Pt 39

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Warnings ⚠️: there is some dirty talk in here. If the story parts had names I'd call this one payback ;)

Luisa was doing her best not to ignore anyone or miss any questions, but everyone was trying to talk to her at once and there was so much going on she did miss a few people who gladly repeated themselves.

"So what's the story behind your 'powers' and all that?" She looked at your Aunt Kay "well my Abuela- er, grandmother and grandfather were fleeing their city not far from here with a rather large group of people when my Abuelo practically sacrificed himself for them and we got our Encanto from it. The mountains rose up and created a sanctuary for all of us. It even created Casita. On a Madrigals fifth birthday we get a gift from, I guess the miracle, and we have to do our part to help the town from that day forward. The most recent one to get a gift was-" Aunt GG interupted her "that's enough of that story. Will Willow get a gift? Since you aren't her mom or anything. I'm sure unless the child's biological it won't get a gift. Such a shame. Not to mention she'll turn six soon. Such a shame she'll be an outcast among your other children you'll have. You guys don't plan on having anymore right?" That hurt Luisas feelings and Aunt GG knew it.

"Actually no, Casita already has a door prepared for her for her sixth birthday. She'll get a gift just like the rest of us and the rest of me and Y/ns children will and yes we do plan on having more then just Willow. It's a work in progress." She wasn't rude as she spoke and she knew you'd be proud of her for it, so it made her proud of herself since you weren't here to witness it. "For a family that seems to get pregnant so easily, like your aunt at 45 disgusting, your body sure hasn't taken to Y/ns gifts he leaves in you all the time." Luisa had never wanted to punch someone so bad in her entire life except for right now, everyone could see she wanted to and honestly some were wishing she would.

"Well..." Luisa took in a deep breath "like I said its a work in progress." She smirked "and you can't expect a baby to be conceived or a females body to accept semen in less then six hours." Everyone's eyes went wide and they looked down at their plates. Lilah and Sirus just wanted some popcorn to go with the show.

Back at casita:

"What was said?" Dolores giggled "I'm not going to repeat it, but Luisa just put Y/ns Aunt GG in her place, again." She high-fived Isabella and Mirabel as well as Camilo "she's on a roll."

Back to Luisa:

"What do you mean by that?" Luisa shrugged "what do you think I mean?" Your aunt GG scoffed "you didn't do it that long ago." Luisa put some thought into it "...your right we didn't. We did it only two and half hours ago. On his desk, in his recording room, with music playing in the background as his mom watch Lilah and had no clue what we were doing." She sat her elbow on the table and placed her chin on the back of her hand while giving your aunts the most smug grin she's ever done "but then again just to be safe we could do it again tonight. Just for fun and to take extra measures." She stared the two bitchy aunts down until they looked away, then went back to eating her food like nothing happened. The whole time Lilah was secretly recording the whole thing and blowing your snapchat up.

"So Luisa how long did you know Y/n was that secret singer before he released to everyone that he was?" She looked at your cousin "only like a month after he moved here. Give or take. I couldn't tell you the exact time frame." Your Aunt Kay rolled her eyes and mumbled something under her breath thinking Luisa didn't hear it, but she did and she was ready to put her in her place now too. "Lo siento, ¿quieres repetir eso?" She smiled at her and your aunt Kay just stared at her before shaking her head and thats when Luisas phone started to blow up. It was time for your payback from the other morning.

Y: hey
Y: hey
Y: hey
Y: hey dalrin 😍
L: yeeessss???
Y: can I send you a pic?
L: yeah. Nothing bad though.
Y: it's not.
Y: *😍Mi Amor😍 sent a photo*
Y: you should hurry up and get back here. Im not the only one craving your attention 😉

She stared at the photo a second before covering her face with one hand and turning her phone off. Whyd you have to send her that? You had just got done working out and had an erection that made your sweat pants tent, so you had decided to pose how she liked it and snap a little something something for her.

L: screw you, pendejo
Y: I mean I really want you to...
L: give me an hour and I'll be there.
Y: that's no fair 🥺
Y: it didn't take me that long to get to you
Y: *😍Mi Amor😍 sent a photo*
Y: I'm so hard it hurts
L: stop it!
L: stop sending those!
Y: you mean these?

There was always a quiet before the storm and she knew it, so once she put her phone back under her leg and it started to go nuts she knew she was in for something.

Y: *😍Mi Amor😍 sent a photo*
Y: *😍Mi Amor😍 sent a photo*
Y: *😍Mi Amor😍 sent a photo*
Y: *😍Mi Amor😍 sent a photo*
Y: can you come ride my cock like this again? I'm putty in your hands when you do
Y: *😍Mi Amor😍 sent an audio*
Y: *😍Mi Amor😍 sent an audio*
Y: *😍Mi Amor😍 sent an audio*
Y: I know you like it when I sound like that
Y: *😍Mi Amor😍 sent a video*
Y: remember this? Your so sexy when you take all of me in like that.
Y: *😍Mi Amor😍 sent a video*
Y: and just as sexy when you moan like that when my hot seed is filling you up 😏

Jona, who was on the other side of Lilah, could hear her phone buzzing under her leg and couldn't help but chuckle while knowing you were getting her back for the other day. She also watched the videos with her sound off. "You know you really shouldn't be on your phone when your having dinner." Luisa had just turned her phone off and stuck it under her leg "I have to make sure it's nothing important like the donkeys getting out or me needing to do other things for the town." She really didn't like your aunts other then aunt Ava.

"Will you two just knock it off? You rain on everyone's parade. She's put you in your places more then once and I don't think you guys like that. Just lay off the girl and everyone else." They rolled their eyes at Aunt Ava "well if she wasn't so...different we wouldn't have a problem with her." "Whays so different about her from your guys' freakish steroid takin husband's that makes you not like her? Is it the facts she can build muscle without roids, but your husband's need to take pills just to get it up? I hink this dinner for all of us are over. Luisa you can go do what you need too."

L: I'll be there shortly, cowboy 😉
Y: you sure about that?
L: yes I'm sure. Your aunt Ava dismissed me.
Y: she did huh? How about you come dismiss something for me 😉
L: sounds fun. What do you have in mind?
Y: I can't tell you that. You'll find out when you get here.
L: I'm already here. Your in my room right?
Y: yes ma'am.

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