Pt 3

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As I worked on making special shoes for a donkey I listened to my music through my airpods and I looked up upon seeing someone walking by only to see Luisa who smiled and waved, so I smiled and waves back which is when my music changed and 'thick fine woman' by Chalie Boy came on making me chuckle under my breath and shake my head because every time Luisa would walk by it'd come on and no matter how may times I hit the skip button it wouldn't skip. If it wasn't that one that came on it'd be 'Rumors' by Neffex so I was feeling called out by my own taste in music.

"Hey man you wanna go grab some drinks when your done?" I looked at Casey "yeah sure. What time?" I stared to nail the shoe to the donkeys hoof "I dont know. Whenever your done here. If your girlfriend doesnt walk by again." He elbowed me making me almost drive a nail in wrong which could be a very bad outcome for this donkey.

"Hey careful." He laughed as he now mocked me "hey careful. You take everything you do so seriously." He snickered "yeah, so whatever I'm doing gets done perfectly and won't fall apart in two days." He scoffed "oh whatever." He elbowed me again and I sighed "your both lucky and unlucky im quick at shoeing." I smacked him on the head with the handle of my rasp and he rubbed where I hit him while groaning "that hurt mun. Fuck you." I smirked "nah I think youd be bad at it." He groaned/growled at me before hitting me pretty hard in the shoulder "your the worst." "Oh yeah what do you mean unlucky your fast at shoeing?" I let the donkey go and hung the halter up before slapping him in the back of the head with my hand as hard as I could before running off "you stupid bastard!" I laughed as he ran after me and I dodged him every time he swung at me.

"Come on Casey you gotta be quicker then that." He tried to tackle me and I dodged that too, but not without running into and tripping over a young kid "oh God." I sat up and looked at the kid who was starting to sniffle and I recognized him. It was Antonio Madrigal, normally he had his animal friends with him, so seeing as he didn't it was odd. "Antonio I'm so sorry." He had some bad road rash "its ok." He sniffled some more as he started to cry "come on lets get you to your tia and mamá." He nodded and I helped him up before picking him up and carrying him to Casita.

I didn't even have to knock on the door as Casita just let us in "Julieta? Pepa?" They both were coming down the stairs talking until they seen I had Antonio in my arms and he was bleeding in a few spots "Antonio mi bebé. What happened?" He sniffled again "Y/n accidentally knocked me down and tripped over me." Pepa gave me a certain look and I thought I was going to die as she took Antonio from me "he's bleeding too see?" He pointed at my arm and I looked at it, twisting my arm around until I found where I was bleeding "eh it's no big deal. I'm not worried about myself. I was more worried about Antonio." Julieta gave me a warm smile "gracias for worrying about him and not you, but you need to worry about your self too."

I rubbed the back of my neck as she sort of lectured me, but in a nice way. "Mamá who are you talking too?" We were in the kitchen and I sat eating an erapa she had gave me when Luisa walked in "just Y/n." She continued to talk to me "mamá why didn't you tell me that." She was in just a towel "I thought it was just you and tia at home." I looked away from her and covered the edge of my eyes "I'm gonna leave. Have a good day Julieta." I made sure to look at the ground and keep the edge of my eyes covered until I got out of the kitchen "you have a good day too mijo." Why did she-? As the door closed behind me I heard Julieta say "I like him. He's a nice boy Luisa. You should date him." Only to hear a "moooom." From her making me chuckle as I made my way to the bar.

"Hey man what took you so long?" I shrugged as I sat on a stool "was gettin lectured by Luisas mom." Casey rolled his eyes "I was thinkin maybe you got lucky. Pulled a couple milfs and an absolute hotty whose thick with like three c's. You got it in you to do it." Was this all he ever thought about lately? "Dont get me wrong I could probably do that, but thats not my style and you know it." He laughed "not your style? Who's the one who has a four year old daughter?" I glared at him "whos the one who has a ten year old son?" He fell silent "exactly."

After a while and plenty of drinks he did start talking to me again, but not without slurring his words horribly. "Man you need to go home. It's not even nine o'clock at night and your already drunker then a skunk." He started into a giggling fit. "Drunker then a skunk. Who says that?" Yeah he needed to get home and into bed "ok Casey let's go, come on." I helped him to his feet then supported most of his weight all the way to his house before taking his boots and hat off and throwing him onto his couch "ok now stay there. I'll be back k in the morning." He giggled some more "whoo! I get to see you tomorrow." I stayed long enough to know he fell asleep before I made my way home as well.

"Your the, last thing that I thought I'd lose all I ever wanted was to be loved by you." I sang quietly thinking no one was in the streets at this hour, but I was wrong as Camilo suddenly popped up next to me "Hola Y/n." I jumped and looked at him "Hola Camilo." I knew I was atleast buzzed because while I drink I don't do it nearly as bad as Casey and knew my limits. "Have you been drinking?" He had a mischievous gleam to his eyes "I just had a few yeah. Why?" He folded his arms behind his back "no, no, no, no reason." I knew better and I haven't even known the kid a full 12 hours. Just had a few run ins wirh him here and there.

"What do you need me to do?" He sighed and dropped his smile "I need help with a girl." And he came to me why? "...o-k?" He started to fiddle wirh his rauna "I just dont know how to approach her is all, or get her attention, or start a conversation with her, or-" I stuck my hands up "I get it, I get it. Why the hell'd you come to me? Shouldn't you ask your tio or your dad? Or maybe another women? It's not like your short of women in your casa. Hell you could've asked Mariano too." He sighed again "I know I could've asked all them, but I felt weird going to my family over this kind of thing and all the girls just seem to drop at your feet." I chuckled "yeah they drop at my feet because I have a questionable past they know about. They also think I'm hot, but you don't need those things to get a girls attention." We walked as we spoke.

"Dont tell me some sappy crap either." I raised a brow at him "like what? Bring her flowers? Be yourself? Treat her right? Don't go for her looks or just her body?" He nodded sheepishly "but thats the thing Camilo, if you dont do the last thing, but do the others you can win a girls heart. Just keep in mind not all girls like flowers, but they may have a favorite flower. Bringing her just one can do wonders for you. Especially if you compliment her when you give it to her." He listened quietly "just simple small gifts can mean alot to a girl. Even just a smile and a compliment of 'you look amazing' can go a long ways. I can read most girls or women like a book. I can take one look at them and say 'oh they're into this' and I'm usually right." He stopped walking, so I stopped too, then turned to face him "what about Luisa? What would you say she liked?"

I felt my face burn up and I did a nervous chuckle "well I uh...first time I seen her I could instantly tell she was a girl who loves small gifts. Things like a single flower here or there or a necklace or stuffed animal left on her bed with a small note. Things like that, but that doesn't-" he scoffed "that's extremely accurate. Why don't you do those things? Its kinda obvious you have a small crush on her." I sighed "because I dont know how long I'm going to stay in Encanto. I don't plan on leaving in say a month or two, but I don't know if I'll stay here longer than two or three years. I dont want to get attached to someone or have someone get attached to me if I'm not going to stay." He made an o with his mouth "I understand, but-" I placed my hand over his mouth "do you want me to help you further or not?" He nodded "ok, then I'll see you tomorrow."

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