Pt 48 (NSFW)

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Warnings ⚠️: we are starting where we left off. This is my first attempt at something like this, so it may suck. Just a warning. We aren't starting immediately with NSFW also s/f means syrup flavor

When Luisa got back to her room you were sitting on her bed with one leg up while scrolling through your phone "hey Y/n." You turned your head to look at her as she stopped her robe and sprayed whipped cream and s/f syrup across her chest "I got a snack for you." She bit her lip "oh fuck." You got up to 'clean' her up when you watched Casey open the door "hey Y/n I was wonderi-" you all froze and stared at one another "I-I uh..." you watched him glance at her chest then to you then back to her as he checked her out.

You found it weird she didn't hide like usual and just stared back at him "what do you need?" He swallowed hard "uhm I uh need, I don't remember. I'll just go." He went to walk away when Luisa stopped him "no, stay." You gave her a slightly offended look and he looked at you unsure of what to say until you nodded giving him the ok to stay.

NSFW below this

As you cleaned off one breast Casey cleaned off the other and Luisa was a moaning mess the entire time. Not only because of that, but because as you rubbed circles on her clit Casey curled his fingers inside her "joder" she arched her back as she came "good girl." You kissed her and she moaned into it "what does that mean?" You looked over at Casey "joder means fuck." You stood up and Luisa sat up on her elbows "what now darlin?" You ran your hand up and down her leg "I don't know." You let out a growl sound "don't give me that answer again. I know what you want." Casey stared at her a moment "how can you tell?" You never let her gaze leave yours "just cause I can. Casey sit on the bed." He sat down "Luisa come here." She stood up and walked over to you.

"Turn around and bend over. You're gonna suck him while I fuck you." She smiled at you a little "im right aren't I?" She nodded as she turned around "I thought so." Casey was mind blown that you just knew. "Y/n?" You hummed as you teased her slightly "will you hold my hips the way I like it?" You could tell she didn't want to admit she liked it when you bruised her hips "whatever darlin wants." You grabbed them hard and she gave a small moan as she licked Casey's tip then took him in her mouth as you entered her "mmhh" you watched Casey tilt his head back "can you make her do that again? Like fuck." You smiled "I can make her do plenty more then that, but you don't get to hear it." He rolled his eyes "your a di-ah" you did a hard thrust and Luisa cried out, only muffled by Casey who was extremely sensitive to any type of vibration.

You made sure to do hard, rough thrusts making Luisa moan loud enough that it sounded normal and not muffled. "God damn" Casey entwined his hand in her hair, but didn't dare do what he normally did until she deep throated him when you purposely made her go forward more "oh fuck" you chuckled at him until you felt her starting to tighten on your member, so you reached around and started to rub her at her favorite pace "mmmmhhhh" you watched as Casey tilted his head back one more time before "Luisa I'm sorry I'm gonna cum." He thought she was going to just finish him with her hand, but when she kept going then swallowed his load he found he had another round left in him, so he took care of himself as he watched you and her finish.

"Fuuck Y/nnn" you felt her tighten around you then felt her squirt up your shaft as you kept going "Y/n I- mh" you felt her tighten around your member more then she already was and it was enough to send you over the edge "fuck darlin" you pushed into her as far as you could and stayed there for a second before pulling out "good girl." you placed a finger under her chin and guided her up where you kissed her "that was the best head I've ever had." You chuckled as Luisas face went red.

Sage past here

"I told you she was fuckin good." She smacked your ass playfully as she walked by and you jumped a little with a loud "ai!" Making her laugh "you know I'm gonna get you back for that." Casey laughed with her as you all got dressed "you know Y/n I never thought a woman could override you." You scoffed "and yet here we are." You rolled your eyes as Luisa now pushed him out the door "this was a one time thing. Don't feel special. I also didn't override him, we talked about it like a week ago." She shut the door then turned and looked at you as you went to put your shirt on "dont put it on." You raised a brow at her "why?" She shrugged "maybe I want to admire your muscles." You rolled your eyes with a chuckle "ok whatever you say."

You walked around Casita for the rest of the day without a shirt amd Luisa loved it. A female guest came over at one point and she made sure to let her know you were her man and she couldn't look. "I love you darlin." You giggled as she placed kisses on your neck "you also seem to be in a good mood and that makes me happy." She giggled "of course I'm in a good mood. You made me happy."

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