Pt 69 (NSFW)

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No the NSFW was not intentional for the story part, but I am Immature and got a kick out of it 😂 we are starting off with the NSFW, so this is your only warning.

"Good girl darlin." He rocked in and out of me slowly "ah" he kissed me "are you ok?" I nodded "you sure? You look uncomfortable." I nodded again "I'm sure mi ah-mor." I placed my arms around his neck and kissed him "why can't you be like this all the time, hm?" I kissed his neck "oh fuck...because you do that little stunt right there." I pouted at him playfully "damn, your lucky your pregnant." I giggled and he sped up "aahh" he ran his fingers down my side and to my ass that he groped before finding my clit and starting to rub it "mierda" I tilted my head back into the bed as I felt my body shudder, but in a good way as I came, I then felt him cum in me and felt content with life. I had tried so hard to do what he can and I just couldn't.

Safe past here

"How's she doin?" Y/n held my hand as he spoke to Casey "shes still dilating. I think they said she was at a five, so still a little while." He nodded "well just let us know. I'm takin Luisa out to dinner then I gotta do a couple things for her." He snickered "I'm sure you do." Y/n shook his head "yeah. Totally gonna do that a third time." They both laughed over his sarcasm "see you later Case."

"Where are you taking me?" He shrugged "you'll see." The walk was so quiet "Y/n?" "Hm?" I stopped walking "whats wrong?" I shook my head "nothing, I just got a weird feeling." He had such a concerned look on his face "you sure you're ok then?" I nodded "yes Y/n I'm sure." As we walked the feeling came again. It wasn't painful, but more like when you get butterflies or the slightest bit sick to your stomach. "Luisa?" I looked at him. He had worry written across his face "what?" He raised his brows at me in a way of asking 'are you sure you are ok?' And I nodded "before you even ask, I am sure I am fine. I just keep getting this feeling that are like butterflies or when you get a little sick to your stomach, but nothing happens." He smiled "it's the baby movin around." I cocked my head "really?" He nodded "yeah. Where are you mainly feeling it?" I gave him a slightly skeptical look "the center." He poked my stomach in a playful way "right here?" I giggled as my stomach is very ticklish.

"Or right here?" He poked it in a different spot "quit it. You'll make me pee everywhere." He giggled as he continued to poke and tickle me. "Y/nnn stooop." I grabbed his hands and he waved his eyebrows at me "ooo she's feisty tonight." I sighed "oh dios mio Y/n. You're a trouble maker." The feeling came back again, so I looked down and could see the movement. The baby was kicking everywhere Y/n had touched. I looked at Y/n and he was fixated on my stomach with a small gleam in his eye. "We should probably keep going." He nodded "yeah probably." He took my hand again and our walk continued.

"How do you know so much?" He shrugged "I just do. I mean..." he scratched his chin "you aren't supposed to know about this, no one is, but I have a brother and sister Willows age. My parents didn't want to deal with the judgment and put them up for adoption. They keep in contact with them and everythin, but that's one of the reasons why I know so much. I was also kind of involved with, fuck I can't remember her name, but Willows biological mother. I was but wasn't there through her pregnancy. That was all just a mess." He huffed "speakin of which, did your mom put her to bed?" I nodded "yeah. She loves her. Alot. So does Abuela." He smiled "but what do you expect? Everyone loves her dad, so what's not to love about her?"

He shook his head and I watched the tips of his ears turn red as we walked into the restaurant. "Did I make you blush?" He chuckled nervously and wouldn't look directly at me "table for two?" He nodded "huh, I must've because you won't look at me." I bumped him with my hips, making him stumble before looking at me "God damnit woman." His giggle always made me so happy. "¿Qué?" He shook his head and sat in the booth, I sat across from him then smiled, making him chuckle and shake his head.

"You're a trouble maker just as bad as me and you know it." I giggled, but my face went white when he revealed the remote to my toy i had been usuing to of myself while he was gone. "Tu madre puta. I had that hidden from you. How'd you find it?" He shrugged "its a secret, but you better know how to stay quiet still. I know how sensitive you are darlin." I bit my lip. This man better not start if when I'm trying to order or I swear to god I'll kill him.

Not necessarily a full NSFW through here, but I'm still putting a warning here

I watched him play with it in his hands like it was a fidget toy before 'accidentally' hitting the button to start it when we were asked what drinks we wanted. "She'll just have a water." I squirmed in my seat while shooting him a death glare "ill be back in a few minutes." He smiled at the waitress "ok." I closed my eyes feeling my orgasm about to release when he turned it off and now I was glaring at him for a different reason. "¡ hijo de puta!" He bit his lip "go ahead keep swearin at me. It'll only make this experience better." I groaned slightly as he set it on the lowest setting.

I did my best not to show any reaction when I was about to cum, but I couldn't help clenching my jaw and fluttering my eyes a little and he once again turned it off and once again I groaned. "Come on, I know there's more of a reaction in there. Or should I activate the-" I reached across the table for his hand that held the remote and he pulled it away from me. "You should've known better than to put it in and try to hide the remote from me." I watched him fiddle with the remote when the waitress came back with our drinks. "Gracias." She smiled at me "im assuming that means thank you, sorry I'm new here." I glanced at Y/n to see him smirk "its ok and ye-ES it m-means thank you." I kicked him under the table and he snickered before turning it off "well in that case you're welcome. Are we ready to order?" We both nodded.

As I ordered I heard Y/n drop it on the floor under the table and his eyes got huge because it was on the highest vibration setting and it was going in a circular motion, hitting my g-spot. "And for you?" Y/n smacked his head on the table as he sat up from failing to grab the remote and I wasn't sure I'd be able to be quiet with this one. "Can you do this one?" He pointed at it on the menu as he reached down to try grabbing the remote again.

I could feel my face was burning hot and I was sure it looked just as red as it felt. "And for the side?" He glanced at the menu "can you hold off on it?" I knew he was directing thr question at me and I shook my head, but she nodded "yeah of course. Would you like extra soup or salad with it in place of your other side?" I bit my tounge as I came "soup will be fine." She nodded and wrote it down "oh dios mio." I mumbled under my breath and leaned on the table with my arms to get my lower half off the seat of the bench, but it didn't change much or stop me from squirting from overstimulation. "Fuck." I covered my mouth as I said it quite loudly and everyone looked at me surprised.

Safe past here

"Luisa are you alright?" My legs shook as I sat down "y-yeah." I heard a stomp and a crunch and it stopped vibrating and making the circular motion immediately, but all I could see was a white haze that lasted about 10 seconds. "Luisa, hey." I felt someone's hand grab my bicep and knew who the hand belonged too. "Y/n I promise I'm fine. Just give me a second ok?" He sighed "Jesus christ Luisa. You scared me." I giggled "sorry." He shook his head "its fine, but damnit I think we both learned a lesson here." I nodded "I think we did too, but it was a fun lesson."

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