Pt 1

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The first time I ever saw Y/n was on my twentieth birthday, just when Encanto was starting to get visitors from other parts of the world and accept others to live here. He showed up with two people, both of which I learned later were his friends, but all of them were strangers to me. While he showed up with them, it wasn't under normal circumstances, and he didn't really show up with them.

"Hey, hey, we need help!" I heard a ruckus in the center of town as I moved a few barrels of wine for the party tonight. "What kind of help?" I sighed and sat them down for a break as I listened in on the conversation. "We got ambushed by some bad people coming up the trail. Our phones are out of service where he's at, or we would've called for help. We managed to get him about four miles from here, but we can't get him up the mountain by ourselves." We couldn't take any of the donkeys because they were terrified to leave the Encanto, and if they weren't, that would be a hard climb for them. "We might have one donkey that could bring him back. How tall and heavy is he?" They looked at one another for a moment and puffed out their cheeks. "He's for sure six foot ten. I'd have to say he's roughly two-sixty when it comes to weight."

"That'd be a lot of work for that donkey." I got up and picked up the wine barrels again upon hearing Abuelas voice, "Luisa? Luisa? Has anyone seen Luisa?" I turned the corner, "si Abuela?" She came over to me. "This is my granddaughter, Luisa, she can help you." I sat the barrels down once again. "I know I said it'd just be work to help set up your party you'd be doing today, but this is the only time it won't be. Can you help these young men go get their friend and bring him back to Encanto?" I nodded. "Yes, Abuela, I can. Where do you want these first?" She pointed to a corner that was shaded close to Casita, "we can get them from there."

As they took me to where he was, they kept whispering about something like they didn't want me to hear it, and I didn't mind until I heard them.

"I don't know Casey; maybe she's a bit too strong." The other one snorted. "Her gift probably won't even work outside of that place, then we'll be screwed because women can't lift for shit." That hurt my feelings, but I just stayed quiet. "He's right here." Their friend was in pretty bad condition. I wasn't sure if mamá's food would help him fully. "What are you waiting for? Pick him up, barbarian." I bit my lip to hold back the tears as I reached for their friend. "Hey, don't pay any mind to them, ok?" He had such a hard time talking, "they're assholes." I let out a small giggle as I went to lift him, and he winced, "careful with my back." I looked around for something I could place him on that'd be easier on his back. "Hold on, I have an idea. Can you lean here a moment by yourself?" He shook his head. "Casey, come here." His friend sighed. "What do you need?" I told him, and he came over before holding onto him, and I found some old driftwood, which I made quick work of so he could lay on it while I packed him back to Encanto.

"Really, a dirty piece of wood for someone with open wounds?" I swallowed hard, trying not to cry. "I just thought that if I stuck him on here, it'd be easier and -" he scoffed, "easier to kill him? How dumb do you have-" I heard a loud smack before him, and Casey hit the ground. "Don't fuckin' disrespect her like that. Messed the fuck up or not. I will beat your ass." I flushed a bit. "Y/n don't be fighting with Casey again. Casey has a point, though; that piece of wood is dirty and could make your wounds get infected." He shot them both a nasty glare. "You two are goddamn mother fucking idiots and I hope you know that. Get out of here." They looked at him, shocked, and I quite frankly was scared to help him now. "But she'll need -" he chucked a good-sized rock at them, and they dodged it "JUST FUCKIN' GO DAMNIT! You guys aren't being useful anyway." Oh wow. Are they going to attack him, or...? They both groaned and then left.

I set the wood down next to him after a few minutes, and he sighed, "Hey, uh...sorry about that and them." I looked at him "gracias for the apology." I reached for him, and he flinched. "Are you ok?" He nodded, "yeah. I just have siblings, and I never know when they're trying to hit me or help me, so it's a habit to flinch. If you grab me under my left arm, then my belt buckle, you can lift me onto the wood, no problem, by the way -" I'm sorry, where did you say?

I looked at him a moment. "What?" I blushed when I realized what I did. "I just uh... You said your belt buckle?" He nodded. "Is there a problem with that?" Please don't be one of these people "cause if there is, you can always just leave me here to die." He winked at me. "I'm just kidding. If you're uncomfortable with that, you can just pick me up, however. I'm a tough SOB." I nodded, "I noticed. Anyone else would be passed out by now. Adrenaline or not." He grinned at me and I felt my heart give a weird tha-thump.

Once we got back to Encanto I took him to mamá, but his adrenaline must've worn off because he was passed out, most likely from pain since I did hear him groan a few times and draw in a few sharp breaths as well, when I would misstep or the trail got a little tricky. "I'll have to try healing him the normal way without my food until he wakes up." I nodded "ok mamá. Where should we put him?" She was silent a millisecond "the nursery should work perfectly." I nodded then took him there. "Does right here work mamá?" She smiled "yes mija. It works perfect."

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