Pt 31 (NSFW)

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We pick up where 30 left off, so we're starting immediately with some head from Luisa ;)

"Fuuuck" He tilted his head back against the front door as I took just the tip in my mouth "Y/n be quiet. Everyone is just around the corner." He entangled his hand in my hair "sorry I just, oh fuck" he bucked his hips slightly as I took his whole shaft in my mouth "damn you." He was quieter then before, but I knew Dolores would be to into the movie to care about what was going on. It was the others that I worried about.

I bobbed my head and pumped what I couldn't fit in my mouth with my hand. "Yes, yes, oh fuck" I knew that type of moan meant he was close and I was right cause I bobbed my head and pumped my hand twice more and he let out a string of cuss words mixed with a moan as I felt his seed fill my mouth. I swallowed all of it then looked up at him as he looked down at me. He was breathing hard and I felt his one leg shake a tiny bit under my hand, that was unusual, "Luisa darlin?" I stood up as he did up his pants and belt "I'll be back over in the morning." What did I get myself into?

Safe past here 😊

I watched as he left then I huffed and shut the door with my back to it. I was excited for in the morning, but I also wanted to know what it might bring. Was he meaning he was coming back know? Was he meaning he was coming back just cause? I wanted to know. The rest of the movie and the night seemed to go on forever. Mostly because I couldn't get Y/n off my mind.

The next morning when I got up to help mamá set the table I found Y/n already helping her "mucho gracias Y/n. I know Luisas been quite busy this week, so I was hoping she could sleep in a bit this morning and she has, so I can't thank you enough." He smiled "de nada Julieta. I love the girl with my whole heart, so I always try to do the most to ensure she can relax and is happy." He sat down a big pot and went to grab another when mamá grabbed his hand "Y/n me and Agustin would like to speak with you. Abuela, Pepa, and Felix as well. Would tonight at dinner work? It will just be us." He nodded "I don't see why it wouldn't work. I dont want to make you say anything, but it's not over something bad is it?" She shook her head with a smile "no. Nothing bad." I had to talk to Isabella and Dolores.

"Luisa I'm trying to do Dolores' hair." I sighed "I know, but I need to talk to you guys." She opened the door and let me in then closed it behind me "I think all the adults are going to talk to Y/n about marrying me." Dolores spit her drink out and Isa accidentally yanked on her hair "you can't just start off with that." I shrugged and sighed "I know, but mamá was just in the kitchen talking to Y/n and she said that her and papa as well as Abuela and tia and bith tios wanted to talk with him over dinner and that none of us would be there." They were quiet. "And then Y/n asked if it was a good thing or bad thing and she said a good thing." They both squealed and hurt my ears "that's definitely what they will be talking to him about! That's what they did with Mariano remember?" I nodded "that would also explain Abuela wanting to get everyone new suits and dresses, but not wanting me to see mine and getting two suits for Y/n."

Theu stared at me a moment "that would make perfect sense, but what if Y/n brought it up to Abuela first? Normally she says something by now if it was her who said something first." I was quiet "you have such a good point Isa. I just- I'm nervous about it all though. What if its not about marriage?" They gave me a concerned look amd I watched Dolores tilt her head slightly "it is. Abuela just said so from the kitchen." My mind was running a million miles a second now. "Ok but what if-" Isabella instantly stuck her hand over my mouth "dont start over thinking Lu. I'm sure everything will be fine. Let's just let it all play out." I nodded "ok."

"Hey, is Luisa in here with you guys?" It was Y/n. "Yeah I am." I heard him let out a breath "ok. I was worried cause you weren't in your room and just wanted to make sure you were ok." The other two made and "awww" sounds and I rolled my eyes before opening the door "yeah I'm ok. You worry wart." He snickered then I watched Casey suddenly grab him and start yanking him around while they both laughed "you little fucker." I felt Dolores and Isa get on each side of me as they watched until Y/n grabbed Casey and flipped him over onto his back making him groan and grab him back "how many times are you going to have to learn?" Y/n chuckled and did this little shoulder roll before looking at me with a mischievous grin and a glimmer in his eye. He was in a good mood today.

Casey got up after a minute and walked over to us "hey so you looking for a-" Y/n grabbed him by the back of the neck "she's not into a whole lot of men Casey. Leave her alone." Casey chuckled before grabbing Y/n by the waist like he was going to tackle him then lifting him up and slamming him on the floor of Casita "you little-" Y/n grabbed him as he stood up then it was like watching two bulls fighting as they pushed one another back and fourth.

"Hey Luisa, sabes que tu novio tiene un buen trasero, ¿verdad? Casey does too." Me and Dolores looked at Isa shocked, about what she said about Casey anyway. "Yeah I do know." They both scoffed and smiled "so you do stare at it?" I laughed "I mean yeah, but it's nothing to brag about." Casey  suddenly squoze between me and Isa and peeked over my shoulder at Y/n who bit his lip and huffed in an attempt to catch his breath "you are so petty." Casey laughed "says the one who, I ain't got nothing." I glanced at Casey over my shoulder then smirked "says the one whos petty enough to get in someone's mind when they want something." He looked at me with a chuckle "you don't get into this. I dont get into your mind unless you want me to be there."

I blushed and looked away from him, I knew what he meant and the others must've too.

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