Pt 20

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You drove to the airport with Willow in the back seat and your parents in the car as well. "What do you want to listen to Willow?" She thought "your new song!" You chuckled "ok hold on." You got the music recording pulled up as you hadn't recorded the song yet, then you sang it to her and she sang along with you "ok what one next?" She didn't hesitate to answer with "stronger!" Making you chuckle again "ok." You went to pull up the song when you hit the wrong button and it switched to the radio.

"Everyone should listen to this song and understand that even men need someone to lean on. We can't always be the strong ones in the relationship. It's perfectly ok to be the one whos the broken one or have the woman be the one to comfort you when you break. This song needs to be in number one. It has a good meaning to it. This is 'stronger' by the mysterious singer on TikTok." They played the song and Willow sang along to it and your dad gave you a confused look "this kid has been releasing songs left and right. I want to know what got into him. Don't get me wrong I love his music, but he's released 3 songs in the last week and all three are sitting in the first, second, and third spot, then about two other songs are in the top ten too. He's been blowing artists out of the water that have been in the game a hell of alot longer then he has and-" you changed the radio station "that's enough of that."


"Luisa do you know who the singer is?" Isabella wouldn't shut up about it "I mean you never talk to me about how hot he is anymore and how amazing his voice is or any of that, so you have to know who it is." Luisa sighed "Isa if I knew who it was you'd be the first person I'd tell." Luisa felt bad for lying to her, but not knowing if you wanted your secret out or not yet she didn't want to just tell her either "I don't know you've been acting kinda suspicious." Luisa looked at her in a panicked way "how?" Isa pointed at her "like that!"

They sat and argued for a while until Dolores leaned in "She totally knows who it is. They never talk about it where I can hear them, but it's either Y/n, Casey, Ethan, or one of Y/ns brothers." Isa looked at her, betrayed "you know and haven't told me?" She sighed "I don't know if he wants his secret out or not yet and you tend to get so excited you accidentally tell everyone without meaning to." Isa knew she had a point, but was mad at her for still not telling her. "I'll get it out of you one way or another."

As Luisa sat a house down she felt someone small run into her then herd them hit the ground "oh my goodness are you ok?" Luisa picked up the little girl and sat her up on her feet "yes I'm ok Ms. Luisa." She now realized she was talking to and knelt down infront of Willow "Willow get back here. Your dad won't be happy you got away from me." She recognized that voice "oh hello Luisa." She stood up as she met eyes with your mother "hola señora." Your mom stuck her hand out for Willow to take and she wouldn't, but grabbed Luisas hand "I don't want to go shopping with you mamaw." Your mother sighed "do you mind watching her?" Luisa shook her head "not at all. I just have a few things to do and she can tag along with me." Your mother did a sigh of relief "thank you so much. She has such a hard time listening to me. She normally only listens to her dad. Speaking of which he's back at his place." She motioned with her hands that you were writing a song "and needed some time to himself, so I offered to take Willow."

Luisa nodded "ok. When I'm done with my chores I'll stop by his place." Your mother nodded then went on her way and Luisa gave a small tug on Willows hand "come on lets go." Willow followed willingly to Casita where Luisa introduced her to la familia. "Luisa?" Luisa looked up at Camilo "did you have a kid without us knowing?" She laughed "no. This is Y/ns daughter, Willow." Camilo came down the stairs and got a closer look at her "shes identical to him." Luisa nodded "I know."

About this time everyone usually started to show up to Casita for lunch, so Luisa picked Willow up and sat her on her shoulders making Willow giggle as Luisa walked around and showed her Casita "this is Casita." Casita 'waved' at her "hello Casita." Luisa made her way to each door and explained it to her "will I get a door then?" Luisa nodded "if I marry your dad then yes." Willow scoffed "what do you mean if? You will marry him. He loves you too much to not propose. If you dont say yes I'll cry until I die." Luisa chuckled "I said if as a habit." Willow placed her hands on top of Luisas head then sat her chin on her hands "do you want to meet mi familia?" "What does that mean?" "My family." Willow giggled excitedly "yeah I do." Luisa made her way to the stairs to meet her family in the kitchen.

"Where is Luisa? Mirabel have you seen her?" Mirabel shook her head as Luisa walked into the kitchen after sitting Willow down "im here Abuela. I was just showing Willow around Casita." Alma looked at Luisa "who is Willow?" Willow stood on her tiptoes to see Alma over the table "im Willow. My daddy is Y/n." Luisa picked her up and sat her on the chair Casita had brought over for her "oh. Luisa why do you have her?" Luisa looked at Willow "because she wouldn't listen to Y/ns mother." Everyone nodded slowly then watched as Luisa acted like Willow was hers. That was the moment Alma knew things were just meant to be between Luisa and You.

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