Pt 62

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"What are you doing darlin?" He looked at me as I stood next to the bed trying to get dressed for the day "getting dressed, what are you doing?" He did one of his sleepy groans as he rolled over onto his side and an all too familiar rush went over me. "Wishing I was still cuddling you." I smiled "I can always climb back in bed." He chuckled, still on the verge of asleep and awake, and his morning voice was getting to me "please?" He pouted at me "ok ok. You don't need to pout at me cowboy." He giggled and rolled back onto his stomach.

He thought he was slick about it, but I watched him adjust himself as he rolled onto his stomach which told me he had morning wood. It wasn't unusual for him to get it, but sometimes it surprised me when he would. "Y/n?" I paused on his back, so I was straddling him and ran my hands up his scarred back. "Hm?" I didnt want to make him wake up fully, but I almost never got a moment where I could be in control unless I caught him off guard or asked him and I felt weird asking him. "You need help with something?" He shook his head the best he could "no. Just sleep and some cuddles." He's such a kid when he's tired and happy and I love it.

I ran my hands over one of his most sensitive scars. "Mh." He turned his head and looked at me from the corner of his eye "what're you up to darlin?" I giggled "nothing. Can I not just tickle your back?" He took in a big breath "not it your going to keep running your hands over that scar. What's been your obsession with it lately anyway?" He was more awake now "I want to know how you got it. It's new as are the others and I think they're sexy." He huffed "remember how I told you I was asked to start that one damn colt or mule or whatever the fuck it was?" I nodded and continued to run my hands up and down his back. "Little fucker was a psychopath. Flipped over on me onto of one of Isabellas plants and I got impaled. It went in here and out here and those other two are from the same thing. Your mamá gave me food, but it left a scar or two. Now you know, happy?" I shook my head "not yet."

He rolled over so he could place his hands on my hips "not yet?" I nodded and rolled my hips making his grip tighten a little "well maybe I'll have to make you happy then. I can't have you walkin around upset the day after our wedding." I giggled "I'd like that." He smiled "just let me use the bathroom first darlin." As he shut the door, in came his father. "Y/ns mother wanted me to bring these to you guys." He held out a fairly large plate "gracias." I took it from him and got up to put it in the kitchen, when I was walking back I heard Y/n talking with his father and paused outside the door.

"No im not doin that dad. It's fuckin wrong." I heard a scoff "you've done it before, so just do it again, get us a grandson, earn custody, have Luisa adopt him, and boom. Don't have to keep trying." There was silence "...I did that when I was seventeen, and what's with everyone wantin a boy? No one wanted one or cared about what we were tryin for until me and Luisa spoke about it. Now, God forbid if I'm asked what position we fucked in and I said one where she was on top, cause of that damn belief that's been in the family for years. So what if it's true? If we have a kid together I shouldn't have to worry about my own family treating it differently just because it 'didn't come out the right gender' or some other dumb fuck reason." The tension with these two was ridiculous.

"We want a boy because you guys do" "bull fuckin shit." I've never heard Y/n this upset before and this silence was killing me "...just go the fuck home." I heard a pop then a couple thuds "stop standin around like you got rocks for brains and get the hell out of my house. Unless you come here with mom I don't want you here again." His dad went to argue with him, but Y/n always found a way to make sure he was drowned out before his dad stomped out of the house.

"You ok?" He was sitting on the edge of the bed "yeah." I shifted my weight from one foot to the next "you sure? What even started all of that mi amor?" He sighed "he jokingly asked me if we did anything last night and I told him no and he got upset. Started going off on a bunch of stuff and everything else. Then he told me to cheat on you to see if I had any luck getting someone else pregnant and it was just a mess." I walked over and put my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist before burying his face in my chest "I just give up with anything anymore. He's been going off in me for fuckin everything." I smirked "I didn't know you were fucking everything." He started to laugh "shit." He shook his head as he moved his hands to my ass and gave a squeeze as he guided me up onto his lap "well I know there's one person that I'd like to right now. She's the most gorgeous woman I know too." My face went red and I knew it with how he smirked at me.

His love language wasn't/isnt always compliments, so I still get a little flustered when he decides to say something like that. "Well I think she likes that idea and thanks you for the compliment." He smiled at me as I leaned in to kiss him. Something was different about the kiss, but a good different.

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