Pt 12

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"So you and Luisa huh?" I looked over at my sister who had walked in on me and Luisa making out earlier tonight "yeah..." she nodded "uh congrats I guess. Wish you would've told me instead of me finding out that way." I scoffed "well if you knew how to knock it'd be a different story. I told you not to come over tonight and you did anyway. Plus how the fuck did you unlock my door? I locked it. Also be glad we werent actully fucking." She laughed nervously "I've got a gift of picking locks ad trust me I am." I huffed "I noticed. Look I gotta record a song and finish writing another. I'll see you in the morning." She rolled her eyes "can't let your sister help you?" I chuckled "ok fine you can help me." She did her happy dance then stood up. "Lets gooo!" I only shook my head and followed her to my recording room.

"Really those are the lyrics?" I nodded "yeah, is there something wrong with them?" She shook her head "no. I love them." As I recorded the song Luisa called and Lilah turned everything off immediately while giving me a smug grin "what?" I walked over to her "that's your ring tone for her? Flesh by Simon Curtis?" I nodded "yeah cause she chose it." "Well here's your phone." I took it.

Y: hello?
L: hey, can you come over?
Y: yeah I can. What's wrong?
L: I'll talk to you when you get here. Come alone.
Y: ok I'll be over in a second.
L: ok. I'm not at home. I'm at the barn cause I was checking on the donkeys and someone followed me here.

"Shes didn't sound too good. Is she ok?" I shrugged "I dont know. She's scared though I know that." She sighed "well updated me please." I snorted "why would I do that when you could come help me beat someone's ass or comfort her while I beat their ass?" She grinned "im in!"

When I got to the barn someone was definitely watching me from below while Luisa watched me from above. "Lilah go up to Luisa." She nodded "whoevers here you better come out or it'll hurt alot worse if I gotta find ya." I heard someone shuffled their feet behind me and dodged an attack with a knife before grabbing the arm and spinning so fast they dropped the knife and couldn't move with how I held onto their arm "whatcha doing Samuel?" He cried out as I pushed his arm into a further up to make it more painful "I just wanted what you've been getting." I hummed "is that so?" He nodded "and I was jealous of you." I nodded "oh really? Well wanting what I'm getting isn't going to make it right if you kill me or force Luisa into it. True?" He didn't answer me I pushed dhis arm even further up and could tell it was about to pop out of place "OW!" I chuckled "answer me. Is it true?" He nodded "yes! Fuck, let me go."

I nodded "ok I will, but first..." I tied him to the main beam that held the barn up "I'd be careful moving too much ok buddy? Señor Rendon will be here to get you in the morning. Maybe this will give you a lesson." Luisa looked at him as she walked by "keep walkin darlin. He'll be fine." She looked away and walked out of the barn. "I'll walk you home ok? Lilah you can go home." She nodded and went on her way as I walked Luisa home, her hand in mine, "Luisa?" Her mother looked so worried "im ok mamá. Y/n made sure of it." Julieta looked at me "again? What am I going to do with you boy?" I chuckled "something. You'll do something." She sighed "was it Samuel again Luisa?" She nodded "damn that boy. He's going to jail this time and I'll make sure of it. He's always harassing you mija."

I turned to walk away when I noticed Luisa still had ahold of my hand "where do you think your going?" I turned back and looked at her "home so I can sleep." She giggled "not without a kiss your not." Julieta placed a hand over her mouth and watched on, shocked, as Luisa pulled me into a kiss and didn't let me go until she was content "goodnight mi amor." I smirked at her "goodnight darlin." She blushed and turned away from me.

"Only a month after his humber one song called 'Ride the lightning' the mysterious singer strikes again with a song called 'If it wasn't for trucks.' Its not number one, but number two in the US right now just behind his number one song called 'Freight Train' we are currently still waiting for his one song he released the name of just this week called 'Dangerous Man' and frankly I'm still on the edge of seat awaiting the release of this one." I chuckled listening to the radio as I made breakfast for me and my parents "I honestly don't know how 'Freight train' is the number one song. I mean it's got a good beat and it gets stuck in your head easy, but it's not as meaningful as 'if it wasn't for trucks' I mean the only thing keeping 'Freight train' on the top is a measly seven listeners." I looked to my front door as it opened and shut fast to see Luisa breathing hard and her back to the door "you good?" She nodded "im trying to hide from the town kids." I smiled at her "crawling all over you again?" She nodded "yeah."

My parents had only been here a few days and had yet to meet Luisa "whos this fine young lady?" She walked over to us and sat down next to my mother "this is Luisa, my girlfriend. Luisa, these are parents." She gave a shy smile, but I could see through it "your not that shy Luisa dont act like it." I turned my back to her to pull the food off the stove as I chuckled "I am too." I scoffed "yeah for about a day. Then a whole new side comes out." I glanced at her over my shoulder and she was blushing "your lucky I don't have anything to throw at you." I giggled "yeah I know cause if you did you'd probably throw it through me." My dad chuckled at us and my mom giggled "throw it through you? How is she supposed to do that son?" I looked at him "shes the strongest person on planet earth. She could tear someone in half with her pinky." He laughed "no offense Luisa, but girls aren't that strong."

She stared at him. Very hard, before shrugging "I gotta go move the church and get the donkeys back to the barn, so it was nice chatting with you." She didn't seem happy and I don't blame her "move the church? Is it just like a small portable one?" I looked at my dad after she left "no actually it's not. Come on I'll show you." They had scarffed down their breakfast, so I took them to where the church was "this is the church." My dad checked it out "it's solid stone honey. Just believe your son for once." He sighed "I just can't because-" "Oh excuse me Mr. L/n." Luisa almost bumped into him as she bent down to pick it up "I gotta see this." He walked over and crossed his arms and he stood next to me.

"Luisa we'll need it right over there by that-" the preacher pointed and she nodded "got it." Then she lifted it up and started to walk. As the bell swung back and fourth everyone came out to watch like normal then as she sat it down it shook the ground "gracias Luisa!" She waved at him "de nada señor."then she went on to collect the donkeys and my dad just stood there and stared at her wide eyed before my mother snickered "I told you to believe your son."

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