Pt 60

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You stood infront of everyone and swallowed hard out of nervousness when you seen Casey give you a thumbs up telling you that you got this and to take a deep breath so you did.

When you seen her coming down the isle you grinned from ear to ear and heard your father chuckle. Pretty much the whole town was there, one group of guys made everything feel off, but you ignored it figuring it was just your nerves getting the better of you. After the whole "do you, Luisa Madrigal, take Y/n M/n L/n to be your lawfully wedded husband." And everything else, you were officially married, Casey cried like a baby, as did Agustin, Isabella and Mirabel, your entire side of the family, pretty much her entire side of the family, and several other people, but not it was onto something special. Something that was practically a family tradition for your family.

"Can I have everyone's attention please?" You, as well as everyone else, looked towards your father who had the mic in his hands, "we know everyone is enjoying dancing, but it a family tradition for me and my wife to sing for the newly weds for their first official slow dance together. We ain't no professionals like our children, but we still write and dedicate a song to each of our children at their weddings. I am guilty of never liking the girls my boys pick until later on, but Luisa I have to admit've grown on me." She gave you a proud smile, but blushed because of being put on the spot.

"It took me and his mother a while to write this one, but we call it rockin years." You took her hand and guided her to the dance floor as they started to sing.

At one point she looked at you with a small gleam in her eye as the two of you danced "what's that look for darlin?" She hummed with a smile then pulled you down into a kiss. You knew what she was up to and teasingly groped her ass making her jump a bit to foil her plans. Later as you danced with Willow you seen Luisa smile at you. If she said anything you were close enough to hear her and hear her you did when your mother started talking to her.

"So how's it going trying to get that little boy you both seem to crave?" She giggled nervously "it's...going. we've kinda gave up at the moment." They watched you some more "what would you do if you guys ended up having another girl?" She shrugged "I honestly think Y/n would enjoy it. I'm not sure how I'd handle it. I'd love it, but I think we have plenty of girls in our family." Your mother nodded "so you'd be a bit disappointed it wasn't a boy, but love it regardless?" Luisa nodded "yeah." When the song ended you were back at Luisas side when Casey waved you over. "I wonder what those boys are up to." Your mother crossed her arms as you both laughed, Luisa only shook her head, having a good idea of what you were up to.

As you and Casey laughed Samuel and his buddy you held at gunpoint ran by, slapping Luisas ass and yelling out "have fun being married to a puta." As well as purposely knocking Willow over and stepping on her, which shocked everyone, but what shocked them more was when just as fast as they did that, you let off two rounds out of your pistol and they both dropped not even five feet from her. "Y/n what the fuck?!" You had already placed your gun back in its rightful place "I gave them their chances. They obviously didn't take my warnings." Everyone stared at you as the two men laid on the ground with blood pooling under them. "Yeah, but killing them!?" You shrugged "they fucked around and found out."

Luisa stared at the bodies in shock before walking over to them cautiously, you following her since you were curious about what she was doing when she took your hat and removed the eagle feather off it then dipped the end of the feather in one puddle of blood and wiped it on your hat before doing it once more. "Whatd you do that for?" She replaced everything "so you have the blood from all of your 'victims' on your hat." You chuckled "well thank you darlin." You both turned around to see Julieta had healed Willow "are we just going to act like that didn't happen?" Everyone nodded to answer Brunos question. "Got it." The bodies were taken care of then it was time to cut the cake and eat.

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