Pt 61

65 0 0

Warnings: the tiniest bit of suggestive 😉

"How about we get that dress off you?" I pulled her in by the waist and kissed her "do ypu want somthing?" She giggled and I smailed at her "...maybe." she smiled back "give me just a minute." She pulled away from my touch and went into the bathroom "do you need my help?" "No I got it." She came out about five seconds later with a guilty look on her face "i need you to unzip it." I chuckled and unzipped it then she let it fall to the floor before picking it up and hanging it in my closet "am I allowed to ask if we can just cuddle and watch movies tonight?" I groaned in a playful manner "I guess." She rolled her eyes "dramatic much?" I scoffed "im only as dramatic as you when you don't get what you want." She scoffed "how dare you!" She knew I was only joking as she backhanded me gently "I do need you to help me with something though. Let me finish changing and I'll talk you through it."

I had a feeling she was up to something and made sure to hang my hat up before anything else, then change. "Ok come to the kitchen." I walked out slowly "I need you to pick these up." I picked up the two one gallon jugs of water that were tied with a string "hold them like this so your hands are flat with your palms up." I watched as she placed a book over my hands "im going to start adding some weight and I want you to tell me if you can feel a difference." She added another book, both of them were small, then two paper plates "you feel any different in the weight?" I shook my head "ok how about now?" She sprayed some whipped cream on the plate and I shook my head before licking it off the plate "leave it there Y/n." She sprayed more onto the plate and I quickly ate it again "are you kidding me, stop." I laughed and did it one more time before she slapped me in the back of my head "ok ok I'm done."

She sprayed a fairly large pile onto the plate "how about now?" I shook my head again not realizing she had scissors in her hand "you sure?" I nodded right as I heard a cutting sound and the plates hit me in the face as the water hit the floor "how about now?" She held back her giggles "it's definitely lighter." I looked at her as I wiped some off my face then licked it off my fingers "anything else?" I hummed as she now started to giggle "sweeter then you." She swatted at me and I dodged her. This went on for a while until I huffed and flopped onto the couch "today was a long day." I felt Luisa lay on top of me so her head was on stomach as she wrapped her arms around me. "I agree."

I looked down at her after a moment since she was starting to fidget "if your uncomfortable laying like that you can move." She stood up and looked at me "baby?" I hummed as sleep wanted to find my body "I want you." I opened my eyes and smirked at her "in the morning. I'm tired." She climbed on me so she was straddling me "please?" I placed my hands on her thighs "please what?" She bit her lip "please?" I did a breathy chuckle and placed my hands behind my head as I stretched out and closed my eyes "Y/nnn." I opened one eye to look at her "whaaaat?" She rolled her hips "please?" She did it again "mh... maybe." She huffed then I felt her lay down so her head was on my chest and her arms were tucked under her.

"Why do you want me right now darlin? Can't it wait?" She pouted and looked up at me "because it's been forever." I laughed "two weeks isn't forever Luisa." She huffed "it feels like it." There was silence until she giggled right as I was about to fall asleep "what's so funny?" She giggled some more "I was just thinking of when I told Casey harder and he sped up and you yelled at him." I laughed "I told you, he's not the brightest. Hell he couldn't even figure out how to tease you. He's got plenty of experience I just think you intimidated him." Memories from that night started to go through my head as we laughed and I was starting to pull aways from my tired/drowsy state.

"Whats up with Casita changing Willows gift by the way?" She shrugged "I dont know, but she seems to enjoy her new one much more." I nodded "are you still tired?" I shook my head "no, why?" She started to kiss my neck "still bound determined to get something out of me tonight?" She smiled "maybe." I gave a small groan as she adjusted herself so she was sitting in just the right place as she started to grind on me "just one round mi amor. That's all I want. You don't have to do anything." I hummed "does that mean you'll ride me?" She nodded "uh huh. Just the way you like it." I bit my lip "I like the sound of that." She continued to grind on me "hehe, I can tell."

In typical fashion a knock came at the door making me sigh "come in." She looked at me like I was crazy before laying down so it looked like we were just cuddling on the couch "hey Y/n." It was Bruno "what's up?" He huffed "im in charge of Willow, but she's not listening." That was nothing new "have Lilah watch her or help you. She'll listen to her." He nodded "ok. Gracias." He shut the door and we both laughed a little "damn almost caught twice by him. That's a new record." She nodded as she sat up "tell me about it. Can we move this to the bedroom? I don't want someone coming over and ruining it." I nodded "of course we can. Things will be quieter in there anyway. Won't be able to hear all the late night folks who are out and about at this time, but they'll hear you."

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