Pt 63 (NSFW)

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Warnings ⚠️: NSFW and it might be a long one.

"Darlin, hey can you work this knot out of my shoulder please?" She nodded with a smile "of course. Just lay or sit on the edge of the bed." You sat down. It had been a long day and you had done just about everything while Casey flirted with Isabella. From repairing a saddle to braiding some rope to rotating the hay around, your shoulders were slightly shot. You had done these things for the last 3 days without help and your body was tired.

She giggled at your groan as she worked at one of the knots in your shoulders/back "you're so tense cowboy. Casey didn't help you again today did he?" You shook your head "no he didn't." She hummed "well I'm sorry." You shrugged "im used to it by now, so it's no big deal." She sighed a little "but it is Y/n. Say something to him or I will. It's not fair how tired you've been the last couple nights. You havent showered in three days because your so exhausted mi amor. I know that would help your muscles too."

"Are you sure its been three days?" She nodded and placed a gentle kiss on your cheek "yes I'm sure Y/n. Now go take a shower before I throw soapy water on you. You stink." She nudged you towards the bathroom "what if I don't want to shower?" She shot you a glare "I was only kiddin darlin. I just have to fit some clean-" she spun you around and pushed you gently towards the bathroom. "I'll get you some clean clothes, now go." You huffed "ok ok I'm goin. Calm your tits."

You had undressed and what shower when Luisa entered the bathroom "heres your clothes, cowboy." You chuckled on the other side of the curtain "gracias hermosa." You didn't hear the bathroom door open and shut again, so you knew she was still in the bathroom "what are you up to?" The curtain pulled back and she stepped in with you "I just want to shower with you." You shook your head with a smile "you sure that's all? You forgot to take your hair out darlin and you only forget to do that when you have somethin else on your mind." You leaned over her with your arm above her "and you've been looking at me like you've been horny all day too." She smiled in a mischievous manner "well maybe I do have that on my mind. Besides we've never had shower sex before, I think it'll be fun."

She placed her hand on your chest "let me take your hair out first. If it gets wet it'll be a mess to get out and-" she pulled on the ribbon that kept her hair back and it fell about halfway down her back. "I forget you don't use hair ties." She smiled with a small giggle "I know. Now move over your hogging the water." You playfully rolled your eyes "you'll think hoggin the water when I-" the bathroom door swung open "sorry mi hija I have to borrow some of your cotton swabs Y/n in here too? I didn't interupt something did I?" You and her looked at eachother and her face went red "yes he's in here and no papa you didn't. Can you please knock next time just in case we are busy?" Agustins face went a little red out of embarrassment "of course mija. I'll leave now. Sorry for intruding." She groaned and you chuckled.

"Just in case we're busy huh?" She huffed at you as she ran her hands through her hair "si, I'm not going to say...something else, to my papa. It's embarrassing." She turned her back to you and you slowly reached out before snaking your arms around her and stepping towards her so you were both under the water. "Well I'd like to do that something else you won't say." She hummed "is that so?" You nodded as you buried your face in the crook of her neck "it is so. And I think youd look good with your back against the wall or your face shoved against it with your legs spread. Either way I'd like to see them both eventually." She bit her lip "well maybe, just maybe I'd like to wrap my legs around you." She could feel you getting hard, but she could also feel your hand slowly wandering down south towards her pussy too.

Ages 16+ below here

Your hand found her folds, so you ran your fingers between them a few times then started to rub gentle circles on her clit as your other hand played with one of her breasts "mh" her hands found the back of your head as you started to leave kisses up and down her neck "what's with you being gentle mi amor?" You smiled against her skin "cause I want too. We're also in the shower and we could slip and fall and thats the last thing I want to explain to your parents." She giggled "good point." She spread her legs a little further for you as you slipped two fingers into her "mh, mm" her eyes rolled back slightly "how long have you wanted me mi vida? Your so wet and sensitive."

You started to pump your fingers in and out of her at a pace that was painfully slow for her "faster." You sped up just enough "mh, just like that." She moved her hips a little and you pulled your fingers out of her "hey...I was enjoying that." You chuckled as she turned around in your arms "I know, but I was just warming you up mi vida." You leaned in and kissed her "but I want to cum on your fingers." You started to kiss the other side of her neck "I know, but I don't want you to cum yet darlin."

