Pt 2

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"I dont know Casey, he's been staying at a steady pace and nothings changed in the last week other then his cuts are healing and he's been moving alot in his sleep." The Madrigals had moved you to the hospital they had there for people like you and for tourists who didn't trust Julieta had a gift of healing with food. "Well I just wanted to check on him. He hasn't woke up at all yet?" The doctor shook her head "no he hasn't. We think his body is trying to heal from the initial shock of the sudden pain being there once his adrenaline wore off. If it's not that, it's just that he's too painful even with meds to be able to wake up."

Casey was silent then sighed "what if we tried without meds? You've tried with meds since he came here and it's seemed to put him in a deeper sleep. What if we tried without them?" They gave him a skeptical look "we can, but he might not react very well." He shrugged "well I know my best friend. I can bet he'll wake up if you take the meds away." They nodded then he left and they decided to try his way, and at a good timing too.

About a day later Luisa decided to stop by and see if you had improved at all and you had. Just not as she expected.

"Here to see Y/n again?" She nodded "si. Just want to see if he's awake yet." The nurse looked down at the chart "it says he hasn't, but you can still go in." The nurse gave her a kind smile and she returned it "gracias." As she walked towards your room the nurse couldn't help but sort of check her out as she went. She too was new to Encanto much like you and had a small crush on Luisa. Luisa knocked as a just in case thing like she always did not expecting someone to say "come in." From the other side of the door.

When she walked in she found you sat up in the bed, fully aware of your surroundings, and she watched as a small smirk worked it's way onto your face "hi" She was so shy about it "hi. What are you doing here...again?" She furrowed her brows "what do you mean again?" You shrugged "the last time you visited I could hear you, just couldn't wake up." Her face went red "y-yeah sorry. I didn't mean to show up so much." You chuckled "it ain't a big deal. I could hear you most times you visited actually. Make sure you take more breaks ok? It's best that way." Her face stayed red "o-ok. I can try." You managed a small smile.

"What you doing here anyway?" She shrugged as she sat down in a chair that was almost too small for her to fit in "just coming to see if you were awake so you can be discharged. Since us Madrigals brought you in we have to take you out too." You fought the urge to say what you wanted, but couldn't help it "I mean I wouldn't mind going out with a long as its you." You winked and if you thought her face was red before? This was probably the worst you've seen it just today.

You couldn't help but giggle at her red face, but you stopped after a moment or two because you know how it feels to be laughed/giggled at. "Whyd you stop laughing?" You rolled your eyes in a playful manner "cause I don't wanna be rude." Now she was the one to roll her eyes with a small smile on her face "I didn't mind. I uh...I like your laugh." You scoffed "you didn't mind me laughing at you because you like my laugh?" She wasn't sure what to say to that "...I dont know." You chuckled "well when you figure it out, let me know...did you come here to vent again?" Her eyes got wide "I uh uhm" she cleared her throat "s-si.  I can leave if you want me to." You shook your head "its ok. You can stay here and talk to me. I dont bite, usually." You winked at her and her face went red again.

She sat and spoke with you for about an hour until a nurse walked in to check everything out and gasped very loudly at seeing you awake. "Señora why didn't you tell us he was awake?" She rushed over and started to check your vitals and do a few tests to make sure you had came around not just fully, but correctly "I didn't think about it." The nurse chuckled "well that's alright. Especially since he's your boyfriend after all." Both your faces went red then in sync said "we aren't dating." Making her pause in her actions "but you've came in everyday and-" Luisa shook her head "but we're not dating. él a solo se trasladó aquí." The nurse nodded "oh ok. I'm so sorry about that." You both smiled and in sync once more said "it's quite alright."

"Everything is moved in for you and señor Rendon is wondering when you can trim and shoe the donkeys and the town is also wondering when you can cut and bale the hay for the donkeys and they are also wondering when you can rotate the new hay back and the old stuff forward and they are also wondering when you can get to your blacksmith work as well." You sighed "I don't know, tomorrow I can probably do everything for the donkeys and the day after that I can probably do some blacksmith work or any work period after I get the hay rotated. I dont do blacksmith work, well I'm not good at it, but my friend Casey is." Alma nodded "si si, I got you two confused." You smiled at her "atleast you'll admit it. Is there anything else?" She acted like there was, but didn't want to say something.

After a good moment of silence she sighed "you come from the states correct?" You nodded confused "yeah I do, why?" She sighed "there's a kid here that has cancer that could kill her any day and she wants to ride one of those horses that slide on the ground an spin really fast. Do you know anyone who might be able to make that happen?" You rubbed the back of your neck "I do, but it would take alot to get the kid to the US or the horse here." That was a lie. Your personal horses were on their way over right now, but you weren't going to tell her that. You wanted it to be a surprise. "I understand." She went to walk away and you stopped her "its called reigning bred or cow bred. That's what the horses are called. You can find plenty of videos on YouTube of it." She smiled "gracias Y/n. I'll tell her right away."

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