Pt 55

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"Mommy, daddy!" Willow jumped onto the bed and landed perfectly between me and Luisa "come on get up. My gift ceremony is today!" I rolled over and looked at her after looking at my phone for the time "Willow baby it's three in the morning. Go back to sleep." She pouted "but dad I want to know what my gift is going to be." I groaned "I know, but you won't get to know until later in the day. Just go back to sleep." She cuddled up to me once she crawled under the covers and I wrapped my arms around her "are you excited?" I nodded, more then half asleep "yeah I am. Now please go back to sleep." She giggled "ok I will."

Every time I was almost alseep again she'd say something or do something. There was no getting this girl back to sleep. "You want to help daddy record a song?" She nodded furiously "ok then, let me get dressed and we can go." I was struggling to put my pants on when Luisa rolled over "what are you doing mi amor?" She closed her eyes after making sure it was me "Willow just came in all excited about her gift ceremony and won't go back to sleep, so I told her we could go record a song together." She hummed "please be careful. Encanto isn't exactly safe at this time in the morning." I nodded "I know darlin, we shouldn't be long." I walked over and kissed her forehead then grabbed Willow by the hand and lead her out of the room and down the stairs. We were just going out the door when Luisa caught us "why didn't you stay in bed darlin?" She shrugged "maybe I want to spend time with you guys." I chuckled "then come on let's go."

My parents had decided to move into another house instead of my old one and helped me turn my old one into a recording studio. "Hey sweet cheeks." Some guy I had never seen around here before smacked her ass "hey moron don't be touching her. He'll kill you." His buddy who I now recognized as Samuel's best friend grabbed his arm "you better listen to your friend. I don't fuck around if you get disrespectful with someone. Especially a woman." I gave him a certain look that many had told me was very intimidating.

"Oh what ever. I'm sure his muscles aren't even real. I bet their just there for show." I hummed and kept walking, making sure to walk behind Luisa and keep Willow between me and her "gonna ignore me asshole?" I planned on it unless you give me a reason not to. I heard his buddy say something to him then them argue as we got further and further away.

I heard the sound of running feet and glanced overt shoulder to see the guy running up to us and handed Willow to Luisa just in case he tried anything "listen here buddy, I dont know who you think you are walking around like you own the place just cause your with her, but I'll touch her again if it means I can fight you." I already wasn't in a very good mood cause I was tired and not much of a morning person when woke up the way I was."I'm talking to you." His hand hit my shoulder and I spun around as I pulled my pistol from my hip and swept my leg so he hit the ground then looked at him with a straight face as I put the barrel of my pistol on his forehead.

"Listen here and you listen here good. I have you the chance to leave us alone and you didn't take that chance. I don't got much patience with bastards like you who want to pick a fight with me so you're lucky I ain't pulled this trigger yet. Now you can either leave us alone or you can test my patience one more time, but your ticket to hell is comin to you and I aint afraid to use this hollow point to give you the ride." I cocked it and pulled the trigger, but it just made a quiet click sound making him flinch "let that be your lesson." I put it back on my hip then caught up with Luisa who kept walking like I had told her to if anything happened.

We didn't speak until we got to the recording studio and Luisa looked at me concerned, she knew something was bothering me alot deeper down then I let on. "Whats wrong cowboy?" I glanced at her as Willow sat on my lap and helped me set everything up "nothing. I'm still a bit tired is all." I looked away from her "this button right dad?" I nodded "then this one?" I nodded again "thats right. Here go sit on your mom's lap." I stood up but Luisa wouldn't sit down "there's something wrong mi amor." I sighed before sitting Willow in my chair "stay here ok? Me and mom have to go have a talk." She nodded and I handed her my phone to pull up a movie to watch as we stepped out of the room.

"Whats wrong?" I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose "that guy just frustrated me." She folded her arms "what else baby?" I bit my lip "it doesn't matter." I went to open the door and walk back into the room when she grabbed my hand "Y/n." I glanced back at her and pulled my hand away "I feel like there's something wrong." She grabbed my hand "what do you mean? Like something wrong with you?" Worry went across her face "no not with me, just in general, I can't explain it." I heard Willow giggle on the other side of the door "well I'm sure everything is fine. Maybe its not a bad feeling like you think." I huffed "hopefully your right."

Fast forward 30 mins

"I don't know if she'll understand anything in that one. I don't know if I should do it." Luisa nodded "you should. I don't think she'll understand." She had that special twinkle in her eye "ok I'll do it."

"Daddy can you do Human? I think everyone will really like that one." I rubbed the back of my neck "I don't know babes. I was saving it for a special occasion." Her and Luisa both pouted and gave me puppy dog eyes "please?" I chuckled and placed my hands on my hips as I shifted my weight from one foot to the other "ok ok fine. I changed what track it is, so I think it's track two. Very first sound recording." Luisa nodded then helped Willow find it "ok and go in 3...2...1." I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. This one really ate at me sometimes when I'd sing it.

"Hey I know that song, that's the one that..." I nodded "yeah. It's that one." She smiled "I can't believe you finished it and didn't tell me." Willow looked up at her "its a good song huh?" She nodded "the best." Willow yawned and cuddled into Luisas arm/chest area "your so warm." Luisa chuckled "well I hope so." She moved her hand so she was touching one of Willows arms "your like ice." I stepped out of the small glass room upon seeing the worry on her face "Willows froze." I touched her "that's how cold she gets right before she falls asleep. She almost froze to death cause of her real mom, so that's what her body does." She nodded "it just worried me a bit." I chuckled and looked deep into Luisas eyes, she wanted something and that something was me, but she was good at hiding it.

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