1) 

Magnus didn't say anything he just nodded in return.. Anna could see that silence on Magnus' face…. That rarely happens

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