pt 64 (NSFW)

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Warnings ⚠️: this is a NSFW chapter. It is what mainly make sup the story part. There will be a warning before it starts.

"You know your fans are begging you to do a few shows, right?" I chuckled as I had agreed to pop in and answer a few questions on the radio station that Julieta always listened to "yeah I do. I plan to do a few soon, I really do, but I just..." Luisa walked in our room freshly out of the shower and I lost my train of thought "uh, damn I lost my train of thought for a moment there." The ladies giggled "but I just dont have the things I need to do any shows." I stared at Luisa as she let her towel fall and started to get dressed. "Your wife, many people love her account on TikTok because she makes quote on quote sexy videos of you. Did you know about this?" Luisa looked at me horrified as I laughed "I had a feeling that's why she records me so much, but no I had no clue she makes those. I mean I know alot of my fans ask for them and I always decline, but the last thing I expected was to learn my wife was making them for my fans."

"Speaking of your wife, is she in the room with you?" I glanced at her "yeah she is." They made an excited type sound "do you think she could answer a question?" She looked at me and I waved her over "yeah she probably can. Shes right here." She sat on my lap and I wrapped my arms around her "Luisa, that's your name right?" She looked back at me "dont look at me. You have no reason too." She huffed then wiggled a little "yeah that's my name." She wiggled a little more again and I placed my hands on her hips, warning her.

"Regarding your most recent video, how did you get that audio of him and those clips?" She hesitated " ways I will not share publicly. It's not bad, but it's not meant for everyone, usually I just ask for him to do something and he'll do it." She rolled her hips and I bit my lip. She wasnt fully dressed yet, so I knew what she was hinting at.

NSFW below this ages 16+

"How do you feel about his most recent song? You know, the one that's been number one for a month if not longer now?" She giggled, not realizing i had slipped my dick out of my underwear "I actually helped him write it and I love it. Human is usually his song he'll sing when he is really frustrated about something and I love hearing him sing it, but we do-nt" her voice cracked as I slid her panties to the side and teased her with my tip "often hear him, not on the radio no matter wh-what uh...sta-sta-station we uhm" she took a deep breath as I lifted her up slightly and pushed into her "we-we change it too."

"Y/n do you plan on making a few changes to anything in the near future?" I did a quiet groan as she slid up my shaft then back down it "nothing music related, but in life over all, yeah quite a few things." I heard a timer on their end go off "well thats all we could fit in for the day. We hope to do this again some time." I held back a moan "yeah, me too."

They hung up and I grabbed her hips "who said you could crash that in such a naughty way?" I thrusted up as she hesitated in what she was doing "I did." She stood up and went to walk off, but I pulled her back down "well I didn't and I damn sure didn't tell you we were done yet." She giggled "well I say we are." She bit her lip and stood up again as I watched her. "Well I say we arent." I stood up and trapped her against the end of the bed, making her lose her balance and fall back on the bed soon after.

"Fuck, Y/n." She was frustrated with me because I had tied her hands to the bed as I licked, kissed, nipped, and sucked on and around her clit "mh" I shoved my tounge into her as far as I could then curled my tounge "dont cuss me darlin. You brought this on yourself." She whimpered as I placed my hands on her thighs and squoze as I repeated my action both slower and faster "oh dios mio" she arched her back as I sucked on her clit a little "mierda" I stuck my tongue back in her and curled it again as I brought one of my hands to her clit and started to rub it "ah, ah, ai" I felt all her muscles relax as she came "such a good girl." I kissed her stomach as I made my way up her body to her mouth "you taste so good darlin."

I kissed her and she moaned into it as my hands roamed her body. "How'd you get so good at that?" I kissed her neck "my mom wasn't nice enough to send spoons in my lunch all my life. I had to eat pudding cups and fruit cups without anything cause the schools weren't nice enough to let you borrow one and none of my friends ever had spoons either, so that and experience, I guess." She giggled "well I'll have to thank your mom for it." I chuckled against her skin "by all means, go ahead."

Luisa couldn't form a words or even sounds as I pounded into her, I made sure to put pressure on her stomach so she could feel me better and she made sure I knew she felt me. "Fuck" I moved my hand from her stomach to the bed as my other held onto her hips "God damnit, your so beautiful like this darlin." I ran my hand up her side and groped one of her breasts "especially when you can't make a sound cause you feel so good." She suddenly tightened on me without warning and her breath was shaky "there you go darlin." She caught her breath and was finally able to let out a quiet moan "joder" she drew in a sharp breath as I came "good girl, oh fuck you're such a good girl. You took my cock so nice." I untied her hands from the bed after my high went away and she relaxed her legs after a while.

"Why can't you fuck me like that more often?" I looked at her as I walked dout of the bathroom "because I dont want to take the chance of hurting you." I kissed her again and she kept me there a moment "do you want more darlin?" She kissed down my neck as I checked the time "we've already been at this all day." She giggled "I know. I just want to hear you moan more. And technically it hasnt been all day." I chuckled and rolled my eyes "ok miss technicalities, and if that's what you want then you know how to get it."

Safe past here

"Where have you two been all morning? It's almost past noon." I chuckled as I walked past my father "correction, it is past noon and I can't tell Luisa no sometimes. She made a offer I couldn't refuse, so take it up with her." She stayed in our room to make sure she was fully back in reality before she came down to do her chores and help mom and dad pack because they decided Encanto wasn't for them and were going to head back home to the ranch they never sold. "And that was?" My mother turned the corner and I jumped "it's a little private." My dad caught on and laughed as my mother's face went red "gosh darn you boy." She swatted me with her oven mits "your going to run that poor girl into the ground before you two ever have a kid, other then Willow." I giggled and ran from her "technically-" she waved her hand in the air "I don't want none of that technically crap either." I giggled some more.

When Luisa entered the room she walked sorta stiffly and it was visible she was already sore. "Oh yeah, thanks Serenity." My mother gave her a funny look "for what...?" Luisa looked at me "for never send spoons in Y/ns lunches as a kid." My dad found this hilarious since he caught on way before my mother did "you're...welcome?" My dad ended up explaining to her what she was meaning as Luisa picked up a couple of their bags that were beyond heavy "mom what the hell is in these bags?" She looked at me as Luisa picked up some more "just some very special valuables that are a tab heavy."

I huffed as I tried to pick up a bag "a tad heavy? Mom Luisa is like two hundred and fifteen pounds and I can pick her up easy, these are more then just a tad heavy. Are they grandma's valuables?" She nodded "God damnit woman. Those things are over a hundred pounds each, how many are do you have in these damn bags?" She was quiet as she thought "like, I dont know, five or six. Wait no, it's more like seven or eight." Luisa walked over and picked up the bag "so they are each nine hundred pounds?" My mother nodded at Luisa "yeah, give or take."

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