Pt 53 (NSFW)

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Warnings ⚠️: NSFW ages 16+ below here. We are starting off with it and this is your only warning

What had started out as a innocent workout session took a turn for, I wouldn't call it the worst or the best or even inbetween, when Y/n made the joke of being hungry and I replied with "im your three course meal if your that hungry." The rest between him approaching me and starting to eat me out was just a blur.

"Y/n, Y/n ah" He pumped his fingers in and out of me as he licked, kissed, nipped, and sucked on and around my womanhood. "Mmhh" the vibration of his voice made me want entangle my hands in his hair and grind my hips into his mouth, but I was trying to do my last set of bench presses, so I couldn't "oh dios mio" I glanced over at my phone that was recording us "Y/n please don't stop, mmmhhh" I felt him start to suck on my clit a little harder "mierda, ah ah ah aaahhh" I felt the wave wash over me that I knew all too well because of him and my legs shook when it did. "Dont drop your weights darlin." I put them up then covered my face with my hands before looking at him.

I was in a daze for a moment, so I watched Y/n get up and wipe his mouth after licking his fingers off "you ok?" I nodded "are you sure?" He rubbed his thumbs over my thighs and I nodded again "come here." He smiled into the kiss as he kissed me after I sat up "you did good, you know that right?" I nodded "yeah I do." He chuckled "good. I want you to know how good you did." I noticed his hard on and bit my lip as I drug my eyes up his half naked body "see something you want darlin?" I nodded with a smirk when our eyes met "well you'll have to work a little harder then that if you want it that bad." This man was going to be the death of me.

"Or I could just get my way by doing this." I don't know how I manged to do it so smoothly without hurting him, but we ended up on the floor with him under me as I kissed his neck in just the right spot "fuckin christ Luisa" I smirked "gonna keep teasing me?" He groaned and bucked his hips up "no." I let him up "good."

"Fuck darlin" I don't know what got into me, but for some reason I wanted to feel the power Y/n always did "do you want to touch me amor?" His face was so red from the embarrassment of having his hands tied to the bed he didn't know what to do. I tied them so he could get them out, but he had to figure it out first. "Are you gonna cum in me baby?" He nodded "good. I love the feeling of you filling me up anyway." I rolled my hips as I left several hickeys across his neck and chest "ah mh" I felt his member twitch and stopped all movement "God damn" I placed my hands on his chest started to slowly go up and down his shaft after a second "Luisa damn you." I watched him pull on the rope.

"Whats wrong cowboy?" Now I knew why he didn't moan much when he was being like this. It gives you a sense of power and you don't want to seem weak or vulnerable. "Uh, uh, fuck, fuck" He tilted his head back as my pussy throbbed and threatened to tighten on his member as I sped up just enough it'd drive him nuts and get him to the edge again "joder, your so big cowboy." I couldn't keep this act up much longer. I was so close and so was he "darlin please" my eyes grew wide at him begging me "please what?" I had been holding off on my orgasm "I want to cum. Please?" Was he holding off on purpose? "Cum in me baby" I started to moan now "oohh, mmmhhh, ah, ah, mh" I drew in a sharp breath as I felt myself not be able to hold off any longer "fuck Y/n" I was wondering why he had gone quiet and through my daze I could see he got his hands undone as he finally came and grabbed my hips, hard, before flipping us.

He grabbed his belts off the night stand and bound my hands together "remember, this is my favorite belt. You break it and I swear to god you won't be able to walk for three days when I'm done with you." His voice deepened and his pupils dilated "now roll over and get on your knees." I did what he said then the next thing I knew my arms were under me and my shoulders and face were touching the bed as he got another belt out and freed one of my hands only to catch it with his other belt and tie my wrist to my ankle then repeat that with my other wrist and ankle. "Y/n?" I felt a bit of fear and excitement run through me "if I upset you I'm sorry." He hummed "not as sorry as you're gonna be." I had awoken the beast.

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