Pt 4

487 9 2

"Luisa, Luisa, Luisa. That's all I hear every day all day. And it's just-" I groaned frustrated "Estoy cansado de eso. Solo necesito un descanso." Isabella laughed "took you long enough to admit it." I shot her a glare not meaning too "dont look at me like that! I dont care if your the strongest person alive. We'll throw hands little sister." I furrowed my brows "I glared at you?" She nodded "sorry. I didn't mean too." I looked at the goeumd while rubbing my arm "it's ok. I have an idea to cheer you up! Give you a break." I didn't like the glimmer in her eye as she said this.

"I don't know. When your eyes get a twinkle in them it makes me nervous." She giggled "it'll be fine. Dolores is coming too by the way." She grabbed my hand and drug me out of Casita behind her. It was pretty late in the night, so it felt odd to leave Casita at this hour without a reason. "Isa you know Abuela doesn't like us here." It was one of the few bars we had in Encanto. "As long as she doesn't find out, we'll be fine." I sighed as a smile made it's way onto my face "ok just this once." She giggled happily then her and Dolores dragged me into the place. What was I getting myself into?

When we walked in all I could hear was music and people talking/cheering. It didn't last long before there was silence and someone came on over a mic. "We normally don't do this at this bar, but this next group have caught the heart of all you ladies out there and they are now our regular performers along side our ladies. Welcome the newcomers we like to call the Mini Magic Mike group." We walked towards the stage to see three men "your gonna love this Luisa." I looked down at Isa and Dolores "what even is it?" Isa glanced up at me then back to the stage "male strippers." My face flush red instantly "Isa you know how I am with this kinda stuff." Dolores giggled "just watch Lu. I was the same as you when she first brought me here." I sighed nervously "ok." Once they started to 'dance' while stripping I shamelessly couldn't take my eyes off them.

"Theres a rumor that one of those guys is Y/n." I looked at her "I don't think he has the body for that." She scoffed "you've never seen Y/n shirtless in the three months he's lived here in Encanto? You haven't lived la hermana menor." I just kind of rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to the stage where one of the men grinned at me. They kept their faces fairly hidden with the exception of their nose and mouth, but I swear that grin, I've seen before, just I don't know where. "Luisa you gotta take his offer." I looked at Dolores funny "what offer?" They both giggled "to join them on stage and get a lap dance." My face flushed red "absolutely not ¡Ni hablar!" Theu both giggled a little more "well if you dont go to them they'll come to you." I froze.

Uh what? I gave my older sister a look that told her I didn't want to be here anymore "you can go. I'm not leaving. Its just getting good." I sighed and watched one of the men leave the stage as I left the building. As I walked dout I found Y/n leaned against the back of the building as a girl tried her best to flirt with him. "Come on Y/n. I can be your first love here. I really like you." She did her best to make her boobs look bigger as she also tried to touch Y/n in the nether areas.

She was one of those flirtatious types.

"I've already told you, I'm not looking for someone to tie me down here. If I find that person, they'll have to be extra special." He moved his body away from hers "besides, and no offense, you aren't my type. I don't want to break your heart by leading you on and not actually have feelings for you." That was straight forward "I'm more into, stronger, taller women." I froze as I had went to walk off "women like Luisa Madrigal?" She sounded so offended "yeah, sure. She ain't the usual dumb strong women though, she's smart." I blushed and started to walk away "so you like her?" I glanced back to see him shrug as he glanced in my direction with a small grin "whos to say I do and who's to say I don't? That's my private information." Thats where I've seen that grin! Maybe Isa and Dolores are right.

"But I got things to do, so if you'll excuse me ma'am." I glanced back again to see him tip his cowboy hat at her "but- ugh!" Was she mad? If so, was it at me? Was mad the right word? "Hey, uh you didn't hear any of that did you? I noticed you walking by at the last part." Do your best to play stupid Luisa. " I didn't hear anything." I was really hoping he bought it "ok good. Not that it was anything bad, but I may have talked you up a bit. If thats what you'd call it." I blushed feeling flattered he'd admit it "o-oh you did?" He nodded in sort of a shy way.

"You know you kinda confuse me." He chuckled "why?" I sighed feeling rude if I told him "I feel rude telling you." He let out a breathy chuckle "dont feel rude. I've heard some nasty crap over...alot of things." I could hear the change in his voice "but I'm still here and I'm fine." He smiled in a goofy way and I couldn't help but laugh a little "so...what is it? Why do I confuse you?" He nudged me in a playful way with his elbow and I blushed "cause one moment you act all shy and the next you're all confident when you talk to me." He did a nervous laugh "that's just me. Once you get to know me, if you ever get the chance, I'm pretty consistent in how I talk to ya." I loved his accent, but I never heard it often. "Anyway, I hope you have a nice night. I have a few things to get to. Do you need someone to walk you home? 'Cause I can walk you home." "No I'll be ok. Gracias por la oferta. It was very kind of you." Why'd I reply so fast? And why did I say no?

"Alright. See you around Lu." He started to walk off "I-I meant Luisa, sorry." I shook my head "its ok, but only mi familia can call me that, so please never do it again." He gave me a thumbs up as he took a couple steps backwards "got it I won't- agh." I watch as he tripped over the smallest rock and fell before jumping up and dusting himself off "see you around Luisa." He stuck his head down and took off before I could even reply.

When I got to Casita my mamá was awake and didn't have a very happy look on her face, but it wasn't disappointment. "Where have you been? I've been worried sick." She came over and started to examine me "im ok mamá. Isa and Dolores just wanted to show me something." She let out a sigh of relief "please tell me next time mija. I dont care where your going, but please tell me your leaving the house at the least." I nodded feeling guilty about making her worry. "Sorry mamá." She hugged me "it's ok mi hija. Now go to bed. We have alot to do tomorrow. Abuela says Y/n has a surprise for Eva (ay-vah), so we need to prepare for it." Whyd you have to say his name mamá, oh dios mio.

My mind went back to our interactions tonight. His smile gave me all sorts of butterflies and his touch made me so flustered. "Luisa are you alright?" I looked at her "si mamá. I just have alot on my mind." She nodded "ok. Now go to bed." She shooed me away "ok mamá I'm going. Buenas noches."

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