Pt 30 (NSFW)

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"Y/n?" I looked at Alma "si?" She motioned for me to walk towards her, so I did. "Luisa said you don't have a suit, so I would like to buy one for you." I smiled at her "ok. Just tell me what I need to do." This seemed like a very private store "the girls will be here soon, but you'll need to undress for that young man to take your measurements." So they were THAT particular about measurements "oh uh...ok. Where do I need to put my clothes?" She pointed and I nodded before starting to undress. My clothes were thin enough it shouldn't make a difference, but it was whatever.

As I turned to look at the guy I noticed Luisa and the others walk in. Lilah was with them and so were a few of their friends "who's that?" I looked over at them and Luisa went red as she checked me out hard enough she ran into a rack of clothes, knocking it over, "dios mio. Luisa pay attention and quit staring at Y/n." I chuckled as I held my arms out and turned my back to them "I-I wasn't staring that hard mamá." She sounded so embarrassed as they walked over and sat down next to Alma only a few feet from me "Luisa knowing you, you were staring that hard at me." The guy told me to turn around, so I covered my junk with my hands and turned around so I was facing them now "you stay out of this." I chuckled again "or what? Am I supposed to be scared of you?"

She stared at me in almost a challenging way "that's not a good look Y/n." I ignored the others and gave her the same look she was giving me and she looked away "I will be back girls. I have a few dresses to look at I think Luisa will look amazing in." She got up and walked off and Luisa gave me a smirk "we should go look at a few things too. See what ones we like." They all nodded and stood up. Did she have the nerve to tease me while I stood up here? Yes. Would she do it just so I can get back at her later? Also yes.

"Oh I dropped something." She bent down slowly and grabbed it then as she stood up straight ran a hand up her body in a seductive way. She then reached up and took her hair out knowing it drove me nuts when it was down "Luisa you took your hair out? You never have it down anymore. It looks amazing." She smiled at her little sister "gracias." Luckily my measurements didn't last much longer because that's when she started to get bold and do the things that really turn me on.

Once I put my pants on, zipped them up and started to do my shirt up she decided to walk over to me, and as her sisters and their friends watched (without Luisas knowledge), she placed her hand on my bare chest just above the button I was doing up then pressed her body against mine "Luisa, don't." She knew that if she kissed me I'd find a spot in the store and fuck her "dont what?" I glanced over at the others who watched in shock.

I lowered/deepened my voice "you know what darlin." She flushed red then leaned up to kiss me and I leaned away from her "remove your hand from my shirt first." She pouted "do it or you don't get a kiss before I leave." She bit her lip then huffed before removing her hand "good girl." I heard her whimper "now you can have a reward tonight." I leaned down by her ear and made sure to whisper it before catching her lips in a kiss that I made sure to prolong just enough I knew she'd want more right then and there. "I have to get to my chores. I love you." She bit her lip "I love you too." I then left feeling a little accomplished, but I wasnt done yet.

Later that night:

It was also movie night for the family. I dont remember what we were watching, but I remember Pepa had a big storm cloud that made it to where we all needed blankets. Luisa naturally curled up with me on a bean bag and didn't think anything of it when I stuck my hand between her thighs, but I could tell it did turn her on based off how she squoze her thighs together, but not hard enough to hurt my hand. I was lucky she was in her night clothes.

Slightest bit of NSFW below this. Idk if I'd even call it NSFW, but I will.

I slid my hand up until my thumb was pressing against her womanhood just enough I could start rubbing her just enough to get her going. She ignored me at first not thinking I was actully going to make her cum, but once I slipped my hand  into her panties and threatened to push two fingers into her she quickly thought otherwise and grabbed my arm making me smirk, but never take my eyes off the screen until she nudged me slightly as I continued to gently rub her. She had written out 'Y/n don't' on her phone.

"You spelt my name wrong." I looked back to the TV "no I didn't. That's exactly how you spell your name." We were whispering back and forth as to not interrupt most of the family "no you spelt it wrong. There's supposed to be a _ right there." As I spoke I slipped two fingers in her and she held back from taking a sharp breath "b-but I thought-" I leaned closer and looked at the phone, but mainly so I had a more comfortable way to finger her "no maybe you did spell it right. My bad. Sorry darlin. Couldn't see that well." I heard Dolores giggle then felt Luisas grip on my arm tighten slightly as I started to curl my fingers and rub her sensitive ball of nerves. "Dont close your eyes. Just keep watching the movie." She opened her eyes then let go of my arm to grip at her night clothes "Y/n, fuck you." It came out as a bit of a whine and I smirked. So far no one thought anything of her cussing at me.

I rubbed circles and curled my fingers until I felt her arch her back and her head hit my arm that was supporting my head then felt her tighten around my fingers before she let out a quiet sigh of relief "what was that about?" She gave me a dirty look "what? I just asked a question." I started to pump my hand as discreetly as I could and she grinned into me making me get a erection. I curled my fingers slightly as I pulled them out, but would straighten them when I pushed them back in and thats when she grabbed my arm to make me stop. Isa and Mirabel were locked on us from across the living room and thats when I heard her phone go off.

Safe past here

I: what are you two doing?
L: nothing. We're just watching the movie.
I: ok then tell me what color of hair ___ has.
L: red
I: ok, but that doesn't prove anything.
L: then why'd you ask me?
I: idk, but you seem to be distracted.
L: I just have alot on my mind.
I: then tell Y/n to fuck the daylights out of you or take care of you somehow.
L: he already wants to do the first thing and hes already helped me relax tonight by-

I cleared my throat and she turned her phone off, never sending the message, but she did start to grind on me harder until I pulled my fingers out of her and grabbed her hips with a 'growl' escaping me that I know Mirabel and Isabella heard across the room. She also stopped moving as I tightened my grip on her hips. I needed to get out of this before I bruised her again. "I'm gonna head home." I kissed her cheek "see you later darlin." I got up and used my hat to cover myself, but not in a suspicious/obvious way. "Aren't you going to stay tonight?" I shook my head as Luisa looked up at me. "I think its best if I go home. I have a few songs to record and one or two to release."

Gets a little spicy through here, but nothing bad

She stood up and followed me out of the room as she pouted "can you please just stay one more night?" I shook my head "I don't want to get in trouble with your Abuela again. She's still got a close eye on me, so I'm just gonna head home." She pushed herself against me and ran her hand down untilshefund the tent in my pants "at least let me take care of you." I bit my lip as she started to palm me through my pants "I-I, fuck" I grabbed her hand "I can take care of it. Just like you can take care of yourself." She pouted "please mi amor?" I bit my lip again, but turned my head away "fine, but it'll be quick."

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