Pt 40 (NSFW)

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Warnings ⚠️: ive been forgetting these, but this is the only warning before we jump straight into it.

"All the way in darlin." She whined as I placed my hand on hers and pushed her dildo as far into her as I could "but I want you." I smirked "you'll get me, just not right now." I kissed her cheek, then her neck, then her chest, then her stomach before stopping at her waist and looking up at her. "Your so beautiful darlin." I brought my face back up to hers and kissed her as I placed my other one on hers and helped her start to pleasure herself.

"There you go, in and out darlin." I could tell she was confused as to why I was being so gentle and not demanding. "Mh" I kissed her neck again "I love you Luisa." I removed my hand from atop hers "I love you too Y/n." She tilted her head back as she sped up and came not long later. "You ready for me now?" She nodded, slightly out of breath as I caught her lips with mine then pulled the dildo out of her and sat it on her bedside table before I went back to kissing her, letting my hands go up and down her sides a few times before groping her breasts then flipping us so she was on top.

"Mmhh" I buried my face in the crook of her neck as a way to not let her hear me as she lowered herself onto me "mierda" she bit her lip and let out a long breath "I want you to do this darlin." I grabbed her hips and showed her what I wanted her to do "ah" I watched her face go red slightly at hearing me moan "you like it when I moan?" I caught her lips with mine once more before she answered me, but this time it was more intense then the last. She had her hands on my shoulders almost as leverage and mine remained on her hips while I let her take charge in the kiss.

She eventually pulled away "yeah I do like it." I smirked "then push my buttons and find out what'll make me do it more." She had got so carried away with the kiss she had stopped moving her hips "you already know what one thing is." I guided her hips back into the same motion to make her realize she had stopped moving them "s-sorry." I put my face back in the crook of her neck "dont...apologize." She sped up the motion a tiny bit "god" I bit my lip and tilted my head back slightly and she took that chance to get at my weak spot "ah, ah, Luisa" I didn't understand what came over me to make me like this.

"Come on cowboy, I know there's something else that drives you nuts just, ngh, give me a hint" I drew in a sharp breath and held it a second "you, ah, know what it is. Fuck" she couldn't seem to remember what it was, so I guided her down and all the way back up to my tip slowly and it seemed to click.

"God damn" I held onto her hips after she turned around so her back was to me "oh ah ah" I could tell she felt accomplished about making me sound like this "fuuuck" I could feel an orgasm building "a little faster darlin. Do it the way I like it. Please" She went to my tip and back down a little slow to make sure she had it right before speeding up "uuh uuh, mmhh, christ" I moved my hands to her waist and thrusted up occasionally "Y/n I'm gonna cum" I couldn't answer her as the first time she rode me like this went through my mind.

She sat down and my breath hitched and my hands found her hips while my thumbs found her dimples on her lower back "damnit Luisa" she giggled and started to bounce making me draw in a sharp breath "fuuuuck" I thrusted every now and then when she'd come down and it'd make her moan a little louder each time "ah God" for some reason when a women rode me it just hit different then when I'd fuck her "you like that?" I moaned in response "fuck" I tilted my head back "Luisa" for some reason she couldn't understand, she loved when I moaned her name and I could tell.

"Damnit darlin" I made her sit down fully so she took all of me in "Y/n, mierda" I guided her up slowly until she reached my tip then quided her back down at the same pace until she had all of me in her again "your lucky I've been holding back all night."

"Y/nnn, im sorry" I felt her tighten on me "it's ok, it's ok, aah, fuck it's ok" I tilted my head back as she kept going "just a little faster darlin, come on" She sped up again "God damn" I bit my lip "fuuuuck, Luisa" when I came I made her sit down fully so she had all of me in her "that was perfect darlin, don't move, just...give me a second." That one seemed to take alot out of me both literally and and with how tired I was now. Once I was fully back in reality I allowed her to get up.

Safe from here

"Are you ok Y/n?" I nodded "are you sure?" I nodded again "yeah I'm sure. That just took alot out of me." I moved to the edge of her bed and sat there a second before huffing and standing up "if you want to shower with me that's where I'm headed." I found some clean clothes and took them to her bathroom and started the water to allow it to warm up and once it was the the temperature I liked I climbed in and shortly after she joined me.

"Are you positive your ok?" I chuckled "im positive Luisa. I just haven't came that hard since I lost my virginity. It takes alot out of a person. Just like it does with you when you-" her face went red "well, you know. No one's ever been able to do that to me before, but then again no one's ever wanted to put the work in like you." She smiled in almost a bashful way as she held out her shampoo bottle, silently asking me to wash her hair "is that why you chose me?" I shook my head as I massaged the shampoo into her hair and scalp "no. I chose you for you. Just like you did me. You also didnt bat an eye at the fact I had a daughter. You accepted it and treat Willow just like she's yours. Thats worth more to me then anything." She was silent "and don't you start crying cause I said that either." She giggled "I'm noot."

She stepped back to look at me and I could see the tears threatening to fall from her eyes "come here." I held my arms out for a hug and she didn't hesitate to accept the offer as a few tears fell from her eyes "how could I not accept her? She's perfect. Just like her dad." I chuckled "I wouldn't call me perfect." She pulled away from the hug. "Well regardless of what you say, I think you are and I'm not changing my mind."

When we got out of the shower and went downstairs my family was there and they were all having a good time talking with her family. However when they seen the hickey on my neck they couldn't resist teasing me "dude I thought you were boss." I shook my head at Casey "some people were having fun." My parents winked at us and I chuckled when Luisas face went red "that's what? Twice today Luisa? Man Y/n, I'm lucky if I can even get a piece once a month and your out here gettin it like twenty times in one week." I rolled my eyes at Sirus.

When we were probably the dead center of everyone, Willow noticed us and left Antonio to run over and hug us while yelling, loud enough everyone heard, "mommy, daddy!" I have to admit Luisas happy pout while trying not to cry had to be my favorite. Especially when everyone went 'awww' at the same time and her sisters and father pulled the same face as her as Willow went from hugging me to wanting Luisa to not only hug her, but hold her as well.

"Oh wow, I see how it is." Luisa giggled and playfully stuck her tongue out at me before sitting Willow down "stick your tongue out at me again and I'll-" she took a step towards me and I took a step back, right into the table. "You'll what?" Everyone seemed to be silent as my face went red and I held onto the table as to not lose my balance "I-I'll..." I didnt feel very good suddenly and Luisa took notice of it before giving me a concerned look as did everyone else in the room before everything went black.

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