Pt 35 (NSFW)

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That's right, another one. It will probably be on the longer side as I've had his idea in my head for like two weeks now. There will be lots of sexual talk/very explicit details I will not warn about other then here, so read at your own risk. I am not putting much detail into the last bit of the NSFW, so.I apologize if you were looking forward to it.

L: hey can I send you something?
Y: yeah of course!

It had been a crazy last two nights and if your family wasn't pulling you or her away, it was her family doing it and Luisa was in a mood. She wanted some alone time with you and she wanted it now. She mainly just wanted to cuddle or have a small make out session with you, but the other part of her wanted something else. Something more.

L: *Darlin L💜 sent a video*

You opened it not thinking anything of it until you heard Luisas moans and a clip of her playing with herself went across your phone before you quickly backed out of it.

Y: I'm with Casey, Jona, and Lilah as well as my parents. At least warn me.
L: did you not like it? 🥺
Y: ...I did. Very much I did, but if you send another one like that your gonna be in trouble.
L: what kind of trouble? 😳
L: maybe I want you to watch me take care of myself 😉
L: *Darlin L💜 sent a video* like this?
Y: I'm not watching it.
L: please baby? Just come over. I want you so bad.
Y: I can't. I'm at breakfast right now. I can't just leave.
L: oh but you could 😉

You stuck your phone under your leg as it continued to go off. It was Luisa the entire time. "Who in the hell is blowing your phone up?" You sighed "Luisa is. She normally doesnt do this." It kept going off and they could hear it even after you stuck it on vibrate. "Damn Y/n give the girl what she wants." You ran your hand through your hair "I can't just give her what she wants. It requires alot of time." Casey, Jona, and Lilah all gave one another knowing smirks. "At least reply to her." You sighed "ok fine."

L: *Darlin L💜 sent a photo*
L: I'm missing your cock inside me mi amor.
L: *Darlin L💜 sent a photo*
L: I wish this was you.
L: *Darlin L💜 sent a photo*
L: don't you miss me too?
L: *Darlin L💜 sent a photo*
L: I know you want to hear me moan and feel me cum on your dick
L: *Darlin L💜 sent audio*
L: *Darlin L💜 sent audio*
L: *Darlin L💜 sent audio*
L: I know you love those sounds 💛
L: *Darlin L💜 sent a video*
L: only you can make me scream and weak in the knees the day after.
L: *Darlin L💜 sent a video*
L: don't you want to watch your cum drip out of me?
L: *Darlin L💜 sent a photo*
L: this isn't enough for me.
L: mi amor come fuck me, please 🥺
L: I want you inside me.
L: I'm so wet at the thought of you bending me over your counter or tying me up in your bed.
L: can you come push my face into my pillows as I scream your name and you bruise my hips again please?
L: I want you to fuck me so hard and leave more hickeys on my neck so everyone knows I'm yours
L: babyyyy please 🥺
L: I want you to suck on my breasts. It's not the same when I do it
L: *Darlin L💜 sent a photo*
L: I want to ride your hard cock just the way you like it until I squirt and you cum inside me. I know you love it when I do that.
L: can you come push my legs to my chest as you pound into me?
L: I'll be your good little darlin if you do.
L: I want you to fuck me until you can't anymore. Until we're both tired and sweaty and our throats hurt.
L: I want to hear you cuss and moan as you cum in me.
L: *Darlin L💜 sent a photo*

As you scrolled through all the messages you were having a hard time keeping your composure. Casey and Jona who sat on either side of you seen a few of the pictures and their jaws dropped. "Dude I dont mean to be snooping, but if my girl was sending me those I would've been out of here a long time ago." You bit your lip as you stared at the last photo. She had the camera positioned just right so you could see her sucking on her one breast while riding her dildo with obvious evidence that she had came once already. "Thats Luisa?!" You nodded as Jona stared at the photo with you a moment before looking away "fuck man. She seems so shy and quiet all the time." You went through the photos before standing up. "Thats how she fools you."

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