Pt 18

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That day Luisa when Luisa just held me I felt useless. Here I'm the guy of the relationship and I'm getting comforted by my girlfriend who's supposed be the one being comforted and yet I can't even get a word out to comfort her or tell her how sorry I am for what I said. All I could think about was how disappointed my dad would be in me. Probably about as disappointed when he found out over a call that Luisa was Colombian or when I had to tell him Jacey was pregnant.

Over the last month I've had random breakdowns and she was there for me through all of them. No matter if they were me crying, pissed off over nothing, overstimulated so I couldnt decide if I wanted to be pissed or cry, etc. She told me she didn't mind, but I did mind. Even if she told me not to worry about it. I couldn't help it. Imagine what my parents would say about it? They'd call me weak and pathetic. Say I'm no son of theirs.

"She's the lighthouse standing strong in the path of a hurricane" I shook my head "shes like a lighthouse standing in the path of a mad hurricane." I nodded liking how it sounded "her kind laughs at the lightning and dances around in the rain. When I'm at the end of my rope and I don't know If I can hold on she's stronger." Casey had picked up all my work/chores as he had been where I am once and I took over his things, so it was a way to pay me back for it. He also would swing by to check on me from time to time and would let Luisa know if she should come by or not as I often wouldn't text her.

"Yes Casey I'm fine. I just need to record this song." He grabbed my shirt collar to stop me and that it did "dude you haven't actually eaten in like a week. You've just been surviving off snacks like chips and crackers and water. Your going to get sick." I rolled eyes "I'll be fine." He sighed "do I need to get Luisa over here?" I shook my head as I sat everything up to record "no. I just need another day then I'll be back into the swing of things." He sighed "You said that yesterday." I waved my hand at him "just go away." He left, but Luisa showed up a little while later.

"Casey says your not eating." I groaned "I have been. Just not as much as normal." She nodded "I can tell. You've lost weight." I blew air put my nose "I have not now let me finish recording this." She folded her arms and sat down "fine, but then your eating something worth while." I rolled my eyes then finished recording the song. "Whats the name of that song?" I shrugged "stronger. I couldn't come up with anything else." "Cause your hungry. Your brain isn't functioning pendejo." I chuckled "tell me how does it sound?"

I played it for her and she smiled at me "it sounds amazing, but why did you write it?" I shrugged "because you could?" I laughed a little "yeah. Something like that." My phone started to ring and I looked at it. "What does she want?" Luisa looked at me as I tried deciding if I wanted to answer the phone "who is it?" I shook my head and turned dmt phone off "Jacey. My ex wife." She made an o with her mouth "what if it has to do with your daughter?" I looked at Luisa with a 'are you seriously saying that?' Face "its just a possibility." I sighed "I know, but-" Luisa held her hand out "let me answer it if she calls again." I bit my lip "fine, but if she starts having a fit I'm sorry." I handed her my phone and within seconds it started ringing again, so she answered and put it on speaker.

L: hello?
J: is Y/n there?

She looked at me and I shook my head.

L: no hes not. Is it something Important?
J: yeah it is. Its about Willow. Our daughter.

She had some nerve. I could hear rhe attitude as she told Luisa that and I'm sure I looked worried cause Luisa gave me a sympathetic look.

L: I can pass it on to him. What's up?
J: I accidentally ran her over in my car and don't have the money to get her the surgery she needs. I figured since Y/n moved all the way to Colombia in the middle of the mountains he could pay for it. Especially since he hasn't put any money towards her in the last couple years of her life.
L: oh I'm so sorry to hear that. I'll uh yeah I'll pass that onto him.
J: ok. Make it quick too. If she doesn't get surgery within the next three days she could die. Your wasting my time not even letting me talk to him. I know he's right there. He does this every time I call.
L: well he still heard what you had to say, so I don't know why it matters. Especially after you took his daughter from him then continue to prove how poor of a parent you are by not even knowing where she's at. Not to mention eres una perra para él cada vez que llamas.

Jacey was quiet on the other end of the phone before scoffing and hanging up. She always done that when she knows your right. "You were so nice when you just said all of that." She handed me my phone back "i shouldn't have said anything" i shooo my head "no its fine. She needed to hear it Luisa." She sighed "but what if you cant see Willow again?" I shrugged "thats why im gonna fly out tonight. Shebwas telling the truth about running her over, but I can tell you right now it wasn't an accident." I started to pack some things up "Jacey never knew you were a singer did she?" I hesitated in what I was doing "no she didn't. I knew we wouldn't last, so I never told her." "But you told me?" I nodded "yeah, but don't let it go to your head." I winked at her and she giggled "I wont."

That night I flew out and back home with my parents who were scheduled to go home today too. They told me I could stay at the house as long as I needed. My mom was also ready to fight Jacey, but I told her if anyone was to so much lay a finger on her, it'd be Luisa which made her laugh.

L: hello?
Y: I didn't wake you up did I?
L: nonono you didn't. I woke up about ten minutes ago.
Y: well I made it and just wanted to let you know.
L: well thanks.
Y: I also just wanted to hear your voice since I'm on the way to the hospital.
L: need to keep a level head?
Y: yeah. Yeah I do.
L: just remember to take a deep breath and everything should be ok. I have to go do my morning work out. I'll talk to you later mi amor.
Y: ok. See ya darlin.

I took a deep breath after we hung up as I walked into the hospital. "Hi, I'm here for Willow L/n." The lady looked up at me "room 203 sweetheart. I wish you the best of luck with your daughter." I gave her a warm smile "graci- uh thanks." I walked off then found Jacey just leaving the room as I got there and she ran into me "what the hell watch where your going you," Jer face went red when she seen me cause I told her the next time I had to pay for my daughter I'd take her to court and ensure I'd win my little girl back.

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