Pt 42

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"Hey darlin can you hand me that hammer please?" She nodded "of course." Luisa was happy you had recovered perfectly, but she kept replaying that night through her head over and over again. Both because of how scary it was and how funny you were waking up.


"He didn't have a stroke like we thought, but the tumor was pressing on some very important nerves and thats what caused us to think he had a stroke. The whole operation was a success and he should recover in about six to eight weeks. It's not uncommon for someone to have temporary memory loss for a day or two after or not remember someone right away. Julietas food will help him heal faster, but it won't work like normal where it will just heal everything. Her food just doesn't seem to work on him as well as it does everyone else. We are going to keep him here for a week just to make sure nothing goes wrong. When we release him he's not allowed to work or do much just to make sure he doesn't open any of his stitches. You guys may visit him in the morning." They all nodded "ok. Is there a specific time we can and can show up?" He shook his head "no, but I suggest the later the better. It will give him time to sleep and heal a little more."

Luisa really wanted to see you, make sure you were ok, but she knew you were in good hands and trusted the doctors and nurses here, so she picked up Willow who was asleep in a chair and headed towards the front door with everyone else. They had made it just outside the doors when a nurse ran up and stopped her.

"Luisa?" She turned and looked at her "si?" The nurse sighed lsightly out of breath "he's asking for you. He's coming out of slash off anesthesia and he won't stop asking for you." Casey, Jona, and Lilah had stopped and was waiting for Luisa "but I thought-" the nurse shook her head "your not supposed to, but he was in hysterics asking for you. It broke our hearts if I'm telling you the truth. Is there any way you could come in for a second and see him?" Luisa glanced back at the other three then nodded, so Casey walked over and took Willow. "Ok follow me."

When the nurse held the door to your room for Luisa she could see you had your eyes closed, but wasnt sure if you were alseep or not "Y/n?" The nurse walked over and placed her hand on your arm and you opened your eyes with a painful moan "hey, I brought someone to see you." You just stared at the ceiling "who is...who is it?" Luisa stepped closer to your bed "hey mi amor." You turned your head and looked at her then in seconds you were in tears "hey hey hey, don't cry. Y/n it's ok." She took your hand in hers as the nurse left the room "why are you crying?" You closed your eyes "im not. You're seeing things. I don't cry." She giggled "I love you Y/n." You groaned "it hurts Luisa." She started to worry slightly "what does baby?" She ran her thumbs across the back of your hand and you opened your eyes.

"The amount of love I have for you in my heart." She wanted to laugh or giggle, but she also didn't as it melted her heart when you said that.

"Luisa?" She had let go of your hand to use the bathroom "yeah?" You started to breath like you were hyperventilating "are you leaving me alone? Please don't go." She walked back over to the bed "im not going anywhere. I just have to use the bathroom." You took a couple deep breaths "are y-you sure?" She nodded "yes I'm sure. I'll be right back." When she came back her phone went off and it was a group chat between her, Lilah, Isa, Mira, Dolores, Camilo, Casey, and Jona.

I: hows he doing little sister?
L: he's doing fine. He's still waking up fully and coming off theanesthesia, so he's not fully there, but he's doing fine.
Cy: how much did they give him? It should be wore off by now.
J: actually it wouldn't be wore off by now. It hasn't been as long as you think.
Li: has he done anything funny?
L: no, but he's terrified of me leaving. Even to go to the bathroom. He doesn't want to be alone. I'll probably end up staying the night here or staying until he's alseep for the night.
C: tia said she'll take some food to being him in the morning.
C: *make *bring

Luisa looked up at you as she could feel eyes on her and when her eyes met yours your face went red and you turned your head away from her "what were you staring at me for?" You shrugged then slowly turned to look at her "hey, don't tell Luisa this, but shes the prettiest person on planet earth." You looked around suspiciously "but you didn't hear that from me. Hernando told you that, ok?" She bit her lip to keep from laughing "ok I got it. I won't tell her."

L: ok and he just thought I was someone else and proceeded to tell me how pretty he thinks I am and say 'but you didn't hear that from me. Hernando told you that, ok?' I shouldn't laugh, but this is the 2nd time he's done something like this.
Li: dude record it 😂😂
L: no im not doing that. If he finds the videos later I'm a dead woman.
Cy: the only thing he'll do is take your ability to walk or something else I won't say in the group chat 🤣
L: don't remind me 🙄
D: don't act like you don't like the thought of it. Or like you don't like it at all. I know better and you know I do. I could expose you and Y/n so easy.
L: you spelt his name wrong. There's supposed to be a f before the u oh and just for good measures add his to the end of it from both of us 🖕
M: calm down Luisa. You got me got me and Camilo dying over here 🤣
Cy: that one was pretty good 😂
J: it was 😆
Li: God damn Luisa 🤣🤣
I: Y/n would've found that hilarious I bet 😂

She decided to record you just for a second and it was the right choice to make. "Hey Luisa can I tell you something?" She nodded "go ahead. I'm all ears." You huffed like you were irritated "you want to know what would heal me faster?" She was expecting something sweet to come out of your mouth like 'if you kissed me' or something along those lines, but you had other ideas "what mi amor?" You smirked "if you showed me your tits." She gasped "Y/n don't say that. I can't do that anyway." You sighed with a pout "sorry." You were quiet "I just want to touch them a little, please?" You gave her puppy dog eyes "I can't let you do that cowboy." You looked at her confused "can't let me do what? What'd I ask?" She sighed "nothing." She stood up and stretched "can you show me your tits?" She sighed with a giggle "no Y/n I cant. Someone could walk in." You pouted "but I love your tits." She sighed again "I know you do, but I cant do that." You pouted "just take a nap Y/n. You can do whatever you want after you sleep, ok?" You stared at her "ok."

"Does that include playing with your-" she nodded and facepalmed "yes Y/n it does. I promise."

L: *Luisa sent a video* I didn't expect him to say that 😳 he's been being so sweet this whole time, but the one time I decided to record for a second he decides to throw that question out there.
Cy: that's a very Y/n thing to ask both on and off anesthesia. He takes boobs very serious. 🤣🤣
Li: he does. God forbid you tell him you seen some nice ones without him 😂
J: hey Luisa, don't think you know this, but ai think he wants you to show him your boobs 🤣
I: just give the poor man what he wants 😂
M: ive never seen that man more invested in asking a question before 😂

Back to now:

"Luisa?" She snapped out of her daze "uh...yeah?" You were looking at her with an amused grin "what in the hell are you gigglin for?" You reached over and grabbed a nail out of the box "I was just thinking about something." You chuckled "oh really, like what?" She shrugged as she watched you repair your desk "you when you were high on anesthesia." You laughed nervously "you never really told me about that." She sighed "and for good reason. You'd make me do what I promised." You laughed "and what's that?" She was silent and you hoped it wasn't something bad "I uh...I promised you that if you went to sleep I'd let you play with my boobs." You spun and looked at her "and you didn't let me?! Not even when after I came off the anesthesia?" She shook her head "I see how it is. Don't love me enough to let me do it in public." You winked at her and chuckled as her face went red "im kidding. I'm dumb, but I'm not dumb enough to talk you or guilt trip you into doin that just cause I like 'em."

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