Pt 54

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"I promise to love her with all that I have I'll put no-thing above her and I won't turn my back." Your voice cracked as you were trying to record a song and Jona laughed "you ok? Your voice normally doesn't crack like that." You cleared your throat "yeah I just think I need to try a different song." He nodded "ok what one do you want to try?" "Track 5 time stamp eight fifty." He nodded "got it."

"All the crazy all the gypsy, I guess all I'm sayin is forgive me, if I don't know what I'm doing, I'm still learnin to be human. So far I've been good at burning bridges, strike a match and ride right out of town." You shrugged after trying several other songs "I dont know what it's about, but it's only with that song."


"It's been almost a year since he posted a new song, but Y/n L/n just released a new one called 'How to talk to girls' and it is the sweetest song I've ever heard. It was inspired by his fiance and daughter, but due to his fiances culture she won't be taking his last name like the song says, I guess a few of his fans weren't to happy about that and you want to know what he did? He blocked them on all social media. Talk about power move." As always Julieta had the radio on and everyone sat around listening to it "I have heard he's been having troubles recording a song for his wife for their wedding, I guess his voice cracks every time he tries singing it. Maybe it makes him emotional when he sings it? I don't know, but here's a clip of it..." Luisa found it concerning that people kept such close tabs on you. "This is 'how to talk to girls' by Y/n L/n."

"His one he released just yesterday is making incredible waves, this is 'Noise' by Y/n L/n aka The Mysterious Singer on TikTok."

Back to you

"I promise to love her, with all that I have I'll put nothing above her and I won't turn my back." You jumped up and down and started to yip and holler at not having your voice crack for once "FUCKIN FINALLY!" You were actually getting irritated from your voice cracking every time, so you got a little over excited when it didn't do it. "Bro calm down." You looked at him like you were going to kill him "you don't understand the shit I've been going through lately when it comes to singing and recording. Not to mention fuckin..." you sighed "fuckin two of my exs have been blowing up all my shit. I block em and they create new accounts, I get a new number and they somehow gets the damn thing again."

"Have you told Luisa?" You nodded "yeah I have. The dumb bitches, don't give two shits that I'm 'bout to be married either. Luisas tore their ass apart and they couldn't care a less. They've been fuckin some dude that looks like me and when ones not with him or he's out fuckin the other little whore the other ones blowin up my damn phone." He folded his arms "well it doesn't seem to he blowing up right now." You huffed "cause they mainly do the shit when I'm tryin to sleep." He laughed and shook his head "is it Willows mom?"

You glanced at him "she's one of em. I can't remember the other ones fuckin name. We should get goin. Luisa and your wife were supposed to spend time with eachother today and I don't need Luisa having any more baby fever then she already does." Jona started laughing "I thought you guys were trying to have one?" You rubbed your head before putting your hat back on "the last year we haven't been. Just been havin fun with it. Decided we should stop trying cause that's when things fuckin happen." He laughed some more "if that ain't the damn truth. Thats how we got the one we have right now two years ago and why shes pregnant."

"How far along are you again?" For some reason you were in the mood of craving Luisas touch, so you wasted no time in hugging her from behind and just staying there despite the odd looks you were getting "about eight months. Is the rumor of you being pregnant true?" You buried your face in the crook of her neck "uh I can't say. It'd be too early to tell even with a ultrasound and I don't really think I am anyway. Were you really drinking while pregnant the other night?" Katie giggled. "No I wasn't. I just drank water. I only asked because the whole town is talking about it and how you'll be an excellent mother and yada yada yada."

You hummed against Luisas neck "I won't be surprised if she is. I won't state why." You felt Luisa heat up "mi amor? What are you doing?" You hummed "I just want to touch you right now. Any way I can." You didn't get to just hold her this morning like you wanted to and normally did when you first woke up. "If you dont mind me asking when was the last time everyone is talking about that 'got you pregnant' since at the moment it's just a rumor." You finally let go of Luisa and sat down next to Katie "two days ago." Luisa flipped around and looked at you "technically it was yesterday morning, but oh well that's technically two days sinc eits almost dinner." "How do you know that but can't remember where you put your phone thirty seconds after you sit it down?" You shrugged "probably cause your damn tio walked in on us and made eye contact with me right as I was about to cum and it set me back."

Her face went red and she laughed a little nervously "I keep forgetting that happened." You rocked the chair back and put your hands behind your head "how the hell can you forget that happened he made eye contact with your ass too." She threw something at you and you calmly caught it one handed "just cause I was in my own little world at the moment ok?" You sat the spoon she threw at you down on the table "oh yeah we had a conversation about that." You laughed and Katie rolled her eyes "it's funny that you tease her about not remembering that, but you forgot about that conversation." You giggled "I don't know how she deals with me Katie, I really don't. I'm an asshole."

Your phone started to go nuts and you sighed before looking at the time "right on cue." You muted it "hey Y/n you want to know what would probably make them stop?" You looked at Jona "what?" Luisa handed you a sandwich "ok hold that thought Jona." You quit rocking in the chair and looked at Luisa "whyd you make me a sandwich?" She glanced around "because you seemed hungry." "I am, but what have I told you about making me a sandwich?" She sighed "I know, but screw your logic. I iust wanted to give you something to eat. You havent ate anything all day and you'll be a dick later if you dont eat this now." You shook your head "thats a fair argument." She stuck her tongue out at you "do it again and I'll give your a tongue a reason to be out."

Jona and Katie looked at one another with wide eyes then looked at the ground as Luisas face went red "God damn Y/n." You looked at him "what? I was teasing her." Jona sighed "well don't be so rude about it." Luisa looked at him "it's ok. I like it when he teases me like that." She winked at you and you raised your brows at Jona while pulling the face of 'ha now you can't say anything to me' "why do you like it?!" She shrugged "because I just do. Don't ask me that question." You looked at Jona "it's probably because the first time I ever did anything with her I said something like that, but in a completely different sense. It'd always excited her."

She glared at you and you grinned at her in a cocky manner before rocking back in the chair again not expecting her to throw something at you, but she also didn't expect it to hit you in the nuts and make you and the chair fall over at the same time, all the while you clutched yourself and let out a painful groan.

"Haha nice shot Luisa." Jona and Katie laughed, but Luisa knelt down next to you "are you ok?" You nodded "you sure?" You nodded again "I'm sorry mi amor." You groaned again "it's ok. I had it comin." It took you a minute, but you got up and started the chair up again before sitting down "what the hell did you throw at me anyway?" She picked up her mother's expensive package of salt and pepper shakers that weighed a couple pounds when put together and full of stuff.

"God damn. You don't get anything for a while for that." She scoffed "it was an accident. I didn't mean to hit you there." You smirked "well maybe you should kiss it better or some shit." You watched her eyes light up "I was jokin. Don't give me that look." You pointed at her and she bit her lip "please?" Katie and Jona just watched silently before you rolled your eyes "later, ok?" She giggled as you had a smirk appear on your face "how about now?" She threatened to sit so she was straddling you, you wondered if she forgot Jona and Katie were there.

She did eventually sit down and place her arms around your neck and purposely messed up your hat "you know you two are something else...but I'm happy you finally found someone who makes you smile like that Y/n." You placed you hands on her hips then looked at Jona "you have no idea how much happiness this woman brings me Jona, she makes me feel like a damn love-struck teenager all the time."

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