Chapter 59

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💜💜Chapter 59 💜💜

Anna :Did Alec text you again ??? (she asked while pushing the patient stretcher into the scanning section…) 

Magnus :no… I think he is busy (he said plainly, Anna couldn't get any hint whether he is okay or not) 

Magnus helps the patient lean on the CT bed..

Anna :Are you okay?? (she asked connecting monitor to the platform) 

Magnus :yeah!! (he said and proceeded with his work) 

Anna :You're gonna talk to me once we are done with this alright !! (she said looking at magnus , pointing at the scanner) 

After 15 minutes of procedure.. They both came out and they saw Dr. Marshal entered Deva's room angrily… they both shared a suspicious gaze on looking at Dr. Marshall… 

Magnus : someone is in trouble… (he wiggled his brows and breathed out in frustration..) 

Anna :Okay we will talk about deva later.. Now talk about you.. Why does your face look like a ginger eaten monkey…? (she asked in her way to change his  mood) 

Magnus :nothing I am fine… (he said with a chuckle) 

Anna :Is it about alec??? (she frowned magnus didn't utter a word) then yes it is.. You said he is busy.(she said looking at magnus) 

Magnus :I thinkkkkkkkk he is busy.. I am not sure . I don't know what's running in his mind… hiding things from him!!! he hates that.. that's the main reason we broke up 10 years back.. I kissed Camille and I hid that from alec.. (he was about to continue but Anna interrupted) 

"It's not hiding!! You waited to say that in person "Anna said and  rolled her eyes at magnus 

Magnus :right!!! But it ends up like I made a mistake and I hide things from him… I….. I don't want that to happen again.. I don't want him to take a step back from our relationship… I forced him to move into my room.. That's still under processing and now he found this thing … and he was totally broken..Anna!!! Alec hates lying and hiding things..I can't lose him again (he said rubbing his forehead..) 

Anna :idiot… it's a little fight which you can sort out by apologies… don't overthink it.. Buy something for him, talk to him and sort out once you get back home.. (she said and they both heard from outside, Dr. Marshal shouting at Deva) 

"I made you as an Incharge to follow my orders  not to listen to yours " Dr. Marshall shouted… 

"I am done being your puppet dad… find someone else let me go" deva shouted back… 

"So you can enjoy your life ???" Dr. Marshall asked … 

"Look dad!! It won't take me a minute to walk away, throwing your family pride and status in the air… I am holding back because I still respect you and I am waiting for you to accept my love life .." deva stammered back.. 

"this isn't the life you want deva.. Don't be a stupid" Dr. Marshal.. 

"it's not your place to say dad… you can leave " deva said sternly 

The next minute Dr. Marshal came out with an angry yet frustrated face… 

Anna :Every house has a door.. (she said looking At magnus) she is fighting for her love and you should fight for yours.. Even Though he is your husband, you are both married , he has some expectations and emotions too.. go and  apologize for  what you did and  explain to him why you did??  (she said) 

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