Pt 21

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I had been back for about a week and decided today would be the day I revealed myself to all my followers.

I stood in my recording room with Luisa as I told her what buttons she needed to push on my phone to make it record/start a live as I had it sat up differently than normal. "This one then this one right?" I nodded "yes and then on this over here you'll need to push these three ok? I need to fix a part of my one song." She nodded "ok I think I got it."

I ended up posting a small video of me revealing my face then decided to go live later that night. Luisa would read questions to me and I'd answer them. My favorite part of the night though was when I was recording and I got to one part where I had to make my voice a little rough/aggressive sounding and it was Luisas reaction that made it the best.

"Yeah keep buildin that chip up on my shoulder keep feedin that monkey on my back I can feel your hot air blowin in colder stokin this FIRE up under my ass. Got me-" I watched Luisas eyes get all big with shock and her cheeks tint pink when I said fire "that was aggressive...and low key kinda hot, but why was that so aggressive?" I couldn't help but laugh at her a little bit "what?" I shook my head "you! Your face is what got me." She scoffed "well yeah! Because I didn't expect you to just up and sing like that mid song!" She laughed with me now "well I didn't expect it out of me either." It really did shock me a little that the word came out that aggressive when I didn't mean for it to. "Lets just try again and I'll try not to say anything this time." I gave her a thumbs up and she restarted the audio where I needed it and I managed to sing it perfectly this time without any interruptions.

"That was still a little aggressive." I threw my hands up in the air before pointing at her "keep telling me that and I'll come out there and show you aggressive." She laughed as she turned everything off, not believing me, until I opened the door to my recording room and started towards her which resulted in a race through my house as she tried to get away from me. "Darlin I got 17 years of experience of running from cattle and mad momma cows who don't want their calves tagged. Don't think you'll get away from me." She giggled nervously not knowing what to say.

I eventually got her pinned on the couch as I tickled her and she laughed "Y/n sto-op." She wouldn't do anything other then wiggle, that was until I huffed and sat back and she took the opportunity to grab me and pin my arms above my head as she now strattled me "hey now Luisa. Don't play this game. You'll regret it." This could either go two ways 1. We end up in the bedroom or naked on the couch and 2. She was going to tickle me with one hand knowing full well one side of me is more ticklish then the other side.

"Luisa?" I raised a brow at her as she seemed to be deciding what to do "this could be my payback." She bit her lip "or the last time you stand for the next 24 hours. You can decide that Darlin." She blushed and let me up as she stood up and started to pace "how can you get in my mind so easy mi amor?" I smirked "cause you let it happen and I know what to say." She groaned "I just hate how easy you make me-" she stopped pacing and looked at me and I raised a brow as I put my cowboy hat on "make you what?" I wanted to hear her say it. "Wet? Turned on? Riled up?" Her face darkened the more words I named off "y-yes." I chuckled "well good. I'll keep that in mind...especially for tonight." She groaned at me and I laughed "im kiddin. Don't get your panties in a bunch." I let her stand for a moment before I stood up "sorry if I took it too far." I walked closer to her and gently hugged her.

"Its ok I've just been going nuts since you left and now that your back your always so busy with keeping track of your mother and Willow and trying to record and write and do everything else your supposed to do we just haven't had time to spend together and when we do it never seems like enough time." I had honestly been trying to find the time without having to take a break from something, but obviously it wasn't working. "I can take a break from recording, and writing songs and I can always have your familia help my mom take care of Willow. If they want to that is and we can have a day just to ourselves. I didn't know my absence has been this hard on you mi vida." She wrapped her arms around me "it's not that it's been hard, I just got so used to being able to come over to your place and cuddle after a hard day that I came over a few times forgetting you weren't here and just sat outside your house missing you." I took in a deep breath.

"I'll see what I can do ok? Mom and Willow leave in a few days, so if you want to wait until then to spend any time together, longer then just an hour, we can." She nodded as a small smile made it's way onto her face "how much longer until your mom and Willow come back anyway?" I pulled away from the hug "uh well that depends. Sometimes my mom is right on time or terribly late." She aughed "ok never mind then." I sat on the couch once more and stretched across it "why? What did you have in mind?" She shrugged "it doesn't matter." I studied her a moment "your gettin harder and harder to read, but if you want to you know, have fun" I winked at her "just tell me. I can work something out." At nine o'clock on the nose my mom and Willow showed up.

"Y/n I have a question for you." I looked at my mom from the front door as I had just got back from walking Luisa home "yeah?" She looked at Willow "why'd you sign her custody over to us temporarily?" I sighed "so can get everything figured out with Luisa and the next step in our relationship. Everyone keeps asking us if we're going to get married and we haven't even been together a year. I mean I have this feeling deep down Luisa is the right one and i will eventully marry her, but I'll admit our relationship has moved a bit fast and I don't want to just jump the gun because of it then have to take care of Willow in the process. It's not fair to her because I won't have the time for her in all of this. I will, but I won't and I don't want to take away the attention you guys could be giving her that she so badly needs right now especially after being with her mom for as long as she has."

I looked at Willow "once I get everything figured out in a year or two which is when the temporary custody wears off you guys can come visit again and she can be with me and Luisa. She just turned 5 and I know it'll crush her having to go back home with you, but as long as we keep in touch everything should be ok." She sighed "I hope so."

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