Pt 52 (NSFW)

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Warnings ⚠️: just a quick blow job ;)

I sat in a circle with everyone in our families that was over 18, that wanted to play, as we played a drinking game. We had to do the dare or take however many shots the person said. "Lilah, I dare you to put a blindfold on and let your partner do whatever they want to you." She narrowed her eyes "or..." I shrugged "or take two shots." She took two shots "Y/n. I dare you to take Luisas hand and guide it to where you want to be touched." I looked at Luisa who was red faced before taking her hand and placing it on my thigh only centimeters from my member.

"Luisa." She looked at Lilah almost as if she knew what she was going to say "I dare you to kiss down the front of Y/n." She bit her lip and looked at me as I smirked "dont look at me like that. Especially when you don't have a shirt on." Everyone laughed a little, but she completed the dare. Was I a bit aroused? Yes, but we don't talk about that. "Jonas wife. I'm sorry I don't know your name." Isa tried her best, but had a hard time with names "I dare you to rub your butt against Jonas body. Or take a shot." She took a shot.

"Casey I dare you to remove three pieces of clothing or take three shots." He removed three pieces of clothing "ok Luisa back to you. I dare you to show Y/n the part of your body you think he finds the sexiest, no clothes on that part, or take four shots." She bit her lip then glanced at me before glancing at the alcohol "I'll take the shots." This shocked practically everyone "Isa. I dare you to feed something to Casey with your mouth only. Or take a shot." She smirked at her sister as she found something edible. "Jona, I dare you to switch underwear with your wife or take two shots." They left the room then came back not long later "how do you wear these?" He squirmed uncomfortably "you'll get used to them." "Peter (Lilahs boyfriend) I dare you to do thr best impression of Lilah in the bedroom or take four shots." He did his best impression and none of us could hold in our laughter.

"Y/n." Why were picking on me and Luisa? "I dare you to send a dirty text to Luisa or take five shots." This kid didn't know what he was getting into. I wa snot one to back down from something like that. "Ok." You got up and left the room with Casey and Peter so she couldn't see what you were saying or doing.

Y: remember this darlin? Cause I do and I want to make you sound like this tonight.
Y: *😍mi amor😍 sent a video*
L: please do 🥵 this game is making me so horny

Casey and Peter started to whoop and holler at her reply.

Y: anything darlin wants 😉

"Is that like her bedroom name?" I chuckled at Y/n "I won't say no, but I won't say yes." We went and sat back down and I looked at Casey "I dare you to lick Isabellas inner thigh or take two shots." His eyes lit up and he went for it making her face go red. Jona and his wife left in the middle of it as they had kids to get back to. "Luisa." She looked at him "give Y/n a hickey on any spot on his body that he chooses or take two shots." I watched her eyes light up. She wasn't about to turn this one down.

"The necks fine." She smirked "any spot in particular?" I gave her the look of 'don't push it' and she giggled before making sure she found that one spot that makes me moan amd leaving one there. "I didn't know you had a spot on your neck that sensitive. I do however see you want revenge, so Y/n I dare you to choose any food item and lick it off Luisas body or take a shot." I grinned and stood up "I'll be right back." I got the chocolate syrup came back in the room with it and when I did both Casey and Luisas faces were beyond red.

"Stand up darlin." She stood up "turn your back to em." She turned sher back to them "lift your shirt." She decided to test the waters and didn't do it "Luisa." I gave her my 'don't push it' look again "lift your shirt." She lifted it and I completed the dare. Making sure to swirl my tounge around her nipples just enough it made her moan a little. "Peter. I dare you to go commando for the rest of the game or take three shots." He took three shots "Isa I dare you to massage Casey's intimate area, underwear stays on, or take a shot." The sisterly death daggers they shot one another was ridiculous, but Casey sure enjoyed himself. "Lilah, I dare you to remove Peter's underwear with your teeth or take four shots." She removed them then smirked at me "Y/n, I dare you to show us your favorite sex position or take six shots." I shrugged and looked at Luisa "you ok with that darlin?" She nodded.

I laid down on the floor, confusing everyone, then she climbed on top of me facing me and my hands instinctively found her hips "hold up! You mean to tell me you like it when she's on top?!" I chuckled as I sat up "oh fuck yeah I do. Drives me crazy when she's on top." She giggled and mumbled something, making me side eye her. "Luisa, I dare you to take Y/n to the closet and do an adult round of seven minutes in heaven." Casey bit his lip at the thought of it and Peter thiught he was just so clever, but Luisa wasn't one to drink much if any at all and she'd rather embarrass herself then drink in most cases.

Little snippet below here

She took me into her closet, as we were playing in her room, and closed the door behind us "undo your belt and pants." Was she serious? "Come on, quick." I did what she said and my excitement showed a little too much as she could tell this wasn't going to be a one round and done thing, but I sat on the chair anyway.

She licked up my shaft before swirling her tongue around the tip, then kissing it before kissing back down my shaft then back up it then taking me in her mouth and making sure she moaned just enough as she played with herself a bit it'd make me cum faster. She bobbed her head and pumped what she couldn't fit in her mouth as she rubbed circles on her clit "shit." Was I really this riled up? She just barely started and I'm already on the edge "cum in my mouth cowboy." I bucked my hips up as she deep throated me "mh" She was muffled, but I could tell by the sound she was probably going to cum at the same time I was "good girl." I bucked my hips again and came as I did "shiiit." She swallowed all of it then looked at the time "five mins left."

She moved her panties to the side "Luisa what are you- fuck" I tilted my head back as she slid onto me "sshh" I bit my lip as she started to bounce roughly, so I took this opportunity to play with her tits as she did "mh" She was so quiet when she moaned. I was in charge of the time now, so she was making sure to find any way she could to make me cum at the same time as her again, but just the sight of her riding my cock while rubbing circles on her clit and tilting her head back as she bit her lip was enough to make me cum, and not in a small amount either. Just like the one time it was prolonged when she came shortly after me "good girl, fuuck" We made sure to keep everything to a whisper then as she went to climb off me I shook my head and held her there a moment "dont move." I heard a giggle outside door and allowed Luisa to get up as it was coming down to the last twenty seconds.

Safe from here

When they opened the closet door to let us out they smirked at us "smells like sex in here. Anyway, we should probably all leave. Let you take care of Y/n one last time." They winked then took off out of the room before Luisa turned and looked at me "come here cowboy." She motioned with her finger for me to walk towards her. "I've got whipped cream and chocolate syrup in my mini fridge if you've got a sweet tooth again." I felt my cock throb "yes please Mami."

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