Pt 22

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The night before Willow and Y/ns mom left they all came over to Casita so Abuela and his mother could discuss marriage and how much it's changed as well as stayed the same over the years. All us grandkids sat around talking when I heard Y/n singing and Willow giggled occasionally.

"I've never been a cool hand Luke. Quarter back of the winnin team, or the guy with the right kinda punchlines everybody wants to be. Never was that lucky old cuss with a straight flush in his hand oh, but with you I am." Willow was sitting on the counter and she would hand him a chip occasionally and he'd smile at her "I ain't no Patrick Swayze, my old boots ain't never danced on air. Walked with a swag. Lookin sharp as a tack. Lit up like time square." He had everyone's attention now as he then pulled Willow off the counter and started to dance with her.

"Strong as an oak, but soft like leather, high as a pine and light as a feather. The same ol' boy but a whole lot better whenever you're holding my hand. I used to poke fun at them punch-drunk lovers I never thought I'd be that man. Oh, but with you I am, oh, baby with you I am." He spun her then took both her hands as he taught her to dance "But don't tell your mama yet, I'm beggin' you, don't tell your daddy 'til the paperwork goes through. When the time is right, we'll let 'em know, but right now its between you, and me, and these here fenceposts." Everyone was so quiet. How did he not notice? "Put aside the way that some things shimmer beauty's in the heart and not the eye, rust is just another shade of silver. Not all treasure has to shine." They both looked like they were having so much fun.

"You can keep putting off forever with that girl who's heart you hold
Swearing that you'll ask some day further down the road, you can always put a diamond on her hand
'Til you can't." He dipped her and she giggled "If you got a chance, take it, take it while you got a chance
If you got a dream, chase it, 'cause a dream won't chase you back
If you're gonna love somebody
Hold 'em as long and as strong and as close as you can
'Til you can't." He picked her up abive his head and she took his hat, placing it on her head "Put aside the way that some things shimmer beauty's in the heart and not the eye rust is just another shade of silver. Not all treasure has to shine." He sat her on the counter again and kissed her forehead, leaving his hat on her head.

"You gotta be good for mamaw and pops ok?" She nodded and the hat fell over her eyes, so Y/n fixed it "you won't be able to hug daddy for a while cause your goin home with mamaw, so you gotta listen to her ok?" She nodded again and I noticed Y/n fighting back the tears "when you get older I'll explain why I couldn't-" he took a deep breath in then let it out slow "why I couldn't take care of you right now. Daddy loves you Willow. I hope you know that." She wrapped her arms around his neck and the hat fell off her head as he hugged her tiny frame the best he could "I love you too daddy. Please domt abandon me again." She was starting to cry now and when I seen Y/ns grip on her tighten then heard him sniffled I realized just how much he loved her. "I'm not abandoning you honey. I never have and never will. Mamaw and pops just have to take care of you because I can't. I'll make sure to call you every night ok?" They both leaned back to look at one another.

"Oh no daddy don't cry! You dont need to. Luisa can love you like I can." He chuckled and wiped a few tears from his eyes "She can can't she?" She nodded "yeah and, and when I do come back I can love both of you and you guys can love me." I had been choking back tears this whole time "and so can my little brother." Y/n couldn't help but laugh "little brother huh?" She giggled "yeah! Because I want one and you have so much love to go around it's not fair of me to keep it all." He wiped what was left of her tears away and she did the same thing to him "we'll see about that. It's not my choice to make. It's Luisas."

When he decided to leave the kitchen area everyone else had left, but I remained there simply to do what I did best. Give hugs to those who needed one. "Luisa please dont hug me right now. I'll cry again." I sighed "fine. I'll give my love to Willow then." I picked her up and gave her a hug, careful not to squeeze too tight before looking at Y/n "you know watching you dance with her made me really want to see you be a dad of two." His face went beat red "aha you saw that?" I nodded "I saw everything. Your really good with kids Y/n. I mean a bit of a cluts when you don't know they are there, but mostly your amazing with them. I think youd be a good dad to a little boy." His face just stayed red as he wouldn't look at me and acted bashful in a way. "See daddy she says it's ok." He rolled his eyes "its past your bedtime little one. Come on let's go." He reached for her and I pulled away from him "Luisa." He gave me that look and I handed her back to him immediately. "I'll see you after they fly out tomorrow."

Oh no.

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