Pt 47 (NSFW)

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Warnings ⚠️: NSFW ages 16+ for this story part. It may be a long one. This is your only warning

"Y/n" he kissed my neck as he played with the hem of my shirt "stop dragging it on." He smiled against my skin before slipping my shirt off "calm down darlin. You'll get what you want." I groaned as he kissed me and I went for his shirt while he then removed my bra. "But I want you now." He made an odd snort/laugh sound "you just need to be patient darlin." I felt him grab my skirt and start to slide it off "why don't you slide it up?" I was trying to frustrate him into being rough with me for a second "cause where's the fun in that if I can't tease you?" I tensed up when I felt him kiss my thigh as he finished pulling my skirt off before tossing it aside.

"What do you want darlin?" He nipped my thigh with his teeth making me gasp slightly "I don't know." Why couldn't I just tell him? "Hm." He placed kisses up my body before he stopped next to my ear "I think you do know." I bit my lip as he sat up and looked down at me with his hands on his hips.

"I think you want me to do this." He backed off the bed, taking my panties with him before taking the rest of his clothes off and tossing them aside. Right as I went to sit up on my elbows he grabbed my ankles and with one easy tug had me on the edge of the bed against him. "M-maybe." He smiled at me. It wasn't his normal smile. "You can wrap your legs around me darlin." I felt him slide his tip between my folds before thrusting up "mm" he leaned down and took one of my breasts in his mouth "Y/n, joder" he chuckled as he squoze my other one with his hand before looking up at me "im not even in you yet darlin, why do you sound like that?" He was sliding his member against my clit "mm" he threw me off when I felt him grab my hand then lean down to kiss me as he lined himself up with my entrance.

"What do you want darlin?" He made sure my eyes met his "I got what I wanted." He smirked "I thought so." I moaned as he thrusted into me "fuck you feel good darlin." He grabbed my other hand and interlocked our fingers on both hands as he sped up "mierda" he kissed me as he groaned "faster" he sped up again "joder" why could he make me like this? "Luisa, damn" I felt him let go of my hands and adjust me before grabbing them again "faster" he sped up once more "oohh" I arched my back "right there Y/n, right there, don't stop, don't stop. Aaahhh" He hit my g-spot and I wrapped my legs around him "moan for me darlin. Please." I loved when he did that.

His grip on my hands tightened and I was glad he was holding them and not somewhere else or else I would've been bruised. I made aure I matched his grip with my hands. "Mierda, Y/n I'm, I'm-" I felt his grip tighten even more "good girl" He sounded so out of breath, but I knew better "cum for me darlin." I felt the pit in my stomach release and my legs shook as it did "good girl, such a good girl." He let go of my hands, dragging his over my body, hesitating at my breasts, then stood up straight before grabbing my hips and adjusting me once more before starting to thrust into me hard.

Since his surgery he hasn't really been rough with me, I guess you could say, so this took me off guard.

"Y/n damn you." I tried to keep my voice from going high pitched, but sometimes it didnt work. "Fuuck" I drew in a sharp breath and held it as I bit my lip and arched my back with my head tilted back "I knew you wanted more then that." I hated when he was right and knew it cause of his cocky grin that only turned me on more. "Fuckin christ Luisa" he tilted his head back and let out a sigh of relief mixed with a moan as he came "mh" his hold on me loosened "can we do that again?" He scoffed with a smile "only if you roll over." I smiled at him "what if I don't want to?" He tightened the grip on my hips as he leaned down by my ear "then I'll make you do it." I got the chills "then make me."

I watched something I couldnt read flash through his eyes before he lifted me up, slightly tossing me making me unwrap my legs from around him before he flipped me so my back was to him then laid me on the bed. "Scoot up and spread your legs." I did what I was told "roll your hips up." I hesitated as I thought back on the last time he had me do this. "Luisa." I hummed "sorry." I felt him grab my hips "it's ok. This position doesn't bother you does it?" I didnt skip a beat to shake my head "no I just was thinking about the first time you had me lay like this, it" I bit my lip "I can fuck you like that again if you want darlin. Whatever makes you happy." He nipped my earlobe as he thrusted into me hard "fuck" I gripped at his sheets and it took me a moment to catch my breath.

"Damn darlin" why did he feel bigger then normal? "Oh god" I squoze my eyes shut as he repeated the same hard thrust "deeper" I knew he wasn't in me fully and I craved the feeling of him being all the way inside me "joder, si" he made sure to thrust a little extra hard when he pushed his full length into "Jesus christ Y/n." I heard him chuckle "your such a potty mouth today. Maybe I could fix that." He sped up just enough I couldn't think to form any sounds or words for a second "Y/nnn" I felt him cum, but he didn't stop. The only time he stopped was when I was just about to cum. "Y/n, please?" He shook his head "sorry I can't do that." I groaned "por favor?" He leaned down next to me "persuade me."

Safe for now

He stepped away from me and folded his arms as I rolled over "but I don't know what to do." I had one idea, but I wasnt sure if I wanted to do it because it felt stupid, but Y/n does have a sweet tooth and is willing to try anything.

I got up and put my robe on before heading downstairs to thr fridge. Y/n gave me an odd look when I left my room. When I got to the fridge I opened it and found what I was looking for, whipped cream and chocolate (or strawberry or caramel, your choice) syrup. When I went to walk away I almost ran into Abuela, so I hid the two things in my hands behind my back "what do you have?" I started to panic internally "just a couple snacks." She nodded "ok. Don't use all the whipped cream with one activity Luisa." My face went red as she smirked and walked away "I was young once too mija."

I made my way back up to my room unknowingly having someone follow me in there. Last thing I ever expected was to ever do something like what tonight held in store for me or the decision I was going to make.

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