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I wanted to help Y/n so bad, but it scared me. I did my best to fight without hurting anyone, but I was getting super anxious and nervous, and I was stressed too, so it made me worry about the baby, but when I watched him get hit with some sort of long tazer with a u on the end then get tazed by it, something in me just snapped. He had always done his best to protect me regardless of how hurt he got or was, and here I was, practically just standing here watching him get tortured because I was too scared to do anything. I watched for another second as he got zapped, and that's when everything went black.

I didn't feel a pain or anything, but everything went black, and when I came back around, there was blood everywhere, but the girls were gone. I looked around, confused when Casey and Lilah ran over to me.

"Luisa oh dios mio, are you ok?" I nodded as I sat up, and I rubbed my forehead, "si, but my head hurts." They helped me up. "Where's Y/n?" They looked at each other, to the ground, then to me "is he ok?" I was starting to panic now. "He's fine. It's just-" they looked up as some paramedics came through the door. "We'll tell you more at the hospital, ok?" I nodded. "Alright." On the ambulance ride there, I got asked so many questions.

"Do you smoke?" I shook my head. "Do you drink?" I shook my head again. "Are you allergic to anything? Like medication and food wise?" I paused to think for a moment, "not that I know of." I thought only nurses were supposed to do this? Well then, again, she might be one with how big of a team they sent out. "Ok, and are you or have you been sexually active at all?" My face went red, and I could feel it in my cheeks. "I'm currently eight and a half months pregnant." She made a slightly shocked face, "I couldn't tell. You must be carrying the baby in your back." I nodded. "I usually don't, so he just must be back there today." She nodded "well congratulations. Would you mind me checking both you and baby out on our way to the hospital? We were short stagged today, so there's nurse's and some doctors on the ambulances today, so I promise I know what I'm doing."

I really wished Y/n was here, so I felt more comfortable with her examining me. "Go ahead." The very first thing she did was check the baby and its heartbeat. "Do we know what we're having?" I sighed, "well I won't say yes, but I won't say no. We were told it was a boy by one nurse, but then we were told it was a girl by two others." She now started to check me out and make sure I wasn't hurt at all. "How long had the first nurse been working there?" I shrugged. "I think about two weeks, that's with ultrasounds." She nodded "well whoever has worked there the longest with the higher rate of being right, you should believe." She smiled and winked at me. "As for me, I saw a healthy baby. I'm going to take your blood pressure now, ok?" I nodded, and she tried putting the cuff on my arm, but it wouldn't fit.

"Would you mind sliding up your sleeve a bit, please?" I slid it up, and her eyes got huge as did the two other guys who were in the back with us "on second thought, never mind. I don't think we have one that big." I blushed a little. "Sorry, I'm always helping around town back at home, and that includes all the heavy lifting and hard work, I've slowed down recently, but I still do it." She gave me a concerned look "well don't overdue it, ok?" I shrugged "its all easy to me, like picking up a pillow or a grape." She giggled "well still, it can make the baby come early, not like you have much time left, but still." The ambulance came to a stop, and the back doors opened. "Will you be alright walking in?" I nodded "ok then, let's go."

Small time skip

After I was checked out and deemed as fine, Lilah and Casey caught me in the waiting room, talking to Y/ns mother. "He's asleep right now. They said we'll be able to visit him when he wakes up in a few hours. In the meantime, do you want to go get some food? Do any of you want food, I should say." Lilah and Casey both nodded as they held the twins. "Ok then, let's go. They'll call us when he wakes up."

As we sat in the restaurant, I kept having people stare at me, I wasn't sure why, but they wouldn't stop, and it was making me uncomfortable. "Would it be ok if I just take my food and eat it elsewhere?" They looked at me concerned. "Why?" I looked around at all the people staring at me, and that's when Lilah stood up "to everyone who is staring at my brothers wife either stop or I'm gonna scoop your eyes out with a rusty spoon someone used for drugs so I know your gonna get an infection!" Everyone immediately looked away and never looked at me again, so I was able to eat my food, "gracias Lilah." She nodded. "Dont mention it, girl. People around here just have staring problems." I was just getting ready to take my last bite of food when my phone rang, and it was Y/n.

L: hello?
Y: I need you
L: are you crying?
Y: ...yeah, b-but I need you, p-please.

He hiccupped from crying so hard.

L: I- ok, I'll be there really soon, ok?
Y: ok-k I love you so much, I'm so sorry.
L: don't be sorry, ok mi amor?
Y: ok. I love you with everything I have.
L: Y/n...

I gave his mother and Lilah a look of 'we need to go, now' so we packed up, and we took off for the hospital, I stayed on the phone with him the whole way there and even up to his room. When I walked in, I hung up, "Luisa I-" I was to the side of his bed and had him wrapped in my arms before he could say anything else, and he just sobbed into my shoulder the whole time "sshh, sshh, sshh, take a breath and  breathe Y/n, it sounds like your hyperventilating." He tried his best to take a breath. "Im sorry. I just thought I wasn't gonna see you again, and it scared me." I rubbed his back. "I thought the same thing about you." I felt the tears start to well up in my eyes now. "I felt so worthless just standing there watching, but I was scared of-" he cut me off, "losing or hurting the baby?" I nodded. "Yeah." Silence fell over us as he started to calm down when out of the blue he goes. "You're the best wife I could've ever asked for. I hope you know that." Which only sent me into a sobbing fit.

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