Pt 45

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Warnings ⚠️: mentions of a little violence

Luisa laid on the bed next to you, out of breath, before looking at you and giggling. "What?" You smiled at her as you said it. "Nothing, it's was a bit odd to have you be the submissive one." You shrugged "I've already told you I don't mind it. It's actually really hot when your done with my shit and dominate me, but I love it more when your screaming my name as I dominate you." You put your arm around her and pulled her in close before kissing her cheek "I like it better when it's like that too."

She rolled over in your arms so she was facing you "you know my moms gonna tell everyone she walked in on us right?" She nodded "yeah I do. She kept slipping up downstairs saying a bunch of stuff she wasn't meaning to, so people were already questioning her when I was down there." You took in a long deep breath then let it out slow "well I have a few more things to get done today, so I'll head down first." You went to sit up and she placed her hand on your chest and pushed you back down "not with that your not." You gave her a funny look "what do you- fuck." She pumped you a few times under the covers.

"Next time just tell me I'm still hard." She giggled at your slight bit of attitude "where's the fun in that?" You huffed "not risking me blacking out." Her face dropped "I forgot about that. Sorry." You chuckled and sat up "its fine. I forgot about it a little bit too."

You walked down the stairs a little slower then usual as you were trying to get some buttons on your shirt done up since you were in a bit of a rush now "oh come on." You groaned and continued to fight them as your family watched you come down the stairs "Jesus christ." You sighed starting to get frustrated "hey Y/n you get your dick wet?" Jona and Lilah started laughing until you misstepped and started to fall, but Casita made the stairs into a slide and caught you "can you two just be quiet for ten minutes." You got up and finally got your shirt done up "like damn." You walked past them and to the kitchen where you took some food then left.

Luisa came own not long after you left and Serenity looked at her "I thought that would help." Luisa gave them funny looks "it did...?" Jona shook his head "he was still in a pretty bad mood it seemed like." Luisa knew why you were still like that. "Its cause he's going to get Samuel." She looked away from them "I knew he had something to do with him going missing." Lilah knew it was a matter of time before you did something to him and she was right "he's, I think Y/n said, twenty-thee miles southwest of here. Him and Casey dumped him in the middle of nowhere after hurting him, but my Abuela can't know." Luisa watched their faces go pale before she heard an all too familiar person clear their throat.

"A-Abuela just hear me out on why-" she stuck her hand up "I've heard enough..." Luisas face fell "to know Y/n was teaching him a lesson. Most of the women in Encanto have been harassed by him or hurt by him, so Y/n really should leave him out there a bit longer." She walked by Luisa and everyone stared at her in disbelief "but Abuela you don't under-" you came through the front door with Samuel by the back of the shirt and Luisa almost puked at what he looked like from you beating on him "here, he's back." You threw him onto the floor and he let out a painful yell "how'd you get him so fast?" "Casey was headed out to get him a while ago. I figured a little less then a week out there was good enough." Abuela Alma quickly looked away from Samuel upon seeing how bad he looked.

"I didn't bring you here to let you sleep." He coward away from you when you took a step towards him "and I ain't gonna hurt you no more, but-" you looked around as some of the Madrigal kids started to show up "three of the ladies in this room you owe an apology too." You crossed your arms as he looked around at each of them before attempting to stand up, but couldn't "Mirabel I'm sorry" Luisa watched him smirk and so did a few others "you couldn't see how worthless this family is." You unfolded your arms and waited for Luisa to turn away and block the others to strike him over the head with a block of wood making him hit the floor with a groan and start to cough/wheeze before you picked him up with a deadly grip "ok, now try that again." You held a knife against his back without anyone knowing.

"M-mirabel I am sorry. For everything." You could tell he was being sincere "Lilah I am extremely sorry to-to you too." He looked at Luisa who seemed concerned for him, but also not at the same time. "Luisa I am most sorry to you b-because..." you could tell he thought about being smart, so you stuck the knife in deep enough to draw a little blood and to hurt/scare him a little "what I did to you was wrong. It was wrong of me to do anything to any of you, but I promise I'll never do it again. To you guys or-or anyone. I've learned my lesson." You jerked him around "good. Now that your done here you can go." You took him so far then made sure to threaten his life if he told anyone what you and Casey did to him and that if he hurt another woman you wouldn't hesitate to kill him.

When you left Luisas face was a bit red "I've never seen him be that protective of someone before. It was scary, but also kinda hot." Lilah laughed as Isabella spoke up "not to mention how he was throwing him around like a rag doll" in sync the sisters both said "and the grip he had on him." With almost a dreamy sigh at the end and Lilah made her eyes wide as she turned away from them "y'all are crazy, coocoo, phsyco, nuts."

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