Your hands found her ass and gave it a squeeze making her do a small moan "such a good girl. Can you moan for me again darlin?" You put her back against the wall so the water was mainly hitting you and she lifted her one leg, allowing you to grab it "maybe, are you going to give me a reason too?" She stared deep into your eyes as your smirk turned into a smile and you kissed her again and lined yourself up with her entrance "maybe." You pushed into her slowly and you both groaned "fuckin christ darlin" you burried your face in the crook of her neck "you feel so good cowboy" you slid out slowly and pushed back in just as slow "oh dios mio" she arched her back a little.

"Ah" you smirked at her "such a good girl." She bit her lip as you sped up "joder, Y/n" you could feelher growing tighter already "darlin we've just started." You nipped her earlobe "unless you've just wanted me that bad all day." You thrusted up hard and she gripped at her own wrist to keep from scratching at your back "you like that darlin?" She nodded "si" you groaned "fuckin good." She loved you talking to her like this. You hadn't done it it a while, so it was doing things to her in all the right ways.

You made sure to rub circles on her clit to help her cum faster. "Mierda, I'm cumming Y/n." You didn't say anything, only concentrated on making sure she felt good.

You stepped out of the shower and dried off then made your way to the bed where you started to jerk off since you knew Luisa would probably take a while longer in the shower. "Fuuck" you tilted your head back "mmhh" you closed your eyes, feeling your release on the edge. "God" you drew in a sharp breath "fuckin- ah" Luisa walked out right as you finished "hey, I hurried for you mi amor." You looked at her "sorry I just..." she walked over just in her towel "you were impatient." You rolled your eyes "yeah, well-" she grabbed your hand and licked your cum off it then went for your cock, doing the same thing "damn" She giggled feeling your hand find her hair.

She swung a leg over you and placed one of her hands on your chest "why won't you dominate me mi amor? Bend me over the bed? Tie me up? Make me scream? I want that." You bit your lip "because where's the fun in doing it like that when I could just do this?" You swiftly moved, so she was bent iver the bed and you had ahold of her hands then shoved your length into her "JODER, Y/N!" You surprised her, but that wasn't her surprised scream and you new it.

You grabbed onto the back of her neck with one of your free hands as you slammed in and out of her roughly "Y/N, AH, AH, JODER" her sounding like this already had you on the edge again "fuck darlin" you moaned "you're such a good girl for taking my cock like this Luisa." She huffed, having a hard time catching her breath "come on, cum on my cock darlin. I know you want too." She groaned loudly as you felt her start to tighten on you "good girl darlin. Good girl" you moaned the last part and that's when Luisa felt the wave wash over her, but you didn't stop "OH DIOS MIO!" You felt her walls start to pulsate "just a little longer darlin."

You felt her legs start to shake "fuckin christ" you pushed yourself as far into her as you could and readjusted the hold you had on her wrists, so you held onto one in each hand instead of her neck as you sped up "Y/n I-I can', please" you came right as you noticed the tears in her eyes "fuckin damnit" you tilted your head back and caught your breath before realizing you had ahold of her wrists as tight as you could hold them, so you let them go and pulled out of her "im so sorry darlin."

Safe from here

"It''s ok" She winced as she pushed herself up with her arms "no, it's not. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hold onto your wrists that hard." She huffed "Y/n it's ok. You've done it before and what did I tell you then?" You rubbed the back of your neck "that it was ok and not to overthink about it, but-" she sighed "just get dressed." She threw clothes at you "its almost time for our evening chores and I'm not going to sit here and argue with you because you feel bad and won't believe me or listen to me when I tell you it's ok." You looked away from her as she slipped a shirt on "I just can't help it sometimes ok? That's just me." She walked over and squatted down infront of you as you made a aorry attempt to get dressed "I know mi amor, but I promise it's ok. Mamás food will heal it. It won't take the bruises away, but it will make them not hurt anymore and you know that." She kissed you "so take a deep breath and come finish your chores when your dressed ok?" You nodded "ok."

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