Pt 43

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"Luisa?" She looked at her sisters and mother "hm?" She seemed confused as they tried to sign something with their hands "I dont know what you guys are trying to ask or say to me." They grabbed her and pulled her out of the room as I continued to add a few things to my desk "OH THAT! HAHA-" she got really quiet after that.

"FUCKIN BULLSHITIN CHRIST COCK SUCKIN SHIT." I chucked the hammer as I shook my hand after I hit my thumb with it for not only the 2nd time, but I probably broke my thumb too. "Y/n are you ok?" I groaned and continued to shake my hand until Luisa caught it and examined my thumb "whats next? Your constantly hurting yourself anymore." I sighed "I know, but-" she stuffed some type of food in my mouth and my thumb instantly healed "why can't you stuff your-" she kissed me "I love you, but dont finish that sentence unless you want to fix your desk all over again." She wiped something off my shoulder then turned to leave "besides the doctor said-" I stuck my hands in the air "I know what he said. No sexual activity more then once or twice every other week for up to three weeks after I'm fully healed." She nodded "exactly, so im going to be pushing every single one of your buttons." She winked at me then walked out of the room.

Later in the day as I went to leave Casita ai heard Luisa talking to Agustin. Normally I wouldn't eavesdrop, but I couldn't help it when the first thing I heard was "dont be scared to tell Y/n. I'm sure he'll understand and ask why you didn't come to him sooner." She sighed "I know, but what if he decides he doesn't want to-" I heard Agustin take a couple steps "im sure he wouldn't leave you because of it. It happens alot more then you think mija. Y/n seems to be a very understanding person anyway. Just talk to him." I heard her sniffle "I know papi, but I-I just worry I'll lose him." Agustin sighed "Luisa mija, you won't lose him. Stop thinking like me. I can bet he'll want to be there for you through everything and at most, be upset you didn't tell him. Now come on and let's go talk to him." I turned and walked back to the stairs then acted like I just came off them when they turned the corner.

"Hey Y/n, Luisa needs to talk with you." She had been crying for a while "whats wrong mi vida?" She wouldn't look at me "can we talk in my room? Please?" I nodded "of course. Come on." I offered my hand and she didn't take it, but wanted my arm around her, so I left it there.

When we got to her room she walked over and sat on her bed before looking at me "I've been trying to find a way to talk to you about this. I felt it was best if you didn't know, but everyone else said it'd be best to tell you." I gave her a questioning look "ok...what is it?" I leaned against her dresser "I was pregnant, but I lost the baby." I watched her try to keep from crying "a-and I thought that if you knew I lost it you wouldn't want me anymore." I furrowed my brows as I looked at her "what made you think that? I wouldn't leave you cause of that." She had her as folded and rubbed her biceps "b-because that's what someone told me."

I could feel my anger rising "ok and who was it?" She didn't want to tell me "Luisa, just tell me. I ain't gonna kill em. Hurt em maybe, but I won't kill them." That actully depended on who it was. It wouldn't be the first time I killed somebody either and Luisa knew that. "S-Samuel. He works as a nurse at the hospital and when I went in he was the one who took care of me and told me that. I let him get in my head and I didn't mean to I just wasn't in a good frame of mind and I let it get to me and it didn't help that he kept trying to...touching me. If I tried to move away from him he'd hit me." I bit my tongue "im sorry he did what?" He was as good as dead. He better hope I don't find him or Luisa can talk me out of something. "Its ok Y/n. Just let it go."

I took a couple steps towards her "how can I just 'let it go' when he literally hit you. That's not ok Luisa. Not to mention attempting to touch you and if you tried to move away cause you were uncomfortable he'd hit you for it? I'm not letting it go this time. He did the same damn thing to Lilah a month ago and did it to Mirabel too. I'm putting an end to it for good." I watched fear flash through her eyes "Y/n don't. His parents will miss him and-" I sighed irritated she was trying to stick up for him still "well then maybe they should've done better raising his ass cause I'm about to burry it. And stop sticking up for him. If you can't get through the sentence without cryin he don't deserve to get through the week just living his best life." She sighed "im not trying to stick up for him Y/n, I'm just saying think of his family too. By all means you can beat him to a bloody pulp, but don't kill him. That's all I'm trying to say." I gritted my teeth "ok fine I won't, but I swear to god that if this lesson doesn't settle into his fat fuckin skull I won't let you talk me out of it next time."

I walked out of her room and almost ran into Camilo and Mirabel in the process "sorry." I watched them look at eachother a little funny before I disappeared. Luisa said nothing about leaving him for dead when I was done with him.

